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Fluxflashor's Comments

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    No plans on it. If anything was going to stay static at the top, it would be the navigation! We actually tried that for a week or so when we launched the new nav and never really liked it. Thanks for the feedback though.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    If you like the few upgrades that went out this morning, you'll be more excited when we drop the HS Deck Tracker plugin for automatic collection syncing that's being alpha tested by some members.

    Hoping we can get that out to everyone in a few days!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    No pity timer on golden packs, and golden packs don't change the main pack's pity timer, so no.

    I've corrected the article about the pity timer stuff.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    You are correct, Celestalon had confirmed this a couple of months ago on Twitter.

    Golden packs are so rare, with no expectation to get enough of them to hit any pity timers, that we made them completely independent rolls, every time.
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I really hope this is just another free addition to make Hearthstone's pre-orders that much more appealing.

    My big question though is will we get to purchase golden packs now? It would be really cool if they let us buy a bundle of them or just leaving them open to buy completely. They would have to be more expensive, but having premium options would be amazing for those that love building decks with them.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Anathemos

    My collection got messed up again. It looks like whenever I do a JSON import, it's highly likely to add the cards in my collection, instead of replacing my current collection with the results of the import. The result is, if I had a single copy of an epic card in my collection, then when I do the JSON import, it inaccurately shows me as having two copies of that card.

    Is this a known issue? Should I make a separate report?

    Yes, that is how it works, it ADDS all the cards from JSON import, you need to import only once and then manually change your collection on the site with any future changes. We know, its pretty bad, but thats how it works for now. We are working on a better implementation.

    I just want to clear things up. This was never the intention of the feature. Bulk importing is supposed to calculate card differences but there's some funky logic that isn't up to par. Better implementation of it all is the end goal.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I'm with Shadows, I don't recall seeing that anywhere and would love a source or rough idea where it was mentioned.

    I know if anyone on the team knew, we'd have made a dedicated article for it at the time. I hope we didn't drop the ball too hard.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    When you've been a part of something for a long time, sometimes you just need a change of pace or maybe even a greater challenge. Exploring new paths with your career can help you improve in so many different ways, and with how old Hearthstone is now, it isn't too surprising that the older, more known members of the team, have all been leaving.

    I don't think Blizzard is in the clear though, you've definitely seen changes there over the past handful of years that in my eyes could cause people to want to jump ship. Even the leadership of the company left within the past couple of years which is pretty crazy.

    Overall though, the Hearthstone team is a couple hundred people at this point so a couple of leaves over the past year isn't too crazy. And since a good chunk of those that left remained at Blizzard to work on other projects, it's not likely anything wrong internally but more so the desire to create new things has overtaken the deep love for Hearthstone. I can't speak for any of them, but I know I'd be excited about new projects.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yup, this was also an incredible one!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Your collection has been wiped!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This is a planned addition! We're also missing the ability to copy a deckstring which isn't great so that's going to be added too.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yup! They also work in Valorant, Riot's new FPS.

    I imagine they'll eventually get around to fixing the branding on the cards. Here's their support article that confirms it.


  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This was tough news to wakeup to and even tougher to report on. I don't think I've done enough to highlight his accomplishments.

    I didn't know Reckful well personally. We had only spoken a handful times in the early Hearthstone days, but you could tell he was a great person with huge aspirations. Going from competitor to game developer, with the goal of creating a game that would help connect people together in this world where we're less connected than ever even with the increase in global connectivity, was great to see and I'm sad that he won't be able to see it through. From my understanding, Everland was going to release this year in some capacity and they had great success with the tests they had run. When he needed that personal contact the most, something he was creating for others, it wasn't there for him.

    I liked the tweet Asmongold put out today and it summarizes everything quite well.

    Quote From Asmongold

    I hope this will be a wakeup call to everyone who creates a reward structure around ridiculing and mocking mental illness We can be better as a community and we will be better.

    Goodbye, Reckful.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aggro always wins!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yeah, honestly, if they do the whole wild cards in standard thing again... 2 or 3 weeks tops. It was a ton of fun but then there was zero desire to play.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I would LOVE another Old Gods expansion. Whispers of the Old Gods was the damn pinnacle of Hearthstone's popularity and with good reason. Thinking back on it, I still get joy when I think about all the amazing artwork Blizzard commissioned that was painted on the sides of buildings around the world. That was a sweet marketing campaign!

    It was such unique timing on that set with the game growing and growing. I do wonder if pulling another large Old Gods expansion would see the return of a ton of players. With the tech they now have available, there could be so many extra features put into such a thing that the pure awesomeness would be tough to miss.

    Darkmoon Faire definitely has some old gods ties though... maybe there is hope for December.

    On your second part, I don't think it's a huge negative to have some cards that just aren't going to work out. Yes, it would suck to have dead cards but that's also something that is so exciting about it! Imagine stitching together some fan-favourite expansions and then some of those favourites just don't work out. It forces everyone to actually go deckbuilding and learning what new stuff is overpowered.

    Blizzard could also have the opportunity to get us buying older packs again with this, they are back in the in-game store after all! I like to think they may offer some discounted packs for older expansions that reappear in the format and potentially give us quests that give us those types of packs for playing the new mode. Doing a dedicated "format pack" that could have its content rotate based on the currently available expansions, akin to the Year of the Dragon pack, would also be a nice touch.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yeah, this is an old screenshot. Probably should have used the updated one >.>

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    For real, Whizbang needs to return!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3101 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I hope it isn't dual-class constructed. As fun as that may be, it is my belief that it is more fun when it is sprinkled throughout the year as a treat instead of a permanent game mode.

    Though, part of that might be me being afraid of the changes I'd need to make to support dual-class decks on the site :P

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