Speaking as a "mostly" F2P and Casual player, I agree with this post. I am not at the point of unninstalling but it is true that we have had way too many negatives this last few months. I am someone who buys or at least tries to buy the Tavern Pass as a way to "invest" in the game and let Blizz know I am enjoying it.
I think that part is over now. I personally wont be able to complete the weekly quests and as an individual with studies, a job and a wife that demand some attention, I cant bring myself to play more time and the way I they want me too.
I am that kind of person that crafted Whizbang golden (well, upgraded here) and love long games. I may play 1 2 or 3 a day and my winrates are good in general, but as I tend to make my own stuff and try different interactions (that might be a one of more than something consistent) I can't get myself to win 10 or 15 games each week.
I actually would be able to do so playing Agro of course! In the time I have I should play an agro deck to get lots of wins and then spam minies....
If I am playing (with luck) a maximun of 7 hours a week, I will not put my time in something I do not find fun. And we are not only speaking about winning 15/10 games each week, that is just one of them.
Why should I invest in a tavern pass I won't be able to complete? It is like shooting yourself in the foot!
Before I used to live in Argentina and had really low prices, and I know even now that I live in spain missing 60 euros or a little more each year might not be a big loss for blizz.. But each loss counts and I can't really understand the thought behind this.
ALL OF THIS just came from the last point, and as a F2P player.
With the Hearth to Hearth bundle they just messed with their money spenders as well as with the Diamond Cards situation... There are times I crafted an extra card (making me have less dust for next rotation, just to get that extra diamond card I really do not need. And now they even cutted out that little source of income if I felt I needed some extra packs at the start of an expansion (does not happen that much in my case, but it has happened) and again, that is just a loss for them. It is not like the "Reroll card" would really benefit me as someone tends to craft the most wanted/usefull cards and that extra one can be useless in the end.
Depending on how I fell next expansion with how many resources I get, I might end up leaving hearthstone, and I have not done it since a 7 month break when GvG came out as I was not really diggin the new cards and in that time I was lacking a strong collection just to get stomped by Sylvanas/Rag/Dr.7 and random value cards (Random went wild in that expansion)
In the end, this problems from today do not have to do with the gameplay. I still enjoy the cards and everything the game has but I do not feel well treated as a client here as even if they find it funny, I AM NOT A WORKER here, I do not get payed for playing this I DO HAVE WORK that gets me paid (for more than 9K XP a week) and I can't have 2 of them right now. In the end 9K * 4 * 4 (weeks/months) equals to 144K XP I will stop getting and as soon as my resources start getting low I will not disenchant my old cards from wild. I will just leave.
The DH nerf is something that will possibly be accompanied by something else in the future.
Heroic Brawl is always good as it means the miniset is coming!
The track select event is not something I really like, lets hope they give you more chances to get the rewards in the future, like they did in Alterac Valley
Game Improvements are always great, but I do not think removing duels should be in that title.
Hey! Latelly I have been really into Hearthstone and played "It Takes Two" with my wife. We are really enjoying it!
Also I have finally finished all DLC Blueberry Academy trades in Pokemon Scarlet just yesterday.
Also having lots of fun with Battlefront Classic Collection and Payday 3. This games did not have the best launch but not being able to play a lot makes me enjoy them more as every time I play stuff has already been fixed (had luck and played Battlefront 1 first so I missed most of the bugs) and in case of Payday 3, we are getting really slow updates, but I barelly manage to level up and play with the new skills before they add more. So pretty lucky not having that much time at home?
Will probably take a look at Overwatch as I do not have to grind to play new heroes and play Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Been trying to replay all AC Games and then go into the newer ones but I do not play them all back to back to avoid burnout.
Just a quick update, I did get Whizbang as my lvl 50 legendary and even though I still want to wait for others nerf to dust, I went ahead and destroyed some rares that if anything will be buffed to make him golden. Time to play with him and craft Zyliax next nerf round
Mine was incredible, got 4 Signatures, Hemet, Pipsi, Hagatha and Lina and 4 Golden legendaries Dr.Stichensew, Pipsi, Timewinder Zarimi and Sonya Water Dancer (Won the giveaway and got 82 packs with gold) My last 2 packs included a legendary each.
In the end, I got almost all the legendaries I wanted from this set (King Plush came in the Lvl 20 freebie though)
Did not get Zilliax or Whizbang, the cards I wanted the most, but will wait for a nerf or reaching lvl 50 before crafting. I am pretty much set with what I got now and even though I would love to play Whizbang (Yeah, I could disenchant Golden Pipsi because of the signature but I just can't get myself to do it for some reason.) I have a lot more to try out.
Will probably start building decks seriously Tomorrow morning (Spain Time) but as of now I really enjoyed No Minion mage (to my surprise), Battlecry Shaman, The headless horseman and Maghteridon. Still want to play Aviana, Hemet and Raza, but will probably do it tomorrow too as I am quite full of stuff for today
Thanks again!
Edit: Well I basically want them all this time as I realised the Dr. and Botface are also missing, but well Whizbang (Golden) and Zylliax are my N1 priorities to craft
I would say it was kind of a mix. Voting and commenting on every single card can be quite a bit of effort and takes time. Also opening 250 packs, if you do it just for the giveaway (luckly it was not my case) can be pretty taxing I assume.
Speaking as a "mostly" F2P and Casual player, I agree with this post. I am not at the point of unninstalling but it is true that we have had way too many negatives this last few months. I am someone who buys or at least tries to buy the Tavern Pass as a way to "invest" in the game and let Blizz know I am enjoying it.
I think that part is over now. I personally wont be able to complete the weekly quests and as an individual with studies, a job and a wife that demand some attention, I cant bring myself to play more time and the way I they want me too.
I am that kind of person that crafted Whizbang golden (well, upgraded here) and love long games. I may play 1 2 or 3 a day and my winrates are good in general, but as I tend to make my own stuff and try different interactions (that might be a one of more than something consistent) I can't get myself to win 10 or 15 games each week.
I actually would be able to do so playing Agro of course! In the time I have I should play an agro deck to get lots of wins and then spam minies....
If I am playing (with luck) a maximun of 7 hours a week, I will not put my time in something I do not find fun. And we are not only speaking about winning 15/10 games each week, that is just one of them.
Why should I invest in a tavern pass I won't be able to complete? It is like shooting yourself in the foot!
Before I used to live in Argentina and had really low prices, and I know even now that I live in spain missing 60 euros or a little more each year might not be a big loss for blizz.. But each loss counts and I can't really understand the thought behind this.
ALL OF THIS just came from the last point, and as a F2P player.
With the Hearth to Hearth bundle they just messed with their money spenders as well as with the Diamond Cards situation... There are times I crafted an extra card (making me have less dust for next rotation, just to get that extra diamond card I really do not need. And now they even cutted out that little source of income if I felt I needed some extra packs at the start of an expansion (does not happen that much in my case, but it has happened) and again, that is just a loss for them. It is not like the "Reroll card" would really benefit me as someone tends to craft the most wanted/usefull cards and that extra one can be useless in the end.
Depending on how I fell next expansion with how many resources I get, I might end up leaving hearthstone, and I have not done it since a 7 month break when GvG came out as I was not really diggin the new cards and in that time I was lacking a strong collection just to get stomped by Sylvanas/Rag/Dr.7 and random value cards (Random went wild in that expansion)
In the end, this problems from today do not have to do with the gameplay. I still enjoy the cards and everything the game has but I do not feel well treated as a client here as even if they find it funny, I AM NOT A WORKER here, I do not get payed for playing this I DO HAVE WORK that gets me paid (for more than 9K XP a week) and I can't have 2 of them right now. In the end 9K * 4 * 4 (weeks/months) equals to 144K XP I will stop getting and as soon as my resources start getting low I will not disenchant my old cards from wild. I will just leave.
The new duos minions feel interesting.
The DH nerf is something that will possibly be accompanied by something else in the future.
Heroic Brawl is always good as it means the miniset is coming!
The track select event is not something I really like, lets hope they give you more chances to get the rewards in the future, like they did in Alterac Valley
Game Improvements are always great, but I do not think removing duels should be in that title.
Will wait to play duos on launch :D
I acutally got Springcleaning pretty early with this deck and some luck with Elise.
Got it on March 20th, 2024. One of the only 3 achivements I have for this expansion and got it by chance.
Hope this can help
Edit: Yup it can probably be much more optimized
I am kinda late but seems interesting in concept, will check it out later
This is honestly hilarious xD
Hey! Latelly I have been really into Hearthstone and played "It Takes Two" with my wife. We are really enjoying it!
Also I have finally finished all DLC Blueberry Academy trades in Pokemon Scarlet just yesterday.
Also having lots of fun with Battlefront Classic Collection and Payday 3. This games did not have the best launch but not being able to play a lot makes me enjoy them more as every time I play stuff has already been fixed (had luck and played Battlefront 1 first so I missed most of the bugs) and in case of Payday 3, we are getting really slow updates, but I barelly manage to level up and play with the new skills before they add more. So pretty lucky not having that much time at home?
Will probably take a look at Overwatch as I do not have to grind to play new heroes and play Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Been trying to replay all AC Games and then go into the newer ones but I do not play them all back to back to avoid burnout.
Just a quick update, I did get Whizbang as my lvl 50 legendary and even though I still want to wait for others nerf to dust, I went ahead and destroyed some rares that if anything will be buffed to make him golden. Time to play with him and craft Zyliax next nerf round
xD Definitelly thought about it since I reached Diamond
Thanks for the info! I have the card but I find it really unfair for people who dont
Great QOL update! The less passwords one has to remember, the better!
Great! Now my wife will stop leaving the tv on xD
Took me a while but finally got it. Seems most decks are at least fun to play :D
I still remember the first time I saw that card in action back then... My jaw just hitted the ground the second it happenned.
Also Being 16-7 years old at the time, I can say that was one of the coolest stuff I had ever seen.
Thanks for the article, it was really nostalgic.
Mine was incredible, got 4 Signatures, Hemet, Pipsi, Hagatha and Lina and 4 Golden legendaries Dr.Stichensew, Pipsi, Timewinder Zarimi and Sonya Water Dancer (Won the giveaway and got 82 packs with gold) My last 2 packs included a legendary each.
In the end, I got almost all the legendaries I wanted from this set (King Plush came in the Lvl 20 freebie though)
Did not get Zilliax or Whizbang, the cards I wanted the most, but will wait for a nerf or reaching lvl 50 before crafting. I am pretty much set with what I got now and even though I would love to play Whizbang (Yeah, I could disenchant Golden Pipsi because of the signature but I just can't get myself to do it for some reason.) I have a lot more to try out.
Will probably start building decks seriously Tomorrow morning (Spain Time) but as of now I really enjoyed No Minion mage (to my surprise), Battlecry Shaman, The headless horseman and Maghteridon. Still want to play Aviana, Hemet and Raza, but will probably do it tomorrow too as I am quite full of stuff for today
Thanks again!
Edit: Well I basically want them all this time as I realised the Dr. and Botface are also missing, but well Whizbang (Golden) and Zylliax are my N1 priorities to craft
That one is Insane indeed. Demon really's got it there. Laughed a lot when I saw the mention xD
Not that bad!
It does not exist :/
I would say it was kind of a mix. Voting and commenting on every single card can be quite a bit of effort and takes time. Also opening 250 packs, if you do it just for the giveaway (luckly it was not my case) can be pretty taxing I assume.
Thank you very much for the giveaway! I am really filled with Joy :D
Had a pretty rough day ahead but now it does not feel as bad
EDIT: Lol I wrote that comment on mobile. It was supposed to say Fun insted of Found xD Just fixed it in Boface's Page