Reminds me of Frostbolt and Penance.
Could be fun!
Now we only need some decent Dragons for this. That Deathrattle one from RoS might finally see play.
Do Token/Aggro Decks really want a 7 mana 1 Attack Minion? Don't think so.
Also, you can't buff the Tokens right away, so they can be easily removed.
Maybe in Control-Priest?
It's weaker than Lazul though. And what are you gonna do with a Card that most-likely doesn't fit into your deck/Game plan anyway?
Great Card for Dragon-Rogue!
... but, except drawing 3 Cards, what is that Deck gonna do?
Malygos+Scheme+Galakrond+Coins+2xSinister Strike = 46 Damage
Strong Card for Miracle, but I dont think we're gonna see much of that Archetype.
I mean, what are you gonna do with big Minions except crying after they get removed?
On the other Hand, I think this is way more suited for Combos ( Maly + Scheme + Galakrond + Coins → ?)
One of the best Cards so far!
Emperor only needs one Tick to enable crazy Combos, imagine what you could do with two.
And dont forget that you can get this from Galakrond/Priest Invokes.
Im not sold on this one.
SW:D is way cheaper, Forbidden Words is more flexible and in wild you have Entomb
Everyone's comparing it to Assassinate, and that's not a good card either.
Also 5 Mana clear 1 Minion vs. 5 Mana Boardclear
I once fought against a Reno-Nzoth-Floop-Sath-Druid.
..guess how that turned out for me.
I dont care about Meta-Viability
Reminds me of Frostbolt and Penance.
Could be fun!
Now we only need some decent Dragons for this. That Deathrattle one from RoS might finally see play.
Do Token/Aggro Decks really want a 7 mana 1 Attack Minion? Don't think so.
Also, you can't buff the Tokens right away, so they can be easily removed.
Maybe in Control-Priest?
It's weaker than Lazul though. And what are you gonna do with a Card that most-likely doesn't fit into your deck/Game plan anyway?
Great Card for Dragon-Rogue!
... but, except drawing 3 Cards, what is that Deck gonna do?
Malygos+Scheme+Galakrond+Coins+2xSinister Strike = 46 Damage
Strong Card for Miracle, but I dont think we're gonna see much of that Archetype.
I mean, what are you gonna do with big Minions except crying after they get removed?
On the other Hand, I think this is way more suited for Combos ( Maly + Scheme + Galakrond + Coins → ?)
One of the best Cards so far!
Emperor only needs one Tick to enable crazy Combos, imagine what you could do with two.
And dont forget that you can get this from Galakrond/Priest Invokes.
Im not sold on this one.
SW:D is way cheaper, Forbidden Words is more flexible and in wild you have Entomb
Everyone's comparing it to Assassinate, and that's not a good card either.
Also 5 Mana clear 1 Minion vs. 5 Mana Boardclear
I once fought against a Reno-Nzoth-Floop-Sath-Druid.
..guess how that turned out for me.
I dont care about Meta-Viability