I need help!!! I have been trying to do the Warlock/Snip Snap deck and I always time out on my turn before lethal is on my minion. I've had it done to me, so I KNOW it's possible to do it. Is there a trick I'm missing that allows you to by pass waiting for Snip Snap to spawn in your hand to get the echo?
Al'Akir the Windlord - I crafted him when I Even Shaman was a big thing, and I haven't used him a lot since. Although, he is Classic, so chances are he'll be useful down the road. Especially currently with Muckmorpher, this guy still holds value.
Scargil - He is equivalent to the "Hype"-mon. It's good, but not essential by any means and only useful in one deck.
Electra Stormsurge - Solid card and noted in most Shaman builds. Will still be around for another 9+ months in Standard, but still shows it's face in certain Wild Shaman builds.
Zentimo - Totally a fun card. But huge target right out the gate. Once a person has been stung with their Faerie Dragon getting hit with Hex because the minion next to them was vulnerable, they target him quick. If you craft him, don't get upset when he doesn't survive more than a turn.,
The Soularium - GREAT card. But I am biased as a Warlock main. It has a good amount of value... in the right deck. If you don't have the cards for the decks that you see this in, then hold off on it.
Darius Crowley - He's a little too inconsistent in standard builds. One week he's in, next he's tech at best. There are other options for Rush in Warrior that don't cost 1600 dust
Archivist Elysiana- Showing up in more and more builds. Even after nerf, next to Al'Akir the Windlord, probably your safest craft choice. Add that since she was added in the first expansion of the year, she will be around for another 18+ months in Standard. So a solid investment.
You just have to look at how Pokemon and MTG have done with their continual reprint of out of print cards... Yeah, it pisses off a number of old school players. BUT, it also makes those cards more readily available and in this case usable for new and standard players. What it comes down to is, if they reprint, they will ultimately make more money. That's the name of the game. Besides, even if cards come back into circulation, they only have a shelf life in standard for 2 years at most.
I like Even Shaman, but when it comes to Shaman decks... honestly, I love playing the hell out Overload cards. Especially with Thunderhead he really makes it so much easier to cast Overload cards because you get a consolation gift for locking your mana. I hope that the next set will release another unlock card though.
To be more precise, the image must be hosted somewhere first. In this case, I took a screenshot, edited in MS Paint, saved it, then uploaded it to imgur.
Does this mean you have to have it uploaded somewhere on the internet first? I've been trying to upload an image that I have stored locally for a week
I am looking for crafting advice on a few seemingly "necessary" legendaries from Rise: Chef Nomi Archivist Elysiana I'm stuck because I have accumulated a ton of dust, but I am also trying to "gold out" all of my Warlock cards, since I'm a Warlock main. Are either of these really worth crafting in the current meta? It seems that both have their places in decks, but I'm continually seeing their places being rotated in and out of decks. Thoughts?
So... first off, I REALLY do not like playing Hunter. To me it's the worst class by far. With that in mind, I am trying to get my Golden Hunter class and I have learned to like Tracking because it allows you to root through the top 3 cards of your deck and grab the 1 that you need at that moment. I only do it when I am looking to get the situational kill card. For example, my opponent is down to 6 life, I have 7 mana... I'm digging for Leeroy Jenkins or Kill Command
I honestly liked the idea of this deck and I wanted to like it. But alas, I went 0-3 against 3 different decks. I kept finding myself with a full hand of things that I couldn't play. Like I would be stuck with Tak Nozwhisker or Heistbaron Togwaggle without the needed combo cards. That or I would have Magic Carpet and no 1 cost minions to play. Perhaps I just got stuck with bad draws, but 3 games in a row of that exact same scenario kinda burned me.
I've been playing since it started, originally as F2P. But I also stopped between GvG and Un'Goro. Since restarting with Un'Goro though, I think I have opened maybe 8 or 9 total
I like the idea. I'm trying to "Gold Out" all my Warlock cards in Standard and Wild. Having a Golden Mal'Ganis would totally make my day.
But to prevent people from abusing it, the golden card you get would need to be something that cannot be disenchanted, sort of like Marin the Fox. I'm no coder, but that seems like something relatively easy to do. I'd even be so brazen as to say that if you are able to complete an adventure tied to a specific release (Dalaran Heist for Rise of Shadows for example), you choose a specific card out of that set to become golden. Once you have completely unlocked everything in the adventure and completed it with all of the hero and deck options, it becomes one hell of a cool reward for your dedication.
Long story... But ultimately it started with a childhood taunting nickname... Tadpole. Well, I grew up. A grown tadpole is a frog. The Hydra part though, I'm still at a loss for knowing the origins for me. Nonetheless, Hydrafrog is where I am.
Players like you are the reason why I like the game. Emoting is a "friendly" exchange in my mind. I will always send the "Well Played" emote if I see that I was outplayed. When it gets to the upper ranks, everyone is playing the same deck, and MAYBE teching a little different based on what they are seeing mostly.
I come from a card playing background in MTG and was a judge for DCI for a while. I can tell you, for the most part, good sportsmanship goes a long way for us. Keep it and don't add "friends" right away when they send you a request. If they genuinely want to be friends with you, wait a few days then accept. By that time, if they were just being a salty jerk, they probably have forgotten by that time.
I actually love making decks... although so few work out for laddering. They are mostly trying to find uses for useless cards or ones that are typically only good for Area. I'm still trying to find a way to make Immortal Prelate worth playing in a tier 1-2 deck. Although with the buffs coming tomorrow, this may be more likely.
I have been stuck at Rank 8/7 for the past month and it is killing me. As much as I like to play Bomb Warrior and Tempo Rogue, I'm trying to get my golden Hunter hero.
I was able to grind up to 10 with Mid-Range Hunter, then got stuck. Since then I have been playing the hell out of Mech Hunter. But I am still getting stuck at Rank 7/8. And here is where I am wondering about the tech in my deck: I've been using Boommaster Flark but I do not find him to be that useful. Whenever I drop him, Flark gets taken out quickly, as he should. But I find myself trying to find ways to detonate the Goblin Bombs he creates. The only consistency I have found is by dropping the Venomizer + Missile Launcher combo for a board wipe. Has anyone else been able to make use of this card?
I have honestly tried to do the Weenie Control with Surrender to Madness and Spirit of the Dead. Needless to say, I'm eyeballing crafting that stupid Golden Barnes now.
I created the Warlock Snip Snap deck and I get timed out EVERY SINGLE TIME I load up a mech to do lethal damage in one turn! GYAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I need help!!! I have been trying to do the Warlock/Snip Snap deck and I always time out on my turn before lethal is on my minion. I've had it done to me, so I KNOW it's possible to do it. Is there a trick I'm missing that allows you to by pass waiting for Snip Snap to spawn in your hand to get the echo?
Al'Akir the Windlord - I crafted him when I Even Shaman was a big thing, and I haven't used him a lot since. Although, he is Classic, so chances are he'll be useful down the road. Especially currently with Muckmorpher, this guy still holds value.
Scargil - He is equivalent to the "Hype"-mon. It's good, but not essential by any means and only useful in one deck.
Electra Stormsurge - Solid card and noted in most Shaman builds. Will still be around for another 9+ months in Standard, but still shows it's face in certain Wild Shaman builds.
Zentimo - Totally a fun card. But huge target right out the gate. Once a person has been stung with their Faerie Dragon getting hit with Hex because the minion next to them was vulnerable, they target him quick. If you craft him, don't get upset when he doesn't survive more than a turn.,
The Soularium - GREAT card. But I am biased as a Warlock main. It has a good amount of value... in the right deck. If you don't have the cards for the decks that you see this in, then hold off on it.
Darius Crowley - He's a little too inconsistent in standard builds. One week he's in, next he's tech at best. There are other options for Rush in Warrior that don't cost 1600 dust
Archivist Elysiana- Showing up in more and more builds. Even after nerf, next to Al'Akir the Windlord, probably your safest craft choice. Add that since she was added in the first expansion of the year, she will be around for another 18+ months in Standard. So a solid investment.
Nice work. I still have yet to get there myself. I think the highest I have got is 7. So you got my number.
You just have to look at how Pokemon and MTG have done with their continual reprint of out of print cards... Yeah, it pisses off a number of old school players. BUT, it also makes those cards more readily available and in this case usable for new and standard players. What it comes down to is, if they reprint, they will ultimately make more money. That's the name of the game. Besides, even if cards come back into circulation, they only have a shelf life in standard for 2 years at most.
I like Even Shaman, but when it comes to Shaman decks... honestly, I love playing the hell out Overload cards. Especially with Thunderhead he really makes it so much easier to cast Overload cards because you get a consolation gift for locking your mana. I hope that the next set will release another unlock card though.
Replacements for Electra Stormsurge? I have all the other pieces, but I do not necessarily want to craft this card unless I have to.
Does this mean you have to have it uploaded somewhere on the internet first? I've been trying to upload an image that I have stored locally for a week
I am looking for crafting advice on a few seemingly "necessary" legendaries from Rise:
Chef Nomi
Archivist Elysiana
I'm stuck because I have accumulated a ton of dust, but I am also trying to "gold out" all of my Warlock cards, since I'm a Warlock main. Are either of these really worth crafting in the current meta? It seems that both have their places in decks, but I'm continually seeing their places being rotated in and out of decks. Thoughts?
I did Paladin and chose the random weapon and the robes of gaudiness. I went through it without a problem
So... first off, I REALLY do not like playing Hunter. To me it's the worst class by far. With that in mind, I am trying to get my Golden Hunter class and I have learned to like Tracking because it allows you to root through the top 3 cards of your deck and grab the 1 that you need at that moment. I only do it when I am looking to get the situational kill card. For example, my opponent is down to 6 life, I have 7 mana... I'm digging for Leeroy Jenkins or Kill Command
I honestly liked the idea of this deck and I wanted to like it. But alas, I went 0-3 against 3 different decks. I kept finding myself with a full hand of things that I couldn't play. Like I would be stuck with Tak Nozwhisker or Heistbaron Togwaggle without the needed combo cards. That or I would have Magic Carpet and no 1 cost minions to play. Perhaps I just got stuck with bad draws, but 3 games in a row of that exact same scenario kinda burned me.
With Preparation you get 2 cards and a combo for free.
I've been playing since it started, originally as F2P. But I also stopped between GvG and Un'Goro. Since restarting with Un'Goro though, I think I have opened maybe 8 or 9 total
I like the idea. I'm trying to "Gold Out" all my Warlock cards in Standard and Wild. Having a Golden Mal'Ganis would totally make my day.
But to prevent people from abusing it, the golden card you get would need to be something that cannot be disenchanted, sort of like Marin the Fox. I'm no coder, but that seems like something relatively easy to do. I'd even be so brazen as to say that if you are able to complete an adventure tied to a specific release (Dalaran Heist for Rise of Shadows for example), you choose a specific card out of that set to become golden. Once you have completely unlocked everything in the adventure and completed it with all of the hero and deck options, it becomes one hell of a cool reward for your dedication.
Long story... But ultimately it started with a childhood taunting nickname... Tadpole. Well, I grew up. A grown tadpole is a frog. The Hydra part though, I'm still at a loss for knowing the origins for me. Nonetheless, Hydrafrog is where I am.
Players like you are the reason why I like the game. Emoting is a "friendly" exchange in my mind. I will always send the "Well Played" emote if I see that I was outplayed. When it gets to the upper ranks, everyone is playing the same deck, and MAYBE teching a little different based on what they are seeing mostly.
I come from a card playing background in MTG and was a judge for DCI for a while. I can tell you, for the most part, good sportsmanship goes a long way for us. Keep it and don't add "friends" right away when they send you a request. If they genuinely want to be friends with you, wait a few days then accept. By that time, if they were just being a salty jerk, they probably have forgotten by that time.
I actually love making decks... although so few work out for laddering. They are mostly trying to find uses for useless cards or ones that are typically only good for Area. I'm still trying to find a way to make Immortal Prelate worth playing in a tier 1-2 deck. Although with the buffs coming tomorrow, this may be more likely.
I have been stuck at Rank 8/7 for the past month and it is killing me. As much as I like to play Bomb Warrior and Tempo Rogue, I'm trying to get my golden Hunter hero.
I was able to grind up to 10 with Mid-Range Hunter, then got stuck. Since then I have been playing the hell out of Mech Hunter. But I am still getting stuck at Rank 7/8. And here is where I am wondering about the tech in my deck: I've been using Boommaster Flark but I do not find him to be that useful. Whenever I drop him, Flark gets taken out quickly, as he should. But I find myself trying to find ways to detonate the Goblin Bombs he creates. The only consistency I have found is by dropping the Venomizer + Missile Launcher combo for a board wipe. Has anyone else been able to make use of this card?