AWW MAN this card is Sooo good. I know most people don’t realize it yet but Razorfen Beastmaster andDeath Speaker Blackthorn are still in Standard! You can easily cheat this card out without playing it’s battle cry even in the off chance you have to play this Deathrattle DH run out of steam real quick. I’m excited for this one to come out
Seems ok at first glance, but I’ve known better in the past to not ignore the “Recruit” effect with cards like Call to Arms thinning your deck for better consistency
I looked at the current beasts slots in both Hunter and Druid at both the 4/5 mana slot, for hunter the only card (currently) that would seem interesting to pull out would be Tundra Rhino and some high damage beast like Stranglethorn Tiger for some face damage
for Druid I didn’t see anything too noteworthy but I did remember Escaped Manasaber was a card being played, if you manage to get both out you can get two mana back (assuming there is something to attack)
(As of right now) the only card that I saw that synergizes with this card is [Hearthstone Card (Shan’do Wildclaw) Not Found] giving all beast +1/+1 in your deck which is pretty neat.
all in all I think that the card is pretty good on its own but I think will only get better when new beast support comes out (for Standard
It seems both versions have rush otherwise it would be kinda meh, In Totem shaman you can use Splitting Axe after a trade to get 3 more additional totems with rush. so seems legit
Edit: OH you can choose to Overload to give them rush or just summon them as neutral 2/2 thats interesting
I would be very much surprised if this didn't push zoo warlock to tier 1 or making the infamous (but failed most of the time) zoo priest. works really good with deathrattles and even surprisingly good push into the late game. It would disappointing if this ends up being too slow but that wouldn't stop me from trying.
I think this is one of the most Comedic cards I've ever made! I'm not sure If I'd enter the competition with this one but I do think it would fit nicely. Might come up with a few more ideas but let me know what you guys think!
Noted, will fix the spelling error. Sorry for the late response. I like the idea of making him cheaper but one of the problems I have with that is looking at a card like Woecleaver. being able to bring out Big Weapons out on turn two makes me think that might be a bit OP
when I saw the artwork, I just felt like I had to push for Warrior demon type card. I'm not certain if this is the card I'm going to Submit just yet. I wanted to get peoples thoughts on it. I think the card feel a bit too strong right now but I'm not sure. I'm considering up-ing his Mana cost as well as his stats, but I wanted the card to be fitted for a more Aggressive warrior deck. quick note: I decided that putting this card in Whispers of the Old Gods because the whole "cost Health instead of Mana" mechanic was first introduced when [Hearthstone Card (Cho'gall/card] was added as the Warlock Legendary for the set. Again any types of comments (as long as the are constructive) are appreciated!
Holy smokes, mana generation for Warlock?!? I could see such swing potential with this card, I think A self-infliction warlock deck is definitely on the menu for Standard meta
YES, finally another card that you want to discard. The reason why discard never works in warlock is because you end up discarding cards that are valuable. I can't wait to play an Expired Merchant on turn 2 while discarding Hand of Gul'dan. I think in a zooish discard deck that will be sweet to use
@shivershine I like the flavor of your card Imprison and the card art fits very nicely. I am worried about the power level of the card. I actually think the card is a bit under-powered! I am comparing it to Ray of Frost and I suddenly realize that maybe you could add a bit more power to it. I also think a mana reduction wouldn't help as much.
@Inconspicuosaurus Out of the 3 cards you've made, My favorite is the 2nd option Lakkari Survivalist. Your first option is also good too, reminds me a bit of Crackling Razormaw. Your third option I feel would be a bit too powerful. when I look at cards like Warglaives of Azzinoth I can't help but think the ability to adapt your demons 4 times in a turn could get a bit crazy!
It's been a very long time since I've made a custom card and this will be my first competition that I'm going to enter! I would really appreciate any feedback you got for this card. don't hold back on what you think, If you think the card is too strong or too weak I want to know about it. also if I've made any error in the card (Capitalization, misspelling, Punctuation.) My goal is to make a really flavorful demon hunter card but also somewhat balanced. Thank you all in advance who respond!
I guess a lot of hard time in prison really beefs up those Vilefiend from Uldum!
Jokes aside, not sure this is enough of a payoff for it's effect and stats. I guess you can view it as a 4 mana 3/5 with rush if you play it on 2. but that's if you have it on 2 mana
Great Guide! I’ve used HearthCards before to make a SoU custom card before the expansion came out. One question I have is about the artwork, I’ve always been conscious about using someone else’s artwork from Artstation or Deviant art. I usually (if I can) credit the work of the art used to make a custom card. My question is, is it something I always need to do before submitting a custom card
Oh, I did not feel forced at all I just figured I'd give yours a look! I'm not here to tell you how to make your deck I just was making a friendly (opinionated) suggestion which I could see why you'd want to run Rotten Applebaum instead of Khartut Defender I was just hyped for it. I'm sorry if I gave the Wrong impression when commenting. I look forward to other decks that you make in the future
Hey, I decieded to look at some of the decks you made since you took the time to visit mine! I've shared my opinion on how I feel about [Hearthstone Card (Supreme Archeology) Not Found] but I will glady say I'm wrong if the some how becomes viable. I know you said you are going to be making a guide on the deck but I wanted to bring up that Khartut Defender could be utilized with Fel Lord Betrug and Dollmaster Dorian if you needed to utilize a bit of healing. Just something that could be interesting to consider
So I followed your signature, and I will say this does look more like a fun deck than competitive one! XD I think the their are a few cards I would have questions about, Void Contract is definitely not the way I would build it
AWW MAN this card is Sooo good. I know most people don’t realize it yet but Razorfen Beastmaster andDeath Speaker Blackthorn are still in Standard! You can easily cheat this card out without playing it’s battle cry even in the off chance you have to play this Deathrattle DH run out of steam real quick. I’m excited for this one to come out
Seems ok at first glance, but I’ve known better in the past to not ignore the “Recruit” effect with cards like Call to Arms thinning your deck for better consistency
I looked at the current beasts slots in both Hunter and Druid at both the 4/5 mana slot, for hunter the only card (currently) that would seem interesting to pull out would be Tundra Rhino and some high damage beast like Stranglethorn Tiger for some face damage
for Druid I didn’t see anything too noteworthy but I did remember Escaped Manasaber was a card being played, if you manage to get both out you can get two mana back (assuming there is something to attack)
(As of right now) the only card that I saw that synergizes with this card is [Hearthstone Card (Shan’do Wildclaw) Not Found] giving all beast +1/+1 in your deck which is pretty neat.
all in all I think that the card is pretty good on its own but I think will only get better when new beast support comes out (for Standard
It seems both versions have rush otherwise it would be kinda meh,
In Totem shaman you can use Splitting Axe after a trade to get 3 more additional totems with rush. so seems legit
Edit: OH you can choose to Overload to give them rush or just summon them as neutral 2/2 thats interesting
Ras Frostwhisper is like Despicable Dreadlord on Crack! A lot of aggro deck can get shut down by this card alone. Very strong dual class legendary
I would be very much surprised if this didn't push zoo warlock to tier 1 or making the infamous (but failed most of the time) zoo priest. works really good with deathrattles and even surprisingly good push into the late game. It would disappointing if this ends up being too slow but that wouldn't stop me from trying.
also 10/10 performance Kibler!
I think this is one of the most Comedic cards I've ever made! I'm not sure If I'd enter the competition with this one but I do think it would fit nicely. Might come up with a few more ideas but let me know what you guys think!
Noted, will fix the spelling error. Sorry for the late response. I like the idea of making him cheaper but one of the problems I have with that is looking at a card like Woecleaver. being able to bring out Big Weapons out on turn two makes me think that might be a bit OP
Here's one of my ideas
when I saw the artwork, I just felt like I had to push for Warrior demon type card. I'm not certain if this is the card I'm going to Submit just yet. I wanted to get peoples thoughts on it. I think the card feel a bit too strong right now but I'm not sure. I'm considering up-ing his Mana cost as well as his stats, but I wanted the card to be fitted for a more Aggressive warrior deck. quick note: I decided that putting this card in Whispers of the Old Gods because the whole "cost Health instead of Mana" mechanic was first introduced when [Hearthstone Card (Cho'gall/card] was added as the Warlock Legendary for the set. Again any types of comments (as long as the are constructive) are appreciated!
thanks and good luck to the other Competitors.
) Not Found]Holy smokes, mana generation for Warlock?!? I could see such swing potential with this card, I think A self-infliction warlock deck is definitely on the menu for Standard meta
YES, finally another card that you want to discard. The reason why discard never works in warlock is because you end up discarding cards that are valuable. I can't wait to play an Expired Merchant on turn 2 while discarding Hand of Gul'dan. I think in a zooish discard deck that will be sweet to use
@shivershine I like the flavor of your card Imprison and the card art fits very nicely. I am worried about the power level of the card. I actually think the card is a bit under-powered! I am comparing it to Ray of Frost and I suddenly realize that maybe you could add a bit more power to it. I also think a mana reduction wouldn't help as much.
@Inconspicuosaurus Out of the 3 cards you've made, My favorite is the 2nd option Lakkari Survivalist. Your first option is also good too, reminds me a bit of Crackling Razormaw. Your third option I feel would be a bit too powerful. when I look at cards like Warglaives of Azzinoth I can't help but think the ability to adapt your demons 4 times in a turn could get a bit crazy!
It's been a very long time since I've made a custom card and this will be my first competition that I'm going to enter! I would really appreciate any feedback you got for this card. don't hold back on what you think, If you think the card is too strong or too weak I want to know about it. also if I've made any error in the card (Capitalization, misspelling, Punctuation.) My goal is to make a really flavorful demon hunter card but also somewhat balanced. Thank you all in advance who respond!
I guess a lot of hard time in prison really beefs up those Vilefiend from Uldum!
Jokes aside, not sure this is enough of a payoff for it's effect and stats. I guess you can view it as a 4 mana 3/5 with rush if you play it on 2. but that's if you have it on 2 mana
at 1:57, I can't read them out clearly but those look like 3 new Ashes of Outland cards for Druid!
at 6:24, from what it looks like a 5/5 with Lifesteal on the Warlock's board
Great Guide! I’ve used HearthCards before to make a SoU custom card before the expansion came out. One question I have is about the artwork, I’ve always been conscious about using someone else’s artwork from Artstation or Deviant art. I usually (if I can) credit the work of the art used to make a custom card. My question is, is it something I always need to do before submitting a custom card
I google searched some deities from DnD Perhaps some names you could use revolving around your idea
Melora – Unaligned Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and the Sea
Ehlonna, goddess of forests, woodlands, flora & fauna, and fertility
Obad-Hai, god of nature, freedom, hunting, and beasts
Estanna, demigoddess of hearth and home
Syreth, lesser goddess of guardians and protection.
Valarian, demigod of forest, forest creatures, and good-aligned magical creatures
Oh, I did not feel forced at all I just figured I'd give yours a look! I'm not here to tell you how to make your deck I just was making a friendly (opinionated) suggestion which I could see why you'd want to run Rotten Applebaum instead of Khartut Defender I was just hyped for it. I'm sorry if I gave the Wrong impression when commenting. I look forward to other decks that you make in the future
Hey, I decieded to look at some of the decks you made since you took the time to visit mine! I've shared my opinion on how I feel about [Hearthstone Card (Supreme Archeology) Not Found] but I will glady say I'm wrong if the some how becomes viable. I know you said you are going to be making a guide on the deck but I wanted to bring up that Khartut Defender could be utilized with Fel Lord Betrug and Dollmaster Dorian if you needed to utilize a bit of healing. Just something that could be interesting to consider
So I followed your signature, and I will say this does look more like a fun deck than competitive one! XD I think the their are a few cards I would have questions about, Void Contract is definitely not the way I would build it