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Harbinger of Winter
Joined 03/13/2019 Achieve Points 1915 Posts 2511

anchorm4n's Comments

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    If your offer extends to wild, I would be really grateful for a Wild Mech Hunter Guide :-)

    In reply to Meta Decks
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Really hoping for a low cost neutral magnetic minion for my Boom Hunter. A mech would be even better, but that I'm pretty sure that won't happen... 

    Thanks for the guide, it's really nice!

    In reply to Rise of Shadows
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Really nice! I've been experimenting with the dragon package + the boomship, too. Really nice combo, especially if you get an Emeriss out of dragon roar :-) I'm also running deathwing because why not.

    Have you tried it on ladder?

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Well, the username and the e-mail are the same on both sites and I'm sure you'd contact me if there was any doubt ;-)

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    The card search should run the option "neutral" in the class filter imho.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    On the contrary, I thought a lot about it. The possible outcomes all benefit the deck: Misha protects your mechs against trading, Huffer can help with taunts or threats or just smorc, Leokk is the dream on a board with bombs. All of them have decent stats for a 3-drop. I found the card to be really helpful in many situations.

    I share your opinion on the 1-drops, though. Do you have any suggestions?

    In reply to Boom Hunter (Legend)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    I'm currently thinking about a second Dire Wolf Alpha and / or Raid Leader. Maybe even a second Animal Companion (see the comment below).

    Replicating Menace would not be a 1:1 replacement, but could help to stabilize (almost guaranteed target for War Gear or Zilliax on 5).

    In reply to Boom Hunter (Legend)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    True, Mossy Horror is a relic from the times I faced lots of Spreading Plagues and Odd Palys. Those have gotten less prevalent lately, I will try out a second Void Ripper one of these days. Thanks!

    In reply to Boom Hunter (Legend)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks! Could you also delete 4 of the 5 decks I created, sparing the one which shows a dust cost (and featuring a guide, above all)? I don't seem to be able to do this myself... 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    I just tried to create a theorycraft deck around Kalecgos. After I hit the save-button, an server error occured (500). The only things out of the ordinary were two cards from the new expansion and a rather lengthy name for the deck (Greedy Big Spell Freeze Mage). Any help would be appreciated!

    Edit: Whoops. It seems like the deck was created after all - five times. Only one of them appears to contain cards, since the other four cost 0 dust. None of them can be opened, all lead to the server error. You can find them searching decks with the filters for class (mage) and decktype (theorycraft). 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Does it qualify as plagiarism if I add a deck guide which I originally posted on another site?

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for the recommendation of Missile Launcher, Sinti. I haven't put it in on purpose so far, because it's to slow (as you already stated). But the rotation of Void Ripper really worries me, since it not only triggers the bombs, but also has quite some surprise burst potential (ignored magnetized Framebots can easily reach 8-10 hp). Missile Launcher could help with the bombs, while I also considered Crazed Alchemist... which is cheaper, but gets off only one bomb. Meh, we probably really should wait for more new cards, as Sylicas suggested.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Really curious for the rest of the mage cards. Maybe heropower stuff (fire eater, shrine?) and some freezing can cary you to turn ten... I wonder if a deck containing Jan'alai, Kalecgos and maybe Alex and / or Maly would be too greedy. 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2511 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hi there,

    there's a standard version of mech hunter which already shows some promise in the current meta:

    It won't lose much with the rotation and I'm planning to give it a real try on ladder once the new expansion hits. This deck snowballs pretty fast and has quite some burst potential even if you lose the board several times. As usual with hunter, draw is an issue which can at least partially be solved with Cybertech Chip. As long as mass silence is not a thing, I'm very optimistic to make this work!

    What do you think? Any ideas how to further improve the deck?