PLEASE on Jaraxxus rework - I opened a golden copy a few weeks back and really am trying hard not to dust him... He's just one of the few cards that is literally unplayable with Zephyrs around for instant, 2-mana kill...
So you've got the "bark" there from both having OAK, and both cards summon smaller minions from your deck? Also Oakheart is smiling in the card art.
Not super sure how they'd benefit from taunt though beyond not having the little minions get immediately destroyed? I was thinking cards that fit that clue would be "start of turn" cards (since the taunt would keep them alive long enough to trigger, but I can't think of any that are 1) wild, 2) tree-related, & 3) have a spell with the same effect in the same expansion. Like Toothy Chest would fit 1 & 2 (being made of wood) plus the smile clue, but there isn't a spell that also gives 4 attack in K&C nor does it fit the "big then little clue"...
However, you are VERY close on Subject 9 as C - the “unnatural” being a beast that has been boom-tastically upgraded.
On A since that seems to be tough spot I’ll say it’s a Druid card (though you are right that the art is green ). Didn’t Druid have a “green” deck that was meta-dominate for awhile....
2. Pack was indeed a refence a beasts (though there's a second, punny clue in "pack" as well for any taxonomy people)
And where you're off:
1. Unnatural is not a reference to a spell - all 3 cards are minions. Unnatural is a reference to those two not being let's say "pure" beasts. I can't think of a way to explain without giving it away.
2. The non-Hunter green is not a reference to how common cards show up on OOC. What other card(s) have a literal green thing in them?
And maybe this is too many clues but I work in live entertainment and coronavirus shutdowns cost my company literally $1.1 million in lost revenue today so I'm drunk as shit and don't care - the "fiddles with the future" clue is about B &C interacting with decks (i.e. future = cards not yet drawn).
If this was too complex and ya'll want to jettison this and someone else can have a go I wont be offended - or if you want more hints that's fine too just let me know.
1) The "green but different" - one card is from a "green class" and the other card is not from that class but is green in another way
2) On Fedrion's guess (re: "Acolyte"), only "B" & "C" have names that reflect the connection - "A" doesn't have the identifier in its name but is clearly part of the pack. ("pack" that a THIRD [and actually FOURTH too] hint!?)
PLEASE on Jaraxxus rework - I opened a golden copy a few weeks back and really am trying hard not to dust him... He's just one of the few cards that is literally unplayable with Zephyrs around for instant, 2-mana kill...
Ha! I had actually asked this exact question a few months ago so really glad to finally have an answer!
My favorites:
Kayn Sunfury - I'm a sucker for revamped songs lyrics
Skull of Gul'dan - Hamlet is one of the few Shakespeare plays I actually like
Zixor, Apex Predator - I RESENT being denied head scritches!
Murgur Murgurgle - I love this. the contrast between the epic-ness of the story and the inherent goofiness of Murlocs. *chef kiss*
Aldor Truthseeker - It's so simple and stupid, but it legit made me laugh.
Skeletal Dragon - Never a bad time for Monty Python!
Basically ALL of Rogue - it's got it all: memes, Castlevania, MULTIPLE stabbings!
Shattered Rumbler - OMG Lonely Island reference! Go watch Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping if you liked This is Spinal Tap - it's just as good
Vivid Spores - Heh, drugs.
Since I just went though & I have no riddle ready, I’ll pass so if anyone else wants to jump in and go please do
Man this is a thinker - I'll guess
Master Oakheart
Oaken Summons
So you've got the "bark" there from both having OAK, and both cards summon smaller minions from your deck? Also Oakheart is smiling in the card art.
Not super sure how they'd benefit from taunt though beyond not having the little minions get immediately destroyed? I was thinking cards that fit that clue would be "start of turn" cards (since the taunt would keep them alive long enough to trigger, but I can't think of any that are 1) wild, 2) tree-related, & 3) have a spell with the same effect in the same expansion. Like Toothy Chest would fit 1 & 2 (being made of wood) plus the smile clue, but there isn't a spell that also gives 4 attack in K&C nor does it fit the "big then little clue"...
I concur on the hint request - this is a good puzzle i'm just stumped on a wild card that is tree-related without actually being a tree.
Probably not - it's the zoomed-in art from the current Illidan Stormrage card. though since nobody plays the card I doubt many would recognize it haha
oh thats right you had said they were wild cards before derp.
Aha that clue did it:
Pick Pocket - big smile, sly to steal, "dog" barks
Splitting Festeroot - big minion with poor stats that spawns smaller minions; Tree bark
Big-Time Racketeer & Small-Time Recruits?
Racketeer has a big smile and is a "big" (i.e. costly) minion with small stats. Recruiter brings out a bunch of "little ones".
Both are from MSoG.
I don't think I'm right, but:
Sabretooth Stalker - smile = big teeth; robust and sly = big dmg & stealth
Meteor = the big hit comes first and then the little side-hits
The connection being both are from UnGoro
Anything in there on the mark?
Infested Wolf & Kindly Grandmother?
The "big smile" and "sly" immediately made me think of "grandma, what big teeth you have" and wolves being cunning/sly.
And then the other wolf being where a big minion spawns smaller minions
You’ve got it! The 3 Elekks.
The punny secondary clue in “pack” was for pachyderm.
Good guess but not quite.
However, you are VERY close on Subject 9 as C - the “unnatural” being a beast that has been boom-tastically upgraded.
On A since that seems to be tough spot I’ll say it’s a Druid card (though you are right that the art is green ). Didn’t Druid have a “green” deck that was meta-dominate for awhile....
Okay so what you got right:
1. B is a Hunter card
2. Pack was indeed a refence a beasts (though there's a second, punny clue in "pack" as well for any taxonomy people)
And where you're off:
1. Unnatural is not a reference to a spell - all 3 cards are minions. Unnatural is a reference to those two not being let's say "pure" beasts. I can't think of a way to explain without giving it away.
2. The non-Hunter green is not a reference to how common cards show up on OOC. What other card(s) have a literal green thing in them?
And maybe this is too many clues but I work in live entertainment and coronavirus shutdowns cost my company literally $1.1 million in lost revenue today so I'm drunk as shit and don't care - the "fiddles with the future" clue is about B &C interacting with decks (i.e. future = cards not yet drawn).
If this was too complex and ya'll want to jettison this and someone else can have a go I wont be offended - or if you want more hints that's fine too just let me know.
Okay so no other guesses means hint time:
1) The "green but different" - one card is from a "green class" and the other card is not from that class but is green in another way
2) On Fedrion's guess (re: "Acolyte"), only "B" & "C" have names that reflect the connection - "A" doesn't have the identifier in its name but is clearly part of the pack. ("pack" that a THIRD [and actually FOURTH too] hint!?)
Exactly. RoS was April 9, WW was April 12, Ungoro April 6, etc.