I haven't seen Even-Warlock for quite some time now. Could this be the card that brings this archetype back to live? The fact that the Demon comes with taunt could be the important Detail.
Maybe it's also a good way to keep your board presence?
Imagine this: You and the Opponent are fighting for the board and your SQ is active. Since you have to take damage, your Opponent has to attack you or use burn, which could lead to them taking unfavorable trades. And if they don't go Face and trade off your board, you will get a free 3-6 Taunt that'll pick up your Opponents damaged Minions.
I love it!
Highlander-Decks are my favorite Archetype, so yeah safe craft for my Reno-Dragon-Priest!
Is it gonna be good? ... well random is random...
I am calling it now: People on all forums will BEG that Sorcerer's Apprentice gets HoF'd
Hello, Mana Cyclone-Mage!
... Please, no.
Even if it's not played on curve, it's still pretty strong.
But I highly doubt they will print a 1 Mana invoke for Warrior.
...or maybe they will? Powerlevel of this xpac has been pretty high so far.
Pretty similar to Oasis Surger.
Imagine getting this from Galakronds Battlecry! 3 7-6 with rush for 3 is bonkers.
The only thing that's missing are some Warrior-Invokers.
I wonder what'll be the best Dragon to copy.
There are already some good ones like Deathwing, Mad Aspect or Fate Weaver.
Zola the Gorgon but for Dragons! This time with good stats and you can run 2!
At best it's gonna make it in some Meme-Egg-Deck.
And even then I doubt it'll be good.
Faerie Dragon I AM POWER, INCAAAAARNAAAAATE Twilight Drake
Kinda reminds me of Elven Minstrel.
Better Stats and stronger effect, but a more specific use.
Finally I can take revenge on all these Druids playing Sathrovarr!
Also, nice Video!
It's also worth noting that it is a Common, so it's a safe craft for Budget-Decks if you need a good stand-alone Card.
I haven't seen Even-Warlock for quite some time now. Could this be the card that brings this archetype back to live? The fact that the Demon comes with taunt could be the important Detail.
Twilight Drake would probably be a good way of combining Hand-Lock with Dragons
Wow... Such BIG, strong Hands...
That's a really interesting effect for sure. So many different ways to use this...
Maybe it can find a place in some kind of Highlander-Rogue?
Maybe it's also a good way to keep your board presence?
Imagine this: You and the Opponent are fighting for the board and your SQ is active. Since you have to take damage, your Opponent has to attack you or use burn, which could lead to them taking unfavorable trades. And if they don't go Face and trade off your board, you will get a free 3-6 Taunt that'll pick up your Opponents damaged Minions.
Activating this on t2/3 against Aggro might be tough, but if that happens it should practically be game over, right?
Could also be great after clearing: Opponent spends their turn rebuilding their board → no Damage → spawns taunt to protect you from next wave
I'm happy they keep printing weird tech cards like this.
Ressurect is just such a BS mechanic.