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Oasis Oracle
Joined 03/13/2019 Achieve Points 1905 Posts 2492

anchorm4n's Comments

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Really good 1 drop, since 3 of the 5 lackeys are helpful on turn 2 even if the murloc dies. Very strong card!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Final result for march, as I won't have time to play the next days: rank 9 / 2 stars (and it would have been more, if I hadn't misplayed really badly during the last game).

    In reply to Boom Hunter (Legend)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I just had an idea. The deck in its current form only has 3 cards costing more than 5 mana and heavily relys on cheap cards and their synergies. Soooo.... what do you think about adding Mojomaster Zihi?

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    After the rotation hits, combo will be pretty much dead. We already had Mojomaster Zihi from RR, but RoS has gone way farther and brought us Hecklebot, Unseen Saboteur and Duel!. That way you can play up to 5 disruptor cards in your decks (7 if you're playing paladin) which target mana gain, minions and spells. And we haven't even seen half of RoS yet.

    Edit: plus Demonic Project for warlock.

    I strongly feel like there probably won't be a T1 combo deck around for quite some time.

    In reply to Combo's dead
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    The next one is very tricky... but the colors don't fit hunter, so I go for a 5 mana epic warlock spell.

    The undead looks like a pirate for me... But because of the background I go for a 7 mana rogue spell. Maybe resurrect dead pirates?

    I support Chimeras guess on the third, warrior legendary, but I say it's an 8 mana spell.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Nice card. If bomb warrior becomes a thing, this will be great against combo decks.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I like it. A lot. The first really original, fresh feeling card in the new set. Great flavor. Challenging design. Best card so far

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    A low cost beast-tagged rush minion with a deathrattle... Hunter approves!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Next card: neutral, 4 mana, rare.

    Bonus: mech-related battlecry

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Bicker

    We doing competitive guesses? I was originally going to go with shaman spell but now i'm like they way it's positioned i think it's riding something so gonna go way outreaching here:

    So my guess: shaman, rare, minion (beast), 3 mana, deathrattle summon a murloc

    Thinking would be a neat card having a murloc riding a crab or spider and on death of the mount the murloc stays to fight.

    Wow. You should definitely enter some lottery this weekend :D

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Nice one, 1 point for YourPirvateNightmare and Chimera (even though you didn't hit cost and rarity).

    The next one will be a druid card I think. I go for 7 mana, epic or legendary.
    Bonus: it's either a spell or a minion with a battlecry. 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I go for paladin, common, 3 mana because of the RR tigers.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I think this is really strong! Think of the synergies... Should have been at least a rare imho.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I agree, the rotation is the thing that gets me most excited at the moment. But I do look forward to that bomb-archetyp for warrior, that looks most interesting for the moment. Between armour, shuffling bombs in your opponents deck, the boom bots and maybe even hakkar this might actually be competitiv.

    In reply to I'm so hyped! :)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    My mech hunter stopped working yesterday. After win streaking from 14 to 11 I got stuck with a precisely 50% win rate (no streaks in there). I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL ONCE THE ROTATION HITS!!

    (and oh my god that awful water temple!!)

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I still haven’t decided yet. But maybe someone could clarify on an important detail: how exactly does Zayl work? Is it similar to Whizzbang, but with different deck recipes, so I can use it in standard? Or does it only provide decks for the PVE content

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I already hate it. My priest collection is nowhere near good enough to build a deck around it and I don’t want them to spy on my hand. Very strong card

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Went from rank 14 / 1 star to rank 11 / 2 stars with only one defeat. Deck still works great! Beast hunters are tough. Odd warrior can't tank up fast enough :-)

    In reply to Boom Hunter (Legend)
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Nice deck! I get that you already prepared it for the rotation, but while we still have it, why don't you add the quest? It would be easy to complete and you don't have a 1-drop anyway. Maybe cut one of the predatory instincts or witching hour?

    In reply to BadassBeastDruid
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I would appreciate it to see who made the last post in a thread, not only the amount of time since it was made. That would make it easier to check if there has been a new post since I last visited the thread without having to open it.

    What I really love is the speed of this site. Pages load instantly, HearthStation is quicker than anything I've ever experienced.