Yep Thunderhead it is - I guess mine are pretty easy these days! YOu're right on the first two lines and that 3rd line mentioned minions since the Sparks have rush so good for board trading. The 4th line has no meaning just needed to finish the rhyme. Your turn.
Oh I had thought the throat was maybe "slashed throat" i.e. a reference to Cutthroat Buccaneer since they're both from Witchwood lol. Anyways here we go:
Vicious Scalehide? Mainly guessing that because of the combo with Dire Frenzy being so key in midrange Best Hunter this past year (plus it fit the general description clues)
@ArngrimUndying - that's an awful lot of text to point at me for such a throwaway joke :P
LOL totally fair. Just pointing out how we the players often think about a game in a way that is directly opposite to how the company that makes it thinks about it.
'We're announcing our unconditional surrender to Riot Games and hoping they'll be gentle with us.'
Riot might be, but the Shareholders sure wouldn't be. It's always important to remember that ActBlizz is publicly traded, so literally 99.9% of their decisions are based on what is going to generate the most shareholder value in order to keep the stock price as high as possible.
I say this as someone who worked on Wall St. for nearly a decade - equities are all about the quarterly cycle and putting as positive a PR spin on everything you can. This is why the HK stuff went down as it did - not because ACTBLIZZ itself was reliant on Chinese money (per their Q3 earnings model, APAC is only 14% of global revenue), but because the shareholders and equities analysts would have reacted very negatively to a perceived "intangible loss" like siding with Blizzchung. For a demonstrative comparison, the ActBlizz stock fell 20% after Do yOu EVen HaVe PHonEs!? Blizzcon18 disaster - after the Blizzchung mess the stock price did not move an inch. Because the former was specifically about the perceived flop of a promised revenue stream (Diablo Immortal) and the second was just some momentary flotsam that wasn't REALLY going to cost much money (and they were right - the most recent earnings report has Blizz-specific revenues up nearly 50%). Investors don't care about the company or its product - they care about HOW that product is going to generate revenue and shareholder value. Everything else is noise. Period.
I'll preface this by saying 1) I've never won a card design, and 2) I'm thinking about cards *I* would choose if they were offered to me, so I recognize my particular play style is not the same as everyone else's, so take everything with a chunk of salt. But:
KANSAS - I can't imagine a situation in which I would take that sorry - maybe remove the "can't attack heroes" and you get some play since it would (ideally) be 25 face dmg, but there's no way you wouldn't be dead really quickly with that. Great art though. 1 star
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't want the sword to just be "deal 50 damage to your opponents face" but you are right that as it is now you would be taking too much damage for it to be worth it. I ended up ditching the double damage, but it was hard to find a good design for the "cursed" theme that both had an upside and a downside that wasn't too overpowered, too underpowered, or too complicated. So I came up with this, what do you think?
I think that is MUCH better - moreso being KoC given how many of those dungeon run bosses ran token-y decks where you'd want to clear the board ASAP ahead of buffs.
Tasty Meat/Krush is the better option, but for some more punch I might 1) give it Twinspell, or 2) maybe make it something like "Meat's Back on the Menu!" (references!) and have it summon 2 King Krushs rather than just one.
I'll preface this by saying 1) I've never won a card design, and 2) I'm thinking about cards *I* would choose if they were offered to me, so I recognize my particular play style is not the same as everyone else's, so take everything with a chunk of salt. But:
Demonxz95 - That's very strong, and would pair well with other spell-treasures. I would definitely grab that on a later offering if I already had a good spell-based deck. 4 stars
h0lysatan - I loved Annoy-o Horn - it got me out of so many bad situations by giving a few extra turns to try and draw a turnaround. Would absolutely take that. 5 stars.
KANSAS - I can't imagine a situation in which I would take that sorry - maybe remove the "can't attack heroes" and you get some play since it would (ideally) be 25 face dmg, but there's no way you wouldn't be dead really quickly with that. Great art though. 1 star
linkblade91 - I can definitely see the value, but that card strikes me as a "card of last resort" - with so many of the adventures you're wouldn't be fishing for a finisher, you'd be fishing for a lifeline which could be valuable. I would likely take it if my deck was garbage just to try and limp it out to the boss. 3 stars
DestroyerR - I like the card and based on the suggestion about raising stats but your counter - what about if you split the difference? to whit: make it like Rin, the First Disciple's seals- the first demon you draw is a 1/1, the second 2/2 and on so that the last one is a 15/15 (mini-ZANCIENT ONE). 3 stars as-is, 5 stars if you follow my obviously correct suggestion :)
anchorm4n - This feels super balanced - it would be fantastic against some stages and useless against others. and I alwys went for minion buffs like Captured Flag, Giant's Ring, etc. so would definitely take it. 5 stars
DescentOfDragonsOp - I would lower the cost to 2 since it's random spells - RNGesus is not always kind. 3 stars.
This is a spin on the classic "2 mana deal 3 damage". Being limited to this turn only makes it a bit less powerful but the Twinspell gives it more value. Maybe this will make Even mage good? (Lol no)
I like the flavor and the idea. My only concern, is the fact that at 2 mana, you are able to play all 4 of these, with the HP on turn 10. That's a 13 damage HP for 10 mana. I personally would feel a bit more comfortable with this at 3 mana to help prevent any OTK shenanigans. But, that's just my personal opinion, and it's probably perfectly fine at 2 mana.
For a dissenting opinion here - I don't think that's all that bad given the draw/holding requirements to pull it off. Put another way: you can do 15face dmg for 10 mana with double Fireball + a Frostbolt - that requires you to draw/hold 3 separate cards vs only 2 here, but is also 3 more dmg so I think the tradeoff is fair.
BUG? I just tried to submit my entry and got the message "You're lost - we're not in the submission phase yet". Am I missing something it looks like the timer says the submission phase is open?
When visiting the submission page or when actually hitting the Submit Entry button?
ETA I just tried again and it went through - only difference is that when it didn't go through I had written a good bit in the "description" field about how i thought you could play the card. this time I only wrote one line of flavor text. Not sure maybe there's a hidden character limit on the description box?
BUG? I just tried to submit my entry and got the message "You're lost - we're not in the submission phase yet". Am I missing something it looks like the timer says the submission phase is open?
Wrapped Golem it is JFK! You've got most of the logic correct - the "explorers" clue was a double-hint: because the Golem was from Saviors of Uldum and Obsidian Destroyer was from League of Explorers - so both "explorer" sets.
And by Wild I mean any Wild card: adventurers or rotated sets, though the clue does mention "explorers" so perhaps that means something (or even BOTH somethings)...?
Yep Thunderhead it is - I guess mine are pretty easy these days! YOu're right on the first two lines and that 3rd line mentioned minions since the Sparks have rush so good for board trading. The 4th line has no meaning just needed to finish the rhyme. Your turn.
Oh I had thought the throat was maybe "slashed throat" i.e. a reference to Cutthroat Buccaneer since they're both from Witchwood lol. Anyways here we go:
When more means less
I'll spark help to address
Any minions you think are making a mess
So victory is assured; don't even stress!
Vicious Scalehide? Mainly guessing that because of the combo with Dire Frenzy being so key in midrange Best Hunter this past year (plus it fit the general description clues)
Sure is - good job JFK
LOL totally fair. Just pointing out how we the players often think about a game in a way that is directly opposite to how the company that makes it thinks about it.
Nice. This one might be easy, but it has also been my favorite one to write so ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
If a pun is fun then space is the place
For pinging all over (maybe even face).
Ice is nice but fire is higher
Your hand size will aggrandize
A forecast that’s dire!
So then The Amazing Reno?
Aha yes I had thought Reno Jackson but took your "not a dragon" at face value.
Whizbang the Wonderful?
Beat me to it by a minute!
Riot might be, but the Shareholders sure wouldn't be. It's always important to remember that ActBlizz is publicly traded, so literally 99.9% of their decisions are based on what is going to generate the most shareholder value in order to keep the stock price as high as possible.
I say this as someone who worked on Wall St. for nearly a decade - equities are all about the quarterly cycle and putting as positive a PR spin on everything you can. This is why the HK stuff went down as it did - not because ACTBLIZZ itself was reliant on Chinese money (per their Q3 earnings model, APAC is only 14% of global revenue), but because the shareholders and equities analysts would have reacted very negatively to a perceived "intangible loss" like siding with Blizzchung. For a demonstrative comparison, the ActBlizz stock fell 20% after Do yOu EVen HaVe PHonEs!? Blizzcon18 disaster - after the Blizzchung mess the stock price did not move an inch. Because the former was specifically about the perceived flop of a promised revenue stream (Diablo Immortal) and the second was just some momentary flotsam that wasn't REALLY going to cost much money (and they were right - the most recent earnings report has Blizz-specific revenues up nearly 50%). Investors don't care about the company or its product - they care about HOW that product is going to generate revenue and shareholder value. Everything else is noise. Period.
I think that is MUCH better - moreso being KoC given how many of those dungeon run bosses ran token-y decks where you'd want to clear the board ASAP ahead of buffs.
Hold! is just a worse version of Titanic Ring
Tasty Meat/Krush is the better option, but for some more punch I might 1) give it Twinspell, or 2) maybe make it something like "Meat's Back on the Menu!" (references!) and have it summon 2 King Krushs rather than just one.
I'll preface this by saying 1) I've never won a card design, and 2) I'm thinking about cards *I* would choose if they were offered to me, so I recognize my particular play style is not the same as everyone else's, so take everything with a chunk of salt. But:
Demonxz95 - That's very strong, and would pair well with other spell-treasures. I would definitely grab that on a later offering if I already had a good spell-based deck. 4 stars
h0lysatan - I loved Annoy-o Horn - it got me out of so many bad situations by giving a few extra turns to try and draw a turnaround. Would absolutely take that. 5 stars.
KANSAS - I can't imagine a situation in which I would take that sorry - maybe remove the "can't attack heroes" and you get some play since it would (ideally) be 25 face dmg, but there's no way you wouldn't be dead really quickly with that. Great art though. 1 star
linkblade91 - I can definitely see the value, but that card strikes me as a "card of last resort" - with so many of the adventures you're wouldn't be fishing for a finisher, you'd be fishing for a lifeline which could be valuable. I would likely take it if my deck was garbage just to try and limp it out to the boss. 3 stars
DestroyerR - I like the card and based on the suggestion about raising stats but your counter - what about if you split the difference? to whit: make it like Rin, the First Disciple's seals- the first demon you draw is a 1/1, the second 2/2 and on so that the last one is a 15/15 (mini-ZANCIENT ONE). 3 stars as-is, 5 stars if you follow my obviously correct suggestion :)
anchorm4n - This feels super balanced - it would be fantastic against some stages and useless against others. and I alwys went for minion buffs like Captured Flag, Giant's Ring, etc. so would definitely take it. 5 stars
DescentOfDragonsOp - I would lower the cost to 2 since it's random spells - RNGesus is not always kind. 3 stars.
Is this too strong? I used the "cast on draw" to blunt the power a little bit since you wont necessarily be able to control the buff timing
For a dissenting opinion here - I don't think that's all that bad given the draw/holding requirements to pull it off. Put another way: you can do 15 face dmg for 10 mana with double Fireball + a Frostbolt - that requires you to draw/hold 3 separate cards vs only 2 here, but is also 3 more dmg so I think the tradeoff is fair.
Hitting the submit entry button on
ETA I just tried again and it went through - only difference is that when it didn't go through I had written a good bit in the "description" field about how i thought you could play the card. this time I only wrote one line of flavor text. Not sure maybe there's a hidden character limit on the description box?
BUG? I just tried to submit my entry and got the message "You're lost - we're not in the submission phase yet". Am I missing something it looks like the timer says the submission phase is open?
Wrapped Golem it is JFK! You've got most of the logic correct - the "explorers" clue was a double-hint: because the Golem was from Saviors of Uldum and Obsidian Destroyer was from League of Explorers - so both "explorer" sets.
No to Bomber or Tauren Warrior
And by Wild I mean any Wild card: adventurers or rotated sets, though the clue does mention "explorers" so perhaps that means something (or even BOTH somethings)...?