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Joined 03/21/2019 Achieve Points 1000 Posts 1509

Almaniarra's Comments

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Sorry for spamming but I need to add this;

    I know this will be confusing for new players since it is not a classic mechanic but Kidnapper would have great flavor if it has a text as "Combo: Choose a minion. It goes Dormant until this dies." Basically a Moat Lurker which doesn't activate deathrattles.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    It is mostly same with all of digital card games.

    In MTG, it is a bit different. You draw 7 cards, if you don't like them, put all of them to your deck and draw new 6, you can mulligan it again but draw 5 cards and 4 and 3 and 2 and 1 same with physical version. After a bit they changed that system for digital version (MTG:A) but i left the game so really don't remember how they changed it.

    Btw, When you mulligan, it doesn't give the same card to you, it gives another copy of it I believe and only Highlander decks can protect you from this kind of situation which are the decks that you can only put 1 copy of a card to your deck which isn't really a thing and supported in Runeterra.

    Mulligan has its own balance in my opinion. It is same for your opponent too and if there is no RNG factor in card games, it won't be so different than chess-like games and in those games, all players are equal and shares same resources which isn't valid for card games. In card games, like you said in your OP, there are archetypes as Aggro, Control, Combo, Midrange. If mulligan and card drawing RNG are not in games, most of the games will be same and you will know that you will win or lose when you face a countering archetype so you will basically concede at turn 1 which will cause game to death, I mean, noone will continue to play that game. Mulligan and drawing is all same in card games. Some card games like Pokemon TCG has some tools to abuse it. There is a card in Pokemon TCG for example, put cards in your hand to deck and makes you draw same amount. That game's system let's you do that and that abuse doesn't really matter because of its system but it will matter in games like Runeterra and Hearthstone. Btw, There is also a card in Hearthstone as Plot Twist, but in Pokemon TCG, there is a different system with trainer cards etc. so you don't spend same resource for playing that card like Hearthstone. There is a different system which might confuse you more right now and takes some time because i need to explain whole system here to make you understand but there is no point for doing that. :D

    So, in my opinion, In games like Runeterra, Hearthstone and MTG:A, this card draw and mulligan system is a must that lets archetypes help to recover in rough situations sometimes because of bad mulligan of your opponent.

    That being said, any deck that has god-draw and mulligan can beat any deck. That is true mostly and here comes mulligan and RNG on card draws to balance it.

    These are half my opinions and half some explanations. I hope you understand my explanations and the points of my opinions. You don't need to embrace them tho. :)

    In reply to Mulligan system
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From Almaniarra

    I like the Bestial Wrath's existence but i would really be happy if they change it with The Beast Within which is a Green-like card of MTG that suits very well with Hunter as well.

    I mean, if some new player wants to play a control-ish Hunter, I mean one of bigger hunters, I think that they should use that card for some removal tool. I really like its synergy with cards like Wild Bloodstinger and cards with Rush and Lifesteal. I was using it with Vicious Scalehide + Dire Frenzy to get some healing.

    I don't think that it doesn't fit classic also. It fits classic very well in my opinion.

    The Beast Within is a bit complicated though in terms of mechanics so I'M not sure it's a good core card.

    Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but how does Wild Bloodstinger synergize with either of these cards?

    Wild Bloodstinger is just an example of a big minion but also synergizes well. When you play Wild Bloodstinger on t6-t7against an aggro or midrange deck, generally it kills the minion that it summons and stays alive with its fat health stat for most 6-mana minions. So The Beast Within helps with removing another minion on board if you are behind so makes a really good tempo swing.

    I really don't think it is complicated. I always believe that hunter needs a card that makes your beast attacks a target since beta which is the core mechanic of hunters in both mmo and rts (wc3) and they designed it on RR finally (!) which I think is too late. Kill Command should have been this effect at start in my opinion. It fits best with its effect and lore both.

    I hope, at some time, Blizzard adds it to core set. It is a basic CCG mechanic also. I really didn't understand how you do think it is complicated.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I like the Bestial Wrath's existence but i would really be happy if they change it with The Beast Within which is a Green-like card of MTG that suits very well with Hunter as well.

    I mean, if some new player wants to play a control-ish Hunter, I mean one of bigger hunters, I think that they should use that card for some removal tool. I really like its synergy with cards like Wild Bloodstinger and cards with Rush and Lifesteal. I was using it with Vicious Scalehide + Dire Frenzy to get some healing.

    I don't think that it doesn't fit classic also. It fits classic very well in my opinion.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Weren't you already with us ? I've thought that you re not active but following this forum.

    Anyways Welcome Back ! :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Doctorpoptarts

    I like the Cobalt Spellkin and Rain of Toads rotated out.

    oh right, i need to find a replacement, I always thought that card is from Rise of Shadows.

    Edit: I've added Nithogg + The Lurker Below for 2x Rain of Toads. It won't give same value with King Phaoris and won't give same protection that Rain of Toads will give but well, I couldn't find better replacements for that slot.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Use Hoard Pillager if you want to summon more Reliquary of Souls and Cobalt Spellkin for more value.

    I was using Hoard Pillagers for my King Phaoris + The Fist of Ra-den and i can say that it generates great value.

    It is a meme deck so use all of the memes that you can use.

    also don't use Galakrond, drop all of Invoke cards for the cards that i suggested above + you would want to use some spells that you can target Reliquary Prime so Ancestral Spirit is better than Vivid Spores in this deck and if you would add Ancestral Spirit you can also use Walking Fountain.

    So the deck i'm suggesting is shaping like this;

    Deck ID Not Found

    I would use this deck instead. Fun meme tho. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    If you completed your champions just don't. It gives 600 shards instead but there is still chances that it can be upgraded to champion wildcard tho. I've played mine, got 1200 shards + 1 champion wildcard + shards from my wins which i really don't remember. Since I also finished all of my regional rewards and those experiences only gives me vault level (There is not another reward tree; you can see this thread of me), expeditions gives me nothing but shards now.

    So, if you completed regions and champions like me, just save your tokens for future.

    Well, I really don't know after new changes, They will activate those season road level or not because it now gives unlimited vault levels so it might be possible to be activated it right now.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    If they trade with the spores into your spore, your spore should lose all buffs according to the text so buffing the card isn't worth it.

    This card is a Trolden card that's it.

    oh well, That's what i didn't consider.

    So, this brings new thoughts to my mind. It seems i shouldn't try to buff them. Instead of buffing them, I should resummon them with priest but first i need to conjure some win-condition for it.

    Thanks for being an inspiration. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DelkoHS

    Yeah it turns into a 1/2, as the text doesn't say "a copy of this minion".

    While your Libram Paladin seems good, I still think a Pure version will be stronger due to the Lightforged cards.

    I also think that pure version is even more consistent and stronger but well, that is the obvious one that everyone will try and i can't use Lightforged minions because the obvious reason, Infectious Sporeling is a neutral one and you know it might lie at the bottom of the deck. :)

    This deck's existence is just for Infectious Sporelings. The first reason that I choose to play with Paladin and Librams is they are the best 2-cost buffs right now. I don't build this deck just because I want to make Librams viable, I built it because I want to make Infectious Sporeling viable. Viable Librams are another story. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Can you help me refine this deck or would you say it is refined enough ? I guess i need a bit of help of you guys.

    A neutral Polymorph Idea allured me when I first saw Infectious Sporeling. At first, I have tried a build a deck with Priest. Even though priest is one of the greatest class that i can protect Infectious Sporelings, it doesn't have a 2-mana buff right now so it decreases the power level of the t1 Infectious Sporeling.

    After some thinking and checking all the cards, I've decided to put Infectious Sporelings to the Libram deck. There are great 2-cost buffs which I can abuse Infectious Sporeling's effect more but I can't be sure the deck is on its best state after I built it.

    I'm open to all suggestions except replacing Librams and Infectious Sporeling.

    Deck ID Not Found

    What are your thoughts about the deck?

    Do you think I should keep dragons and dragon synergistic cards or I should build something different than dragons  for example ?

    Do you think this deck can stick board at early game ?

    Do you think draw and card generation is enough ?

    Thanks for everyone that will suggest or read this thread.

    Ps. Btw i guess when buffed Infectious Sporeling deals damage to a minion, it will change it to 1/2 version, isn't it ? Not the buffed version. At least i understand it like that from its text.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I don't know how viable it would be but i really like The Voraxx in buff Paladin. I always loved its synergy with Spikeridged Steed and now considering Libram of Wisdom might be decreased to (0) mana and regeneratable, it might be a good piece for this deck. Its tokens might also give you more Libram of Wisdoms as well. I would probably drop Lightforged Crusaders and add 2nd Spikeridged Steed for The Voraxx fantasy. It might be also better for your mana curve imo. Don't you think 7-mana slot is so heavy in the deck ?

    Well, I might consider to put Spirit of the Tiger out too for The Voraxx but it would break pure synergy.

    I also want to make a Highlander version of this deck so I can use 1x Potion of Heroism instead of 2x Hand of A'dal for example. There are so much buff cards in Paladin and dudes don't work in Buff strategies mostly. Putting Sir Finley of the Sands wouldn't be a bad choice imo so I will try to make a Highlander version.

    But nice deck, I really liked it, except The Voraxx of course. :D I love non-viable stuff. :P

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Just Maiev Shadowsong

    I will craft her anyways but will be happier if i can get her golden from packs.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hith them to the face.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon


    Oh I see themes is it? and wekanesses?

    I think the regions has some of them but they are not entirely defined yet..


    Yeah, it is like;


    Freljord Strenghts - Drawing engine, Boardclears, Combat Disruptions, Sturdy Units, Deck Buffs, Buff spells, Ramp, Healing.
    Freljord Weaknesses - Aggressive early game, Single Target Removal, Token Generating, Direct damage.

    Demacia Strenghts - Disabling effects, Single Target Removals, Unit Protection, Attack token abuse, Temporary and Permanent buffs, Mana cheating (RememberanceBADCARDNAME/MobilityBADCARDNAME, extra win condition.
    Demacia Weaknesses - Drawing engine, Direct damage spells, Boardclears.

    Noxus Strenghts - Aggressive early game, Single Target Removals, Direct Nexus Damage, Temporary buffs, Token/card generation.
    Noxus Weaknesses - Drawing Engine, Boardclears, Unit Protection, Healing, Permanent buffs.

    Ionia Strenghts - Card Generation, Combat Disruptions, Handbuff, Unit Protection, Healing, Aggressive early game, Temporary Buffs/Units.
    Ionia Weaknesses - Boardclears, Sturdy Units, Direct damage spells/units, Single Target Removal.

    Piltover&Zaun Strenghts - Card Generation, Direct damage spells, Drawing Engine, Token Generation, Deck Disruption, Aggressive early game, Deck fattening.
    Piltover&Zaun Weaknesses - Boardclears, Temporary/Permanent Buffs, Sturdy Units, Unit Protection, Combat Disruption.

    Shadow Isles Strenghts - Token/Card Generation, Aggressive Early Game, Boardclears, Single Target Removals, Healing, Graveyard Interactions.
    Shadow Isles Weaknesses - Combat Disruption, Permanent Buffs, Unit Protection.

    "PS: I might have skipped some, I'm not a master of this topic, just sharing what I have observed."

    So as you can see here, i didn't mentioned self damage synergies for Noxus/Freljord for example or tribe synergies with Elnuk/Elites or something like that. Synergies are different topic while identity is a different one.

    If you for example give Piltover&Zaun Sturdy units + Unit protection with new cards, it will not suit its region identity and looks absurd when you saw them and may bring some other issues. So this kind of weaknesses should be surpassed with partnershipping with other regions, If you want to use Sturdy units with P&Z, You can always use Freljord splash for example. That's related with synergies at some sorts for Game-Designing philosophy but not completely same.

    Btw, I honestly think that it is more defined than Hearthstone because there are no neutral cards which means in Hearthstone, You can abuse the Identities by using neutral cards, Just put some [Hearthstone Card (Loot Hoarders) Not Found], etc. to your Hunter deck and you have been surpassed the Drawing Engine weakness of it. It is a fair mechanic for Hearthstone because you can't pair your deck with another class.

    So for Players;

    In LoR and MTG - You should surpass region identities and weaknesses by using region partnership mechanic and combine your deck with 2 regions which shares some synergies but have different strong aspects

    In HS - You should surpass class identities and weaknesses by using neutral cards.

    For Designers;

    In LoR and MTG - You shouldn't add identity breakers to the game if you want to create a strong game-base and if you want to make all regions feel unique.

    In HS - You shouldn't add identity breakers to the classes if you want to create a strong game-base and also you shouldn't add too powerful neutral version of some identical cards if you want to make all classes feel unique.

    If you won't do those, There is no meaning of different classes'/regions' existence.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    Not necessarily I don't see the pair themes of regions being restrictive..

    For example, Spiders, it's true Noxus has spider cards but you don't HAVE to play spider decks with Noxus, nor you have to play the Noxus spiders with SI, House Spider is seeing play in decks that don't even use spiders as a tribe.

    As more cards and regions get introduced those pairing might be less of an issue as you could even run mono decks of some regions or essentially mono + 3/6/9 cards (known as splash) of another region decks.

    So although some cards look to "force synergize" some combos they actually don't..

    You need some common sense for deck building too I mean currently there are 15 region combos you add one region and you then get 21 combos, they plan to add at least 3, or maybe even more (they might start adding regions into regions for example P&Z, so shadow isles might be shadow isles + void or shadow isles + demons).

    So there will be much more variety in the game and more open ended deck building..

    Just from mixing 2 regions you could try to mix and match 2 champions from each region sure a lot of combos don't make sense.. you might also want 2 champions of the same region in a deck.. rarely 3, or even 1..

    There are tonnes of options even with just the 15 available combination of regions

    you and others here are confused about the difference between "synergy" and "identity".

    They are different facts.
    Synergy refers to interactions between cards that are powerful when they are combined and used together.
    Identity refers to engines that a region/class may have such as drawing cards, boardclears, single target removals etc. Even though they have some little access to some of them, it is always stronger in other classes like how Warlock can draw tons of cards while Hunter can't etc. .

    Look at hearthstone, Mage has access to beasts as well but don't have synergistic cards. You can use beasts in mage decks too but you can't synergize it well how Hunter does for example. It is the synergy. Not an engine. But for class Identity, Mage doesn't have access to weapons, (legendary weapon was an exceptation) that means you can't use weapons in Mage decks.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From Almaniarra

    New no duplicate rule doesn't change the maximum amount card packs needed to complete the collection because it is calculated for Legendaries which is the most rare card of sets. So the maximum amount of card pacs needed to complete sets are still same. Nothing changed

    New duplication rule only gives players a simple boost that they can collect less rare cards quicker which also means you will get lesser amount of dust after you opened your packs. So that also gives some disadvantages to players to craft some legendaries with the dust from duplicated cards.

    Practically, If we consider it like all of your packs are simple 4 common and 1 rare packs;
    26 packs would be enough for completing common cards
    70 packs would be enough for completing rare cards.

    Nothing ever changes except players who buys lesser packs now can complete all common + rares quicker.

    Also no more duplicate epics (which happened me a lot-> never lucky)

    It saves you dust if you didn't open 100+ packs.. every expansion I craft about 10 rares.. that's another legendary or 2 epics I could craft.

    and since I stopped preordering I sometimes craft a few commons...

    It saves you enough dust to actually be more competitive, at least you don't have to worry about crafting rares or commons.

    I still have sets which I don't have all rares.. and I will open around 3 packs of those as a completionist..

    Yeah, I will open some old packs too after patch arrives. I want to complete some of older expansions as well since I like to play wild.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    New no duplicate rule doesn't change the maximum amount card packs needed to complete the collection because it is calculated for Legendaries which is the most rare card of sets. So the maximum amount of card pacs needed to complete sets are still same. Nothing changed

    New duplication rule only gives players a simple boost that they can collect less rare cards quicker which also means you will get lesser amount of dust after you opened your packs. So that also gives some disadvantages to players to craft some legendaries with the dust from duplicated cards.

    Practically, If we consider it like all of your packs are simple 4 common and 1 rare packs;
    26 packs would be enough for completing common cards
    70 packs would be enough for completing rare cards.

    Nothing ever changes except players who buys lesser packs now can complete all common + rares quicker.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From Almaniarra

    This exists because of Hand of Gul'dan. Nothing more to say.

    Nope, I think this card is very good anyway.. it's -2 hp doomguard for 1 less mana and 1 less discard and rush instead of charge

    I mean if you play it with an empty hand you play it for free and it's a 5/5 rush for 4 which is neat!

    Sure charge is much stronger but 5/5 rush is very strong as well.

    This is a good result from galakround.

    Yeah but that doesn't change the truth that they print such a card just because Hand of Gul'dan so what I meant was actually that.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Marega

    Untrue. A lot of regions combo in ways u would never think of. Ezrael now combos fantastically with Noxus. Its also a great deck to combo with karma. Frostbite decks with ashe and katarina are seriously underrated and not even sen in meta lists despite its great matchup vs elusive decks. 

    Identity wise theres a lot of ot for each region so ifk wtf ur talking about not to mention theres practically a way to play aggro or midrange controllish for every region.

    Remember to keep up with the game cause the meta switches heavily each week and takes a serious overhaul with each nerf buff.

    Well, Discussion isn't about combo. I am also playing a Heimerdinger/Draven deck and also a Jinx/Elise Von Yipp Spider deck.

    He was talking about region identity and yes i believe there is some.

    For example, Noxus doesn't have access to simple card draws, There is only Trifarrian AsessorBADCARDNAME. So one of its weakness is simple card draws and you would say that healing is one of the weaknesses of Noxus aswell.

    There are some weaknesses and strengths of regions in Runeterra but you might abuse those by simply using 2 regions in a deck like in MTG. In MTG, You are also able to pass over these weaknesses. For example, While Green has no access to Flying units, you can use some with it by pairing the deck with another color. It is just like how Freljord/Ionia Elusive deck do in Runeterra.

    I don't think it will be a problem with newer regions because there are too much mechanics that could be added to the game right now. First one comes to my mind; none of the existing regions don't have access to gaining excess health. They might always add it with newer regions - I would say Targon | Shurima - and I honestly think that this is 2 of new regions' mechanic because all of mechanics find its place in at least 2 regions. So other regions surpass this when it is once added to the game.

    So Yes, There are some identitites for regions. You can't simply play an Elusive deck with Freljord/Shadow isles deck for example or you can't play a board clear centric full control deck with Demacia/Ionia. You might say Judgment or Shadow Flare here but they are conditional boardclears that you can't use always or You don't have access to enough draws with Ionia/Noxus splash which is the problem of full control Yasuo decks right now.

    I am happy with how they shaped identities in LoR. I hope they won't break those and for instance won't give so much simple card draws to Noxus etc.