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Joined 03/03/2020 Achieve Points 95 Posts 34

Leglock's Comments

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Nau/Mao are underwhelming champs, I win every signle time with either tempo, combo or aggro decks. 
    They archetype is funny, but telegraphed and SUPER SLOW.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    So far, I like that rule, even when sometimes some decks will lock themeselves into bad plays with the old rule.

    The thing is, units created from spells are an exception to this rule and I wonder why? I just lost a game because I didn't know about this, I was about to replace a unit for lethal and my unit got oblitareted. Not sure if this is intended.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Let's make Darius a 20/20 overwhelm, fearsome. Wich flips when enemy nexus it's on 15 hp or less.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    So far Yetis hasn’t been that great, mostly because the earliest one can be played without Yeti Yearling is turn 4. In the late game, drawing a yeti can be awful, because if you have 10 Mana and no cards in hand, you would prefer a card like Anivia to a 5/5. Since Runeterra doesn’t have a lot of draw, Yetis also can’t be consistently drawn in the early game where their stats would matter, so the deck ends up not being that viable.

    Yeah, that is fair. Maybe I was just to concerned about the early aggro and board domination. But yes, in late they are awfull to draw.

    In reply to Enraged Yeti
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Also, freljord  now should be doing fine with Kalista and cards like They Who Endure and Atrocity. I gonna work around something between the lines.

    In reply to Enraged Yeti
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    Freljord is currently the weakest region and there's not a single competitive deck (until maybe now) that runs yetis.

    What, pray tell, makes you think they're overtuned?


    Don't get me wrong, I am not complainin since I love Freljord, but that is my guess.

    Maybe in the next weeks we will see more Yetis and talk about this.

    In reply to Enraged Yeti
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I always felt like the token was quite overloaded, 1 mana 10 points of stats is quite wild. The thing is, it is easy to get them, they are good in tempo and they are cheap. Aren't they quite overtuned?

    In reply to Enraged Yeti
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Good bye sir.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Well the Frenzied Skitterer nerf seems not impactful to me (power is way more important than toughness in fearsome decks and this just makes it die to avalance or mystic shot)

     The Brightsteel Formation nerf is small but meaningful since p&z can now kill it with their big creature burn spell as response and that it triggers 1 less barrier for shen

    The Katarina buff is interesting but i doubt it will make her much better on her own but i could see Ezreal decks now considering to play her

    The Yasuo buff actually does not change too much since he was above 3 health when he leveled anyways and thats what matters (for Brittle Steel)

    The Vanguard Bannerman nerf was to prodictable and wont reduce the power of the card too much it just has to be played along with 3 units instead of 2 to be worth it and thats fine

    However it is sad to see that Riot wants to keep Iceborn Legacy as it is. It only finds a home in that scribe meme deck that you cant call consistant or ranked viable imo

    Frenzied Skitterer now dies into Mystic Shot, which is big enough.
    Katarina buff is actually really good, she now can level up  against Riposte and Prismatic Barrier or any +1/+1 buff.
    Yasuo now survives Get Excited! and Grasp of the Undying, so for me this is a big buff.

    In reply to leaked 0.9.4 patch!
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Kinkou Sejuani is making me think in the obvious... 

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I think that the main problem with Ruination is that it can be cast on turn six with Spell Mana. To fix this, maybe Runeterra could introduce a keyword that means “this Spell cant spend Spell Mana” and give that to Ruination, so that it could only be played on turn 9. Maybe to counterbalance that, it could have its cost reduced to 8 Mana or something

    Sounds unplayable tbh. ATM It is ok, is a slow spell for 9 mana. 

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Without those "board reset", aggro and midrage would be mindless archetypes to play. 
    The Ruination is quite expensive compared with it's Magic counterpart (Wrath of God) which was 2 white + 2 colorless mana. Nowdays are better wipeout board cards like Cleansing Nova which is 2 white + 3 colorless mana but the effect is slighlty better (you can choose kill all creatures OR artifacts + Enchantments). 

    I can't see why is busted, since if you pressure enough, you are already winning, you don't need to vomit your hand recklessly, keep your back up just in case a reset. Remeber that you can't play units after The Ruination, except 1 mana units or Remembrance/ Succession, which is unlikely in the current meta.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I think these are some pretty good ideas, especially the ability to see what cards are left in your deck.

    There are 3rd party programs that let you see that, with % of draws and everything, but to be honest it would be nice something like that, even a simple version within the game. Also, said programs depends on the stability of Riot servers, and like League of Legends, servers are quite unstable with the quarantine. 

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    So far, I think this meta is well rounded, there are tons of fun and strong decks, and all of them have weakness to work out.

    Hecarim stopped the onslaugth and elusives are in check thanks to Demacia raw power and Challenger units. Still, there are some few cards that will need some balance but I am not here for that today. Instead, I wanna suggest some features that should be a must:

    Replay system:
    We all want to watch that game where we messed up with one choice. This is a great feature that we all would enjoy.

    In-game deck tracker:
    I don't mind the odds and that stuff, only a basic tracker that shows the remaining cards left in your deck, as well as "graveyard" or "discarded lot" to keep track of the enemy cards.

    Rope penalty: There are some players, specially in master that like to mess up when they can't keep up with the game, is not that I hate ropes, but they are annoying. 
    My suggest will be a stacking penalty: For each 2 seconds you miss, you will have 1 less second in your entire next round and will stack (with a warning icon over the side of the player that is roping) to the next one until you play fast couple of rounds.

    What do you think about these?

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    They already mixed Zaun with Piltover... Soooooo.

    In reply to Demons in LoR
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    How about rework Elusive as units that can hit ONCE as "Stealth" units and just create that last tag for units like Teemo or Ezreal. Stealth should be the current Elusive.

    I think that will solve must of the current elusive issues.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yup, I actually like the "not make a card unplayeable" policy, but Hecarim and Elusive units are still an issue.

    Hecarim power budget could care less for level up when the whole SI package is busted, take away overwhelm, creep the body of rekindler and rework Elusive keyword (or make Shadow Assasinn a 1/1 that draws card, and Kinkou Lifeblade heal 2hp instead of lifesteal).

    Kalista base form is lame for a 3 drop, and the level up is kinda irrelevant for the requirement. I like the direction, but kalista seems like more like meme combo card than a real champion.

    Well, it will be a long month...

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    It is fine as it is. I have almost every card around and it doesn't bother me. You will get a bunch of crytals and tokens to spend in the new expac when the time comes.


  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you guys,  I didn't notice the eye you mentioned. 

    In reply to 3rd party tools?
  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I wonder what are those. My guess will be that these are kinda the thing used by Mowgai or Swim that makes you look the hp that the enemy will lose after the combat phase or to see the hole splash art of the cards.

    Also, anyone here use any of those?

    In reply to 3rd party tools?
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