New Priest Spell - Time Rip
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A new Rare Priest Spell, Time Rip, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Spell, Time Rip, has been revealed!
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Assassinate with an upside
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable's hero power is "Add a random priest minion to your hand."
So this is Assassinate + Add a random priest minion to your hand. It is not just an upside, it is overpowered i think. Even more with Fate Weaver.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Except you need to invoke twice to get one additional priest minion. So it isn't as strong as you make it out to be here.
I don't think you need to invoke twice before you are able to activate galakrond's hero power. All invoke cards activates the hero power regardless galakrond is upgraded or not. At least i saw them in this video;
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Oh wait I completely misunderstood the invoke mechanic. Yeah, my bad. I wasn't even aware that invoke activates Galakrond's hero power.
Might have to reevaluate some invoke cards then...
It's likely a good card for priest, but insert standard priest disclaimers here <weak to OTKs, few ways to actually finish games, etc.>
Heavy card. Replaces SW:D in Galakrond decks.
Overpowered in Priest, where you have access to SW:D? Not really. This card is totally balanced for 5 mana.
I really dislike this card, it just seems too good. Destroy a minion, add a random priest minion to your hand, in a class that has historically had trouble with unconditional single target removal. Its not so expensive it feels bad killing something small but dangerous, and killing anything large feels more than fine.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
No more problem with 4-attack minions.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
another removal for Priest... it's almost like... like Warriors LOL
I don't see this being "bad" as much as "not as good at either of the two things it does vs other cards." I expect I'd rather run other Invokers and other removals rather than just this one expensive spell. However, this is one of those cards I'm fully prepared to be dead wrong about (which tends to happen a lot) since I seem to be in minority on not liking the card
Better assassinate, looks descent.
This one is simple: if galakrond sees play, then this is a possible shadow word: death replacement. Still a little expensive give priest cheap single target removal.
Im not sold on this one.
SW:D is way cheaper, Forbidden Words is more flexible and in wild you have Entomb
Everyone's comparing it to Assassinate, and that's not a good card either.
Also 5 Mana clear 1 Minion vs. 5 Mana Boardclear
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Unconditional removal has always been an issue for Priests; there is a slight possibility of seeing this card outside of Galakrond decks, just because they value the ability to eliminate anyone without a restriction. Maybe not, but you never know lel.
For Wild may be decent if you go with Galakrond, the Unspeakable (of course) but otherwise Entomb still better since you avoid any deathrattle's trigger for you opponent while also adding a resource to your own deck.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
I mean, it is better than Assassinate, but no-one plays Assassinate. However the synergy with Galakrond and especially the invoke dragon could make it playable
Its good but priest have better removal options outside of this archetype.
I'm still not sold on the "random priest minion" power, but Assassinate with card generation is not bad.
Priest have best removals than this for sure, but if Galakrond is a thing, this is will be a thing too.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Pretty expensive compared to the other removal Priest has available to them. Invoking obviously is needed in a dedicated deck, but depending on what other cards are available in that aspect, this might not even see play.
Another removal for priest...sigh
Kill any card, gain a random minion? I'm in! Unfortunately, I don't think traditional Control priest will hack it anymore.
Upgraded Assassinate.
Good, but not OP.
By The Holy Light!
solid, but priest have better removals i think
The value of this card will depend a lot on whether we see a deck that uses Galakrond as a win condition. Otherwise, I would rather use Forbidden word or any Shadow word.
Good spell for Galakrond decks. Destroy a minion and add a random priest minion to your hand!
significantly less exciting when Forbidden Words also exists.
I remember when Priests couldn't get rid of 4-attack minions easily
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
They have Forbidden Words which deals with them on curve ;)
This. Don't like this card for that reason. What happened to sticking to Class core themes? Priest always had conditional removal...
Communism is just a red herring
I like it. You will end up needing to play invoke cards before galakrond becomes worth it, this invoke card looks better than some of the ones we have seen so far.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Priest already has removal so I’m not too impressed. This will be cut for other invokers.
Priest's Galakrond doesn't seem particularly strong, so I don't know how worthwhile Invoke will be. However, if it's worthwhile, then Priests will include this card. Priest can build Control decks that make 5 Mana cards palatable, and targeted, non-conditional removal in Priest with an upside sounds good to me.
Good card, assasinate with invoke seem pretty resonable
I think it’s fine when the main thing you are trying to do is Invoke Galakrond. Galakrond Priest seems to want to play control while generating a bunch of random minion in hand, then either discounting them with Fate Weaver to dump a few at a time, or just play Princess Talanji to fill the board with one play. I think it might work.
Time RIP. Priests theme with this expack is all about removal it seems.
Assassinate was never a bad card, it's just that rogue counld't afford to play such expensive removal, I don't even see them using Walk the Plank anymore. While priest would love having these cards and now they have a better Assassinate that gives you a card and enpowers your Galakrond, the Unspeakable.
More dragons? Yes please!
It kind of always been the case as priest basic and classic sets don't really present many removal options, its arsenal - read viable archetype(s) - is forever changing every rotation.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Priest version of Assassinate on choice while benefiting the key card of the new expansion..Will likely see this in many decks just like entomb during its time.
Seems too expensive for removal, even if you’re getting a random priest minion for it as well
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Are you going to cut this card in favor of other invokers, or are you going to cut other removal tools in favor of this card?
Being able to destroy any minion makes this better than Shadow Word: Death and arguably better than Forbidden Words.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Right now control priests are using Forbidden Words and I can see this straight up replacing it even outside of Galakrond decks.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable could very well support a late game value/control Priest, and this card would be hugely important to that archetype. Assassinate + a random priest minion is excellent, will have to see how all the other Invoke cards pan out.
Is good card for priest howhever is a litter over the cost, i soppose is natural when you are eliminationg a big threath, invoking and geting a free minion
Balanced, not crazy good but auto include in Galakrond decks
I don't think packing more and more removal will make Galakrond priest a thing. This card isn't even that strong, is an assassinate that add a random priest minion in your, yes, basically is just an assassinate.
Galakronf priest seems to only generate a ridicolous amount of value without doing anything to win the game, just imagine removing threats and adding random minions in your hand would help you at all at winning a game versus a quest shaman or a quest druid or a galakrond rogue that just drawn 4 cards that cost zero.
For now the only strong thing that galakrond priest can do is to play Princess Talanji, and putting a full board of random priest minions. But i'm not sure that just that will be enough to make the deck works, even if it does, Talanji will soon rotate
Pretty boring card, still it will be a must in Galakrond decks.
An Assassinate for a priest. Decent, boring, might be playeable in Galakrond decks. That's all.
Slightly better [Hearthstone Card (Assassiniate) Not Found] looks very good for priest.
Priest's removal traditionally has been very situational, so I'm expecting this to be okay, at least for Galakrond decks.
lets see.. assassinate kinda sucks, vilespine was OP.. this is somewhere in the middle i assume
Mostly, but Assasinate can only target enemy minions, this does not.
That is part of the upside my friend
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
A little better Assassinate with the invoke. It will see play in the Galak's deck if the deck really need a removal/invoke card...but only in that case
I think it will be time to remove my SWP and SWD from my decks!
I should have given an example.
I have a friend who played Archmage Vargoth in his rogue deck and one of the things he could do is double an Assassinate, here you can't.
But It is very especific so yeah, it is mostly an upside.
Probably an auto-include in Galakrond Priest, even though Assassinate sees no play.
I guess its playable bad card in other classes is somethies playable in priest
It removes a minion of some kind and adds a random one to your hand while also allowing you to destroy more minions later. I think this is going to be run in all priest decks
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Clean removal that adds a card to your hand. Seems pretty good. Invoke is really exciting
A good support card for Galakrond decks. This card can also kill 4 attack minions, which closes the gap between Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death.
Good enough to be played, but I'm def not excited about it.
Assassinate with an added bonus, no restrictions on Attack like the Shadow Word cards or on mana like Forbidden Words. Solid removal and Invoke card.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
I don't know, seems weak. Assassinate stopped being good a long time ago, but it still sees play if necessary. I just think Priest already has enough removal for this to work. Galapriest will probably have to run at least one, since Devoted Maniac is most likely horrible there.
R.I.P. Assassinate. Unconditional removal with invoke is just too good to pass.
Awesome removal tool for Galakrond Priest decks.
Oh look! Priest now can Assassinate too! Class identity doesn't matter anymore?
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