BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Handbuff are *ALWAYS* good right? Right? Nope. Has blizzard learned nothing from [Hearthstone Card (Hi-Reek the Bat) Not Found] and Spirit of the Bat and etc.?
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Seems like a meme card, but i feel like this is a card that we shouldn't underestimate. Might be really good because of all the demons getting added this expansion.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Cheaper Venomstrike Trap. Hunter didn't really play that trap unless they went for a full spell/all secrets deck. Wonder how well this will work for rogue.
Great for most controll decks. Wonder how the interaction will go with ress cards.
Reverse Egg. Absolutely horrible. Maybe Ress priest might want this? Cant imagine any other deck.
I thought this was weak at first, but man this is so powerful. Great card.
Handbuff are *ALWAYS* good right? Right? Nope. Has blizzard learned nothing from [Hearthstone Card (Hi-Reek the Bat) Not Found] and Spirit of the Bat and etc.?
A Win-more card, but it seems too weak if you ask me. Warlock has plenty of draw and it already has the Quest to reduce card cost.
Seems like a meme card, but i feel like this is a card that we shouldn't underestimate. Might be really good because of all the demons getting added this expansion.
Really draw dependent, but i guess warlock rather has a 3/3 minion that 3 health from Siphon Soul.
Desert Hare says hi. coin out hares or play em turn 3. Pray 2 of them live till the next turn. Profit.
Great card, but i wonder how many big minions there will be. If there are not that many big minions in the meta, this might not get played.
Interesting card. Effect doesn't seem that powerfull, unless it's battlecry is doubled by Corrupt the Waters.
Bit slow, but really powerfull in the right deck. Desert Hare says hi.
Looks like a great card. Might be used in some Malygos Shaman deck in wild. (or standard if shaman gets some good spells.)
Great card. Makes placement important, and it gives Shaman a "Defile/Lord Godfrey" kinda card. Maybe this will help make control shaman better.
ABSOLUTELY INSANE CARD. Good early game to disrupt aggro, and late game it can Sap a 9+ cost card and make it unplayable. Amazing card.
Cheaper Venomstrike Trap. Hunter didn't really play that trap unless they went for a full spell/all secrets deck. Wonder how well this will work for rogue.
FINALLY, they took their sweet time for Stealth stuff like this. I honestly think they forgot that stealth was one of rogues things.
Looking forward to Quest Secret Rogue. Sounds like a control deck, which is nice!
zoo/aggro priest huh, interesting.
Interesting card, but we will need to see the other priest minions first to understand how good it is.
Mini Blessing of Kings that's also card draw. Amazing card!