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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    This means no Aeroponics, no Force of Nature (the non-Classic version, anyway), and no Arbor Up.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Congratulations to MathU! Pretty sure I ain't the top winner anymore lel.

    On a more personal note, another instance where I was the first-place finalist, but lost. Kind of frustrating :(

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Good luck to everyone in the voting!

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Shovel Knight, Justice in Spades!

    (I'd like to think the Relics are strong spells that provide buffs or target enemies. Throwing Anchor stuns, Flare Wand deals damage, Phase Locket provides Barrier for a round, etc. Probably could have the Elite tag; all well.)


    Shovel Knight is an AD Fighter, usually taken in the Top lane or the Jungle. While small in size he is nevertheless capable of great feats of strength and wisdom. His Relics provide him a versatility that's not always present in Fighters, and his shovel can unearth gems for additional gold to outpace his opponents. Shovel Knight's prowess in battle goes up another notch when Shield Knight is present, showing just how important they are as a team!


    Shovel Knight wears blue armor with a horned helmet. He is named after his weapon of choice, the Shovel Blade.

    Debut Skin - "Rival Shovel Knight". Shovel Knight takes on the red-and-black appearance of the ferocious Black Knight!


    Passive - Shovelry
    Killing minions or monsters has a chance for a gem to appear. Picking it up provides random gold (based on level) to Shovel Knight, although enemy champions can step on the gem to crush it. Enemy champions will always drop a gem when Shovel Knight assists in defeating them.

    Q. Charge Slash
    Shovel Knight swings his shovel in an arc, damaging all enemies in front of him. Charging the ability increases the size and damage of the swing, but temporarily reduces Shovel Knight's Movement Speed.

    W. Shovel Drop
    Shovel Knight leaps into the air before crashing back down in a targeted location, damaging enemies in the area and stunning them.

    E. Relic Time!
    Shovel Knight rummages through his Relic collection, pulling one out and using it. Pressing E will cycle through the Relics, while holding the button will activate the selected Relic. The outcome depends on which Relic is used:
    - War Horn: Shovel Knight blows on the horn, blasting the area around him and knocking enemies back.
    - Propeller Dagger: Shovel Knight dashes forward, stopping at the first enemy hit and damaging them. If they die, Shovel Knight can dash again.
    - Phase Locket: Shovel Knight briefly becomes invincible and capable of walking through enemies.

    R. Reunited
    Shield Knight appears for a time, with her own Health bar and abilities. She will automatically seek out enemies and attack them, prioritizing enemy champions. When Shovel Knight moves up to Shield Knight she will bounce him into the air, allowing him to Shovel Drop for free, even if his ability is on cooldown. There is a small cooldown before Shield Knight can bounce Shovel Knight again.


    Shovel Knight's Shovelry passive allows him to accrue gold at a pace faster than the other players if no one interrupts him, so he is generally played in areas where he can more safely acquire the gems; i.e: the Top lane or the Jungle. While he has no built-in sustain to speak of, his Charge Slash and Shovel Drop do provide AoE damage for clearing jungle camps. Relic Time! has access to additional crowd control, a dash, or protection, meaning one must employ intelligent awareness of which Relic to use at the appropriate time: Propeller Dagger can help you gank lanes and close the distance for kills, while Phase Locket or War Horn are best used within a teamfight. Finally, with Reunited, Shovel Knight's beloved Shield Knight returns to the field, enhancing his damage output and making him a stunning-machine: Shovel Knight can Shovel Drop onto a group of foes to start a fight, then bounce with Shield Knight to do it again! Everything's better when you're working together.

    Lore Entry

    "You know I speak the truth." LeBlanc whispered from the shadows.

    Shovel Knight tightened his grip on his shovel-blade, steeling his resolve as he inched forward. This was no ordinary enemy; he would have to be careful.

    "You have to accept reality: you'll never find her." LeBlanc continued.

    As Shovel Knight peered into the darkness on his right, a flash of light came from his left. He swept his shovel across his body, swatting the energy ball back whence it came. A statue, barely noticeable in the darkness, was struck by the light and exploded, collapsing in a heap of rubble. The room was very briefly illuminated; the woman's location, however, remained undetectable. Her words echoed throughout the chamber:

    "Your beloved Shield Knight is gone."

    Shovel Knight remained composed, unfazed by his opponent. Another bolt of light came his way, landing at his feet. He hopped back easily; too easily, perhaps. Was she toying with him?


    LeBlanc cackled as she dashed from behind a statue, right up to Shovel Knight's face. He brought his shovel down in an overhead strike, but it hit nothing but air as her clone evaporated. She was definitely toying with him. This continued repeatedly, energy balls and mirror images making for a lot of flash, but no great amount of damage. Seeking to end things, Shovel Knight pulled out his War Horn and blew on it.

    The effect was immediate. Every statue was blasted by the air, being knocked away or destroyed outright. Amidst the sound of crumbling metal and stone came a pained grunt, but it was swiftly silenced. Shovel Knight pulled out his Flare Wand and sent out fireballs to and fro, looking for his mysterious tormentor. But again, she could not be found.

    Standing silently in the darkness, Shovel Knight took a deep breath. Steadying himself. Preparing. LeBlanc came at him once more, but Shovel Knight didn't move this time; instead, he calmly watched as the clone disappeared again. When two images of LeBlanc appeared from the shadows, he was ready. Shovel Knight blocked the clone's staff-strike with his shovel blade and, with a movement surprisingly fast for someone in a suit of armor, brought his other hand around to grab the real LeBlanc by the top of her head. She struggled under his grip, but couldn't escape.

    "Wha...? Impossible! How did you know?"

    Shovel Knight was matter-of-fact when he finally spoke.

    "You wear too much perfume."

    He then smacked LeBlanc in the face with his shovel, knocking her out.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    You've got less than 8 hours to submit!

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    This is late, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't look to see if anyone submitted; just going off what's in here:

    Show Spoiler

    BasilAnguis - I like it. I wonder if it's too good at 2-mana, but it might be crap at 3 mana.

    grumpymonk - I guess Nathanos counts? Either-way I would go with Shadow Illusions, but nerf the card.

    Demonxz95 - I think the condition is excellent, but damaging all enemies with this could be nuts. And what happens if you've played a card three or more times, via Discover or random acquisition? Does it count once, or multiple times?

    anchorm4n - I think C'Thun 3.0 is too easy: C'Thuns 1 and 2 have required more work than simply "play whatever".  Pyrotechnician is kind of like Dark Skies but enemies-only and with a body; seems strong. I would not let it go face.

    Wailor - I also agree with the others, and prefer Maelstrom Harbinger. Make it a 3/5 maybe and you're good to go.

    Nirast - I would definitely go with the first one, because as you said the second does not go in Warrior. However I do think this could be a frustrating combination to deal with, Bombs and a heavy Armor gain, because the key to beating Bomb Warrior is to win before the Bombs kill you. This would make that exponentially more difficult.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    YES Secret Level is available! I quit the game for, like, a year-and-a-half, and one of the best card-backs ever just happened to be released during that time; what a bummer that was! Molten Core is a solid addition, too.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Please let the Diablo card back be among won't be, but I can dream.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Mutanus seems crazy-good. Goes well with Quilboar if you can't get a Necrolyte to swap your Blood Gems over to someone else.

    Guff's kind of neat, too.

    Seigebreaker won't be missed.

    Hexruin Marauder seems poised to be discovered from your 7-gold turn, when you tier up to 3 and get a golden at the same time (since you definitely won't have a full board). Or it's meant for Y'Shaarj lol

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Significantly less complicated, but I'm worried it might be too boring (and maybe it should cost 3?):

    I'll have feedback up later today, hopefully.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    It originally said "during your opponent's last turn", to avoid any potential abuse from your own current turn, but I don't know if that's too much of a problem. I could always up it to 6 or something; this iteration uses less words.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From R

    And as for champion it's not enough uniqueness.

    How about this?

    Now Haku actually puts his Attune to work, and gives you something to build your deck around. Attune can be seen as his Eat Up! ability, while the Stuns are akin to his crowd control. Bilgewater + Ionia Attune-Stun deck with Yasuo, perhaps?

    ...I just noticed that I forgot the Dragon label on the level 2. Whoops. Pretend it's there :P

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From R

    Don't boo at me, but I really like everything except the LoR cards.

    Boo! Boo!

    I kid. Looking at them again...I can totally see it. I back-loaded the level 2 form with the copy ability, so I got scared and made the level 1 basically worthless :/ I'm sorry about that. If I redid the card, I would adapt from the LoL abilities better for sure.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I did that without watching the movie, so I hope it's okay D: I used this website to help me think of abilities and the like.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Haku, the River Spirit

    (We don't have a champion with Attune yet, so I played with the idea until I landed on this. I will admit that I created the card first, then the League of Legend abilities, so they might not sync up well.)


    Haku is an AP Support, generally played in the Bottom lane. Via his passive Dragonflight, he can fly across terrain to easily roam to the Middle lane or the Jungle, assisting his allies as he goes. The spell-caster has a variety of means for manipulating the battlefield, denying enemy movement and/or positioning allies for the perfect teamfight. When the battle's won, he can top off everyone's Health so they can push on to victory.


    Haku appears to be a 12-year-old boy, but when his true identity is revealed, Haku takes on the form of a white-and-teal dragon of Asian heritage. Haku's real name is Nigihayami Kohakunushi - "god of the swift amber river" - and he is a river spirit.


    Passive - Dragonflight

    When very close to a wall, long-pressing on the wall will cause Haku to fly over it. He can do this in Human Form and Dragon Form. There is a cooldown to this ability, but no cooldown for the particular terrain being traversed (unlike Talon's wall-jumping E, which has an insignificant cooldown on the ability but a long cooldown on the terrain itself).

    Q. Petal Burst/Force Field

    Human Form: Haku blows a barrage of petals in a cone in front of him, slowing enemies and inflicting damage. Dragon Form: Haku binds an area with a cage of magic, snaring enemies inside and inflicting damage.

    W. Telekinesis/Guardian Veil

    Human Form: Haku manipulates the objects on one's person, effectively pulling them toward him. This ability can be used on an ally or an enemy, although it only pulls them a certain distance (up to Haku's position). Pulling an enemy will damage them, as well. Dragon Form: Haku consecrates an area around him, warding off spirits. For a time, enemies cannot enter the area without assistance (as in, Flash or some other movement ability will work, simply walking in will not). Enemies already in the area may move as normal, but will take damage-over-time until they leave the area or the duration ends. 

    E. Eat Up!/Hop On!

    Human Form: Haku feeds himself and nearby allies magic food, restoring Health and a smaller amount of Mana. This ability has 2 charges, but casting them in rapid succession will result in a penalty to the second use's effectiveness. Dragon Form: Haku signals that he is ready for an ally to jump on his  back, wherein he can take them across terrain with his Dragonflight passive. Afterward, both Haku and the ally gain Movement Speed. His passive and this ability share a cooldown.

    R. Dragon Form

    Haku takes on his true form as a river spirit dragon, gaining new abilities for a modest duration. Haku starts with Dragon Form unlocked.


    Haku controls the battlefield to his and his allies' advantage, manipulating how and when the two sides engage one another. With Dragonflight, Haku can position himself to better aid the team, utilizing Hop On! while in Dragon Form to bring a friend along as well for surprise ganks or pincer moves. Petal Burst and Telekinesis are relatively small plays, slowing enemies or pulling a single target out of position for the kill, but Haku's ability to impact the field improves during the time he can spend in Dragon Form. Force Field and Guardian Veil can both stop whole groups of enemy champions from moving freely, restricting their access to Haku's weaker allies and/or eliminating their ability to escape. This comes at the cost of losing his heal, but it will be there for when the team-fight is nearing its end, to rally the troops or to top off the team as they move on to the next fight.

    Lore Entry

    "He needs medical attention now!" Senna, Sentinel of Light exclaimed, dodging out of the way of the nearest ghoul.

    "Well, try telling them that!" Lucian retorted, before blasting the aforementioned ghoul with a double-shot from his guns.

    As the two went back-and-forth, taking down ghouls and lovingly bickering with each other, Haku grimaced, holding his bloody arm. The creatures may be small but their claws were sharp, and they numbered seemingly beyond count. The innumerable horde was very keen on defeating these two defenders, as their leader watched from the distance. The boy reached into his pack for a magic berry, one that would help kick-start the healing process. Ever since he appeared in this strange and hostile land, Haku had committed himself to hiding his abilities as best he could, lest he become ensnared in this other realm. But the thought of continuing said strategy dwindled with the daylight, as more and more of the snarling undead came into view.

    "I had hoped it would not come to this..."

    He was not heard by Lucian or Senna, the banter between the lovers continuing along with their gunplay; a beautiful dance as they worked in perfect sync. Any ghoul that came within reach was swiftly put down. So focused on the combat at hand, they had almost become oblivious to the boy, who stumbled to his feet.

    "They just keep comin'!" Lucian cried, firing in all directions. The ghouls indeed kept up their advance, two more replacing each one that was defeated. Crawling over their fallen comrades, a ring of bodies surrounding the trio, the undead continued with a slavish hunger.

    "This might be the end of us, for good this..." Senna lamented.

    The rest of her words were drown out, as a whoosh of air nearly knocked her off balance. And in that moment, everything stopped: the two gun-wielders, the ghouls, and even the boy...except, Senna noticed, the boy was missing. In his place was a majestic creature, with white scales and a teal mane. It surveyed the field before soaring into the air. The dragon - because what else could describe it - swirled around the lovers, knocking away ghouls that were too stunned to react. It then covered the ground in what appeared to be petals, magically shielding the area from the encroaching Black Mist. The dragon turned to Lucian and Senna and spoke.

    "Get on, if you want to live!"

    The two did just that, before Haku took them up into the sky, away from the battlefield and the Mist entirely.

    In the distance, Viego frowned. This unexpected development.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Just throwing it out there that I haven't forgotten about this: just trying to find time to properly do the Spirited Away request. YouTube has it but I would have to rent/buy the movie; I'd rather not do that. And I don't want to pirate it. So...yeah. Wikipedia might be the way to go lol

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Good luck to everyone with the voting!

    Edit: ...except me, who forgot to submit on time and only now realized it >_>

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Arkasaur

    @Demonxz95 Any thoughts on how to improve the feeling of deliberacy? Or what more generally makes a card feel deliberate?

    I can't speak for Demon, of course, but I believe the gist is similar to what I was getting at with my review of your card. Every card should have a distinct purpose: "Why would I play this card? To do (X)." Your card has two different answers to the question, answers that are in conflict with one another. It can be neat to have varying use-cases, but "go face for damage!" and "remove a minion via Poisonous!" are not looking to achieve the same thing.

    To use Demon's phrasing, Trampling Rhino has a deliberate use-case: "smash a minion, and deal the excess to face." It wants to remove a minion and deal face damage, like your card, but the Rhino is an "and" while yours is a mutually-exclusive "or". The Rhino knows what it wants to do, while your card does not.

    ...hopefully that made sense lol. Might be overthinking it. Demon might be able to explain better.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


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    Nirast - The interaction between Stealth + Taunt is there for a reason, but ultimately I would never choose to lean into it unless you had a really good purpose behind it. Boastful Assassin doesn't have that. I like Hibernating Rockbeast a lot, though.

    Wailor - Roar of Time has to compete with Time Rip in Descent of Dragons, so I wouldn't place it there personally. I've wavered in both directions on this one, but I think you should stick to your guns and leave it as a Warlock card.

    KANSAS - I would stay with the second iteration, leaving off "from your deck". Not much else to say about this card that I haven't said before.

    Fedrion - Your latest versions use a third line of text, which would get you disqualified. Better fix that!

    BasilAnguis - It's neat to unearth "ancient artifacts" (i.e: weapons from the past), and it would be interesting to see how the Rogue benefits from other class Legendary weapons (finally a home for Dragon Soul? lol). I would go with the weapon version, and maybe make it a 2/2/2 or maybe even 2/3/2 (because you still have to Combo).

    Arkasaur - I will echo what the others have said, and remark on how "Poisonous" and "going face" are at odds with one another. The 3 damage is overkill if you use it on a minion, whereas using it on the enemy hero seems like a major misstep and waste of potential removal. It's different, to be sure, and I love the art, but the ultimate goal of this card seems to be strained.

    anchorm4n - Paladin really could use more weapon-synergies (to go with its 1000 other synergies lel). I like the card: it's simple (which makes sense for a Common), but with a lot of potential use-cases. Good work :)

    grumpymonk - This seems really cool, but I don't know how powerful it is. Four cards with semi-control over what you draw is a lot, but it's also an 8-mana "do nothing" otherwise. Hopefully it's fine. You could definitely win with this, IMO.

    Demonxz95 - I will echo the sentiments that "will always" sounds weird, versus something like "only summons". Beyond that, it seems good-to-go.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Here's Tournament Fixer with two changes: the art is from Wailor's suggestion, and I included the word "total" in there to help eliminate confusion. No text-size adjustments were necessary, thankfully.

    Edit: Should it be a 4/3/3 like Witchwood Piper? I'm wondering if the stats are too low, meaning you're most likely to pull another copy of Tournament Fixer before anything else. At 3/3 you could tutor for larger things, like Zilliax or something.

    I'll try to work on some feedback after I finished up something IRL.