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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 1675 Posts 733

Fedrion's Comments

  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Puny 1/1, meet 2/2!

    Blazing Battlemage

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Ha! 9 mana 3/3! Dragoncaller Alanna

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Ok ok, so Alleycat

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Soooo, Micro Mummy?

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Merry Christmas to everyone! Stay safe and at home! 

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Live4vrRdieTryn

    Y Shaarj is a mistake. Even at 0 Mana it's debatable because of space.


    Y'Shaarj is a monster, man, you got to try it, OP as hell, first game with him, win with a pirate/elemental build, got a golden Boat, and buffed it to something like 30/15 or around that, golden Eliza, I mean, at tier 6 it's absurd power level to get a guaranteed tier 6, because you get goldens and buffs everywhere, all thanks to Amalgadon being the only Battlecry tier 6.

    And thanks to needing space, you just end up buying buffs and buffs, then selling and pushing the button.

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I think that the main issue is the different turn times for each player, like let's say: It's turn 12, there's 5 ghosts, player X has levelled to tier 6 and it's against a ghost that conceded before the game started, he can't buy minions this turn, players Y and Z are against each other, they also level to 6.

    Next turn starts: Player X has almost 100 seconds in his turn because the game finished in microseconds.

    Players Y and Z have less than a minute to spend their turn.

    Why is that? Well, because the combat phase is automatic in the simulation, but not automatic for the players watching it, hindering long deathrattle builds, and taking too much time for large board of undying minions.


    The real solution would be a time equalization, like it or not, if the turns would start all at the same time, even for the guy who won without doing anything, that would mean downtime without being able to do anything at all, just staring at his screen, maybe looking at a timer till next turn?

    The thing is, if you want a longer turn, you can always use the disconnect "cheat", which uses firewall outgoing traffic as a way to disconnect HS and reconnect it immediately, but you can't really see the opponent warband, so, there's that.



    TL;DR: Thanks to simulated play and RANDOM, you can get a really long turn or a really short one, no way in avoiding it, outside of "cheating".

    In reply to Too short timer!
  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Pretty sure it will be released mid January, now the distribution of cards I won't dare to speculate but I'm 100% certain that not only they will shake the meta, but there will be at least 10 cards that would be must craft (most likely Epics or Legendaries if there are)...

    The same as Galakrond's they need to sell and they need to shake things up because the hype of a new expansion dies exactly after 2 months of experimenting/playing, and I mean that as a wild player, where actually, got to try 1 new deck and just a few tweaks to Highlander Priest and Odd Pally, so... Stale meta (and heard standard is the same with DH...)

    In reply to mini expansion
  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Elementals are inconsistent, like all BG mode really, but for elementals specifically you need either domo/rag/nomi and a bunch of elementals to roll the buffs they give, I mean yeah one can argue that that makes any elemental a "buffer" minion which is insane value, but just getting one turn without being able to play a single elemental because someone else is also playing them, yeah, that kills or hinders greatly the build.


    You either highroll or end 5~8 if you don't succeed, I mean, played two games today as Chenvala (the most broken elemental hero), and got 1st against a George with poisonous Murlocs, and then 7th against random bs because I just got 2 elementals by turn 5, so... BGs? Just flip a coin in every aspect and there you have the game mode.

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    No no, you misunderstood, 6 legendaries in 95 (now 103) packs.

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I'm fine with quest diversity, but I'm not fine with the Arena one.

    I play every single game mode, except Arena or Ranked Duels, because they are making me pay 150 (now really hard earned) gold, to give me a little bit of XP and the CHANCE of rewards? On top of that, you need to win 4 games? Which is like, RNG dependant, time consuming, and a lot of effort for an average player who just wants to have fun and not have his mind like "If I don't win the next one I just wasted 150 gold and have to invest 150 extra, so I got to put my mind 110% in the game."


    Just no.

    In reply to Sandbag quests.
  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    "Hey, we know we've been a little greedy with all our game desing, but hey! Now you can put more money in, get 2 legendaries from our current set, and 20 packs from an old set, for a FAIR price! We know that the prices we used till now are way off, but this one, this one is FAIR!"


    Yeah... F'off.

  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    "Play 3 Games"

    Battlegrounds do not count.

    Not surprised anymore.

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    I already knew, I am only commenting on everything I did so that the experience I had, when telling it has coherence.

    The main issue I have is that still, even if they shared a pity timer, I didn't get the first guaranteed one on the first ten packs.

    I mean, I'm not complaining just with the bundle and 15 more pack I've gotten 6 legendaries, which of course could be better, but it's RNG even with the packs, so I'm ok with it.
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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Shwarzinator

    I posted the same thing on Hearthpwn and got the following answer back. It blew my mind. Makes a LOT of sense.

    "I think you already know the answer to this question.  This game originated on PC and offered mobile as a secondary means of playing; over the years, that model has completely flipped and now we are looking at a mobile experience which allows you to play on your computer if you so desire.

    Control style decks are not conducive to a mobile game play style model which needs to keep the player engaged for short bursts of time while they play on the train to work, a lunch break, taking a dump, etc.  Control is dead and never coming back."

    I just felt my love for Hearthstone start to die a little inside me for the first time. Nothing to do with anything on Reddit or any of that stuff. If control really is dying then the game is basically dead for me. I have no interest in aggro. Or in playing only meme decks with 45% winrates or worse. This is really depressing.

    I think that's a totally accurate answer, Aggro decks take like 10 turns to either win or lose, so people have a tendency to expending less time in a game where it's normally quantity over quality.

    Thing about it as a game of any FPS, when people is losing, they prefer to either give up/concede and play another match with better chances of winning.

    Then there's the factor of "What has a better winrate and takes 10 minutes to decide an outcome?" mentality.


    I love control/combo decks, so after trying to climb a little in standard, I just said "F' it" and got back into Wild, where a lot can happen (Even when the meta is actually Razakus Priest, and aggro decks), and you can have fun with a lot of decks (DMH Warrior, N'zoth Secret Mill Rogue, Shudder Shaman).

  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    The only thing that I can say about this, I didn't get the guaranteed legendary on my first 10 packs, but I did get 2 on my first 40 packs.


    I ordered the big bundle, opened the 5 golden ones first, no legendary (as expected...), then moved to the normal packs, opened 17 and then I got the first one (Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate), and after 5 more packs got the second one (Zai, the Incredible).

    In the end I fell quite robbed of the guaranteed at 10 packs, but could be worse...

    Worth mentioning, I got Inara Stormcrash as my first Reward Track reward, and I opened it before opening any pack, maybe it counts towards the first 10 packs timer? It really shouldn't but as stated above, the game is full with this kind of bugs right now.

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    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago





