Hand of Gul'dan

Hand of Gul'dan Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

When you play or discard this, draw 3 cards.

Flavor Text

His skull also draws three cards. Imagine how many cards he could draw with HIS ENTIRE BODY!

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  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I really like the discard mechanic... but it just needs a little more help honestly. 

  • LightningT's Avatar
    100 42 Posts Joined 03/30/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Extremely powerful with the wild quest, not playable in standard with the other more powerful cards...

  • Shalahn's Avatar
    130 51 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Finally something to make Discolock viable

  • YourWaifu's Avatar
    Divine Rager 305 275 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    This card is actually great, albeit better in Wild.

    The flavor text makes me giggle.

    I wish I had the necessary cards to make a discardlock, seems like a fun deck nowadays.


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