BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Amazing draw, will probably be included in every DH deck. Reduces cost of large demons, or makes it so you can pour a lot of minions on the board. Great card.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Great turn 7 play, or turn 5 when played after that 4/4 "reduce the next demon you play by 2 mana". Also this comes out on the same turn as Imprisoned Antaen.. this will be a LOT of Face Dmg or board dmg.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Super solid card. Decent stats and you can easely get the outcast when either topdecking of mulligan for it. Just a really good DH card for neaely every DH deck.
Welp here we get the replacement of that reduce cards cost by 7 Doomsday card. Wombo Combo Malygos Druid likes it.
Sceptical about it, but spell druid might work.
great for Kael'thas Sunstrider. That's basicly it.
Combo Druid. Replaces Floop, and will probably be used in some kinda Malygos druid.
This is probably why you would run spell druid. Druid also has a lot of minion generating spells. Seems pretty good.
The replacement for Wardruid Loti This card will be an auto-include in every Quest Druid deck, both Standard and Wild. Amazing card.
Embiggen druid might want this to replace Zilliax or something else. Great arena card as well.
Seems like a weak card considering we already got Kael'thas Sunstrider But i do see some combo potential.
Great draw, good for most DH decks. DH looks like it's never gonna run outta cards.
[Hearthstone Card (Voidcaller[/card But worse in every way. Opponent can just silence it, and it comes out way too late.
) Not Found]Adorable AND powerfull. Great card.
Amazing draw, will probably be included in every DH deck. Reduces cost of large demons, or makes it so you can pour a lot of minions on the board. Great card.
Big minion and the effect is good. many streamers said that this card was insanely strong/OP so i guess we will see if they were right.
Great turn 7 play, or turn 5 when played after that 4/4 "reduce the next demon you play by 2 mana". Also this comes out on the same turn as Imprisoned Antaen.. this will be a LOT of Face Dmg or board dmg.
Great arena card. But it's not a demon so it doesn't really fit in a DH deck...
Trade, Trade, Trade, FACE. This weapon in a nutshell. Good card if you ask me.
(insert SMOrc song here)
The wet dream of all SMOrc decks. Must craft for any DH deck.
Demon Hunter? Nope
Face Hunter? Yup
Seems good if there are a bunch of big demons.
Strong finisher, and flexible. Good card.
Super solid card. Decent stats and you can easely get the outcast when either topdecking of mulligan for it. Just a really good DH card for neaely every DH deck.