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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From greenhatjynx78

    i loved it ! thank you very much for your time doing this , also  the lore is so funny i cant stop laughing and hoping she catch it for her camp XD.


    Glad you liked it :)

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Icyfoe88

    This looks super cool!

    For my champ proposals, dimentio from super paper Mario or shovel knight from shovel knight would be nice, or if you aren’t familiar with either of those it’d be cool to see a champ that synergizes with shuffling cards into your deck

    Shovel Knight is fun! Never finished the whole thing because I didn't care for the King of Cards expansion, but the others were a blast. Maybe I'll find a way to include shuffling cards into his design :D After R's proposal, of course.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    A little late but congrats Arkasaur! Shows what I know, suggesting you go with Toxic Twister instead lel

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Cactuar, Small But Pointy!

    (Finding appropriate artwork was hard; I did the best I could.)

    Cactuar is an AD Marksman, traditionally played in the Jungle or in the Bottom lane. Fleet of foot and skilled in its needlework, Cactuar's diminutive stature hides a dangerous opponent. Many have underestimated this creature only to suffer a humiliating defeat as they are barraged by countless barbs, outwitted by a tiny, super-fast cactus...thing.

    Attack Power - Medium
    Ability Power - Low
    Defense - Medium
    Difficulty - Low


    It's a Cactuar: a cactus-looking creature with three needles on its head and an oblong face. Pretty self-explanatory. They first appeared in Final Fantasy VI, but have since become one of the series' signature monsters.

    Debut Skin - "Pointy Present Cactuar" (It's Cactuar wearing a Santa outfit. He shoots spiky presents at people.)

    Passive - Charge!/Flee!
    Cactuar gains Movement Speed with levels, along with a temporary bonus stat depending on which direction it is moving:
    - Toward enemies or monsters: AD.
    - Away from enemies or monsters: Health Regen.
    If Cactuar is not moving, it will continue to utilize whichever bonus stat it had when it was previously moving.

    Q. Jumbo Needle
    Cactuar fires a giant needle in a line, damaging all it touches before stopping at the first enemy champion. Cactuar saves charges of this ability, up to 3 at max rank, and can fire them all in rapid succession.

    W. Kick
    Cactuar gives an enemy a feisty cartwheel kick, very briefly knocking up said enemy and inflicting damage.

    E. Haste
    Cactuar energizes itself with magic, speeding up its actions even more. Cactuar gains bonus Attack Speed, and each basic attack during this time will ever-so-slightly lower the cooldowns of its other abilities.

    R. 1000 Needles
    Cactuar stands its ground and channels, firing seemingly-countless needles at a target enemy champion. These needles always connect but do small amounts of individual damage. Cactuar can channel for a very long time if it is not interrupted or killed. If the target champion dies or escapes Cactuar's range, Cactuar will automatically target the next-closest enemy champion.

    "Why not just basic attack instead?" You might ask. The Damage-Per-Second (DPS) is greater with 1000 Needles, for one thing, and the range is better too. This allows you to stay focused on your target of choice like a needle-firing turret!

    Cactuar is a master of in-and-out attack patterns, making it an ideal ganking jungler. Charge! will help the little guy speed into a lane, wherein it will promptly strafe the enemy champion with Jumbo Needles and/or giving them a good Kick. The bonus AD will increase its damage output, while the Health Regen can be used to top off as Cactuar retreats to the jungle. If played in lane, a pro player will know when to engage with Charge! and when to bide time with Flee!, switching back and forth as the situation dictates. 1000 Needles is best used after enemy crowd control has fired, to maximize uptime as the green menace unloads on its latest victim.

    Lore Entry
    Taliyah's brow furrowed. She wouldn't consider herself an expert on the Shuriman desert (not yet, anyway), but this latest discovery was most curious. Whilst looking for blumlardi fruit she had chanced upon a seemingly-normal cactus...only this cactus had a face. A rather goofy face, to be honest, but a face nevertheless. It stood there, perfectly motionless, to the point where Taliyah wasn't entirely sure if the heat wasn't playing tricks on her. She leaned in for a closer look before pulling back, rubbing her chin.

    "I'd love to tell the other kids about this. Maybe I should bring it back with me; it would be a neat addition to the camp. But...just to be sure..." she pondered before shrugging her shoulders, and, before she could reconsider, Taliyah poked the cactus in the "eye".

    This was a mistake. The "cactus" gave a high-pitched chirp, and, in a sudden flurry of movement, did two things: fired a pointed dart right at Taliyah's abdomen, and promptly fled in the opposite direction. The needle struck true, and the Shuriman girl fell on her behind in shock.

    "Youch! Hey, you, come back here!"

    Taliyah grabbed her rock-board and made chase, gliding across the sand in pursuit of her little attacker. Although to be fair, Taliyah had started this, so perhaps she should apologize? She'd have to catch after it first, she thought, and the creature sure was fast. The chase lasted for over an hour, and the green cactus-man-thing never tired once. Eventually Taliyah was forced to give up and return to camp empty-handed, save for her strange tale.

    "Quite the bummer...but something tells me I'll be seeing that little guy again." she said, rubbing her sore abdomen. She watched helplessly as the "cactus" sped off into the sunset.

    "You win this round."

    Friends/Allies: Taliyah
    Rivals/Enemies: Taliyah

    "Frienemies" is a good description of Taliyah's and Cactuar's relationship, as their off-and-on encounters have been generally playful and good-natured (outside of their initial meeting, of course). Taliyah has since apologized to Cactuar, but whether or not the little guy accepted her apology remains a total mystery, as do most details regarding its existence.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Similar to Witchwood Piper, only related to stats instead of Cost. Could be a tutor for Hir'eek, the Bat, Gral, the Shark, Lynessa Sunsorrow, Darkmoon Rabbit, etc.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From R

    Ok, champion proposals. Someone from Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. Haku, Yubaba, Zeniba, Kamaji or Faceless at your choice.

    I dont know much about Spirited Away, but I'll do some research beforehand. I've got the Cactuar card done and some light writing in; still have to finish that one first.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From greenhatjynx78

     well the winged dragon of ra is my favorite egyptian god from yugioh , but , if you wanna do someone not card related i would like cactuar from final fantasy 6 he is my favorite summon and i try to jam him in every project i start XD. if you need more info let me know.

    Cactuars are fun, although they only have like two moves: 1000 Needles and running away lol. I'll make it work :D

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Exactly like what the title says. It's been a long time since I've flexed my writing muscles, and I'm looking to get back into the game; here's my proposition: throw out ideas for champions, and I'll flesh out their design. The more coherent and sensible the better, although it could be as simple as "make Link from The Legend of Zelda!" or whatever. I'll write about their gameplay in League of Legends, their appearance, a blurb of lore, and even try to make a Runeterra card for them! I do all the work; all you have to do is start the process :D

    Oh and please give me time to work on it: I have a full-time job and a couple games I try to stay "current" with in terms of daily quests and stuff in my downtime. I want to make a quality product for you, so I can't really pump these out quickly.

    To get us started, I'll show you an example of what I'm looking to do, a champion concept I came up with about five years ago:

    Qorval, the Cosmic Emissary

    Qorval is an AP Mage, generally played in the Middle lane. Demonstrating mastery of the entities and forces of the cosmos, the dark wizard seeks to overwhelm his opponents with large swaths of Area of Effect (AoE) damage, with an emphasis on multi-hit abilities. Qorval doesn't win with a surgical strike for singular, massive damage (like a Ziggs' ultimate), but rather a constant oppressive drain against the health of his enemies (a la Vel'koz's ultimate).

    Attack Power - Low
    Ability Power - High
    Defense - Medium
    Difficulty - Low

    As an armored battlemage, Qorval's appearance shares similarities with characters such as Golbez from Final Fantasy IV, and the Magic Emperor Ghaleon from Lunar: Silver Star Story. A mysterious entity with a deep voice, hidden behind dark armor with a horned helm, pauldrons, and a cape. Covered head-to-toe, Qorval's true appearance is unknown, and whether he is actually human or not is subject to debate.

    Debut Skin - "Comet Catastrophe Qorval" His armor would have more gray and blue in it, and his abilities are given an icy, cold theme: "frozen" meteors (like a hailstorm), comets instead of asteroids, and his Supernova is blue (which would mean it's actually hotter, according to science, but it's more for aesthetic reasons :P).

    Passive - Cosmic Alignment
    When an enemy champion is struck by more than one of Qorval's abilities simultaneously, both abilities have their cooldowns reduced by (1, 1.25, 1.5) seconds.

    This is cumulative for each enemy struck during a combo: if Qorval were to hit three champions with his Meteor Shower and Black Hole together, both abilities would lose 3-4.5 seconds from their cooldowns. If Black Hole were to end, but these same enemies were then hit with a combination of the remaining Meteor Shower and Asteroid Belt, MS would reduce by another 3-4.5 seconds, and so would Asteroid Belt.

    Q. Meteor Shower
    After a brief moment, meteoroids rain from the sky, bombarding the selected area. Each meteoroid inflicts its damage individually (like the Gangplank ultimate of old), accumulating damage over time as an enemy is struck by multiple shots.

    W. Asteroid Belt
    Qorval surrounds himself with a ring of boulders, pummeling enemies who remain within the area of effect. The summoned belt moves with Qorval, continuing to damage those who stay too close (very similar to Aurelion Sol's comets, but more of them).

    E. Black Hole
    A singularity is created at a targeted location, pulling in foes who stray too near. Similar in function to Orianna's ultimate but not instant, Black Hole inflicts no damage, but contributes towards a combo in regards to Qorval's passive. The pulling effect is stronger on those closer to the singularity's middle.

    For clarity, let me mention that the strength of BH's pull would be relative to the enemy's position. If you're outside the range but walk near it, it would start to pull you in: if you're paying attention and move away accordingly within time you should be fine (unless you're knocked into it). If you're within the Black Hole, but not at its center, you better have some kind of movement ability like Ghost, Flash, or Master Yi's ultimate, or you're going in. If you are at the center, it's essentially the equivalent of a root, although something like Flash would still be an acceptable means of escape. While technically inferior to an actual root/snare, this is intended as compensation for the strength of Qorval's damaging abilities.

    R. Supernova
    Qorval erupts in a point-blank AoE pyroball, that engulfs the area around him as it expands in size. Qorval cannot move during this ability, nor cast other abilities, but all enemies who remain inside the area are subject to incredible damage over time. Note that the Supernova cannot be stopped: if Qorval is silenced, knocked up/away, or killed, the spell continues uninhibited from its original location, regardless of what happens to Qorval. His "channeling" of the ability is to compensate for the (frankly) massive damage it would provide.

    Qorval is a master of sustained damage; given ample opportunity, the dark wizard will utilize his large area of influence to pummel the enemy team into submission. Combining his abilities together, the damage over time drains the enemy's health while simultaneously refreshing his cooldowns so he can continue the assault. However, with minimal crowd control potential of his own, Qorval must rely on allies to hold enemies in place to maximize his damage output, and to maintain his survival by keeping them at bay.

    Outside of Meteor Shower, Qorval's spells are generally medium-to-close range, meaning that he must build at least somewhat toward durability to trade his damage effectively. And yet, if he can survive long enough, his passive will allow him to continuously rain damage on his opponents, overwhelming them if they cannot escape from Qorval's effective range. Pulling enemies together with Black Hole, Qorval can apply Meteor Shower upon them before moving closer for Asteroid Belt. This triple-combo can refresh a significant amount of his cooldowns, and even more-so if given the opportunity to blast them all with Supernova as well. With sufficient mana reserves, Qorval can recover his spells off cooldown and be ready for the next fight...assuming any enemies still live.

    Lore Entry
    "Planets are...fragile.

    Life and death, disaster and triumph; countless stories play out on a rock no greater than a marble compared to the vast expanse of the outer void. A beacon of spirit alone in the night, a grain of sand hidden in the darkness. And yet for all their spectacle, these small blips hold no control over their actions, exert no will over their domain. So full of life, and yet so lifeless themselves.


    A meteor slams into a planet's surface: devastation spans an area immeasurable. The structures are shattered, the people but ashes on the wind. Civilization has fallen. But the skies maintain their garrison of such force to a degree without count; the loss of one of their numbers is meaningless when viewed relative to the celestial horde. What is a man's achievements against that level of awe-inspiring strength?


    I have witnessed entire worlds on fire. Planets broken in half. Stars blinking out of existence, their great brilliance consumed by another greater still. I have looked into an abyss, that which contained within such power that nothing has ever held hope in escaping from it.

    My journey has spanned the stars, and it has brought me here. To this...fragile planet. You squabble to remain in control of your lives, but it means nothing to me; all of your "might" means nothing to me. In comparison to the cosmos - the unyielding darkness, the innumerable asteroids and planets, the magnificence of the stars themselves - you are but insects, eclipsed both in magnitude and authority. How would you fare against such power?

    How would you fare against one who wielded such power for themselves?

    ...You will know soon."

    Friends/Allies: None
    Rivals/Enemies: Azir, Bard, Lissandra

    Unknown to the civilizations of Runeterra, Qorval has threatened the planet before, but all knowledge of his existence has fallen out of written record. Lissandra and Azir may yet be aware of Qorval's power, having come from an age long since past. As a guardian spirit that has existed through the centuries, Bard would similarly be in opposition to Qorval, in protection of the planet and its people.

    And that's the gist. I have other champion concepts I can post, as well, which I might do if I don't get any takers right away. Thanks for giving this all a read, and double-thanks if you do wish to participate in this project/activity with me :)

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From grumpymonk

    I checked some card interactions and I think my card could be buffed a bit. Do you think it should be 2 or 3 damage, or better left at 1 mana? It requires using the hero power to get the damage, which costs mana, and it is not affected by spell damage unlike Moonfire.

    Two extra damage is a Darkbomb, essentially. Perfectly fine output, although it's worse than Frostbolt (which uses 2-mana and a card to inflict 3 damage, but doesn't hurt you and comes with Freeze). I've wavered back and forth on this one, but I think you can get away with the "3 extra damage" iteration.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Thonson

    Honestly, sometimes I wonder how this would go down, if Flux came to me asking this question lol:

    • I try to help with the Weekly Card Design Competition, but Shadows does most of the work and the rest is automated.
    • I used to (rarely) help with reports; then I got locked out one time and I'm too embarrassed to bring it up so I don't do reports anymore XD
    • Despite being a writer, and general enthusiast for Hearthstone and Runeterra, I don't write any of the content you read on the site because I don't have the confidence or the advanced knowledge required to hold an expert opinion/position on these games.
    • I post on occasion outside of the WCDC, but not as much as I used to now that I have a full-time job.

    So...yeah. Now it's background stuff on the site that you won't ever notice, like proof-reading articles and pointing out mistakes. Or complaining about Battlegrounds matches on Discord.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Arkasaur

    Heart of Y'ShaarjToxic Twister

    I like both of these cards: I've been tinkering with the Heart of Y'Shaarj ever since I included it in my custom expansion, and incorporating Corrupt as-per the new Y'Shaarj's will is spot-on. Goes well with the next expansion in line, as well, seeing as how you want to hold onto minions to use handbuffs like Conditioning (Rank 1). One problem I see is that Corrupted cards are technically different cards; it's not just a simple buff. Minions that didn't normally have Corrupt would have an issue, because they don't change appearance or name, which is how Y'Shaarj, the Defiler flags them.

    Toxic Twister seems like a fun card, although you do have a minor error: it should be "its", not "it's".

    All-in-all, I feel like Toxic Twister might be the better card to go with, because some voters seem to be uncomfortable with "for the rest of the game" least from my experience. Could just be a "me" problem lol

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From allthehype
    Quote From linkblade91

    In all honesty, it was your card that inspired me to try out the "Fall of Arthas" theme (one of my favorite pieces of lore). However, my intention was never to plagiarize or piggyback your idea and in my opinion the cards are different enough to stand on their own. But if you (and other voters/mods) consider my card too similar too yours I'd be happy to drop the idea. :)

    Don't mind me; I guess I'm just salty. Thought I had a unique angle, but you're not the only one who did it either. I don't know if we'll do well as a group, these various "fallen Paladin" cards aping on each other, but too late now.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    Show Spoiler

    anchorm4n - While Brothers in Arms is obviously better than Inner Demon, Inner Demon is a basic card and this is an epic from an expansion, so I'm okay with it. It's better than the Snowglobe for sure.

    allthehype - As the others have mentioned, you cannot place the cards in KFT and make direct references to spell schools. If I had to choose I would prefer the Renounce Darkness variant; I personally don't like either one, but it could be because my idea was to also make a mirror of RD…just not as blatant, frankly-speaking. We're both making 2-mana Shadow Paladin spells from KFT featuring Arthas; not saying it's on purpose, but it's gonna bug me on some level :/

    Ilphelkiir - I don't like this at all. Your opponent is devastated, while you get to continue functioning depending on how much you've ramped. If you played this on me, I would just concede: I'm not starting the game over halfway-through.

    grumpymonk - I think it's a little on the weak side; maybe it could cost 0? That's risky, I know, but you still have to spend 2 mana to use the Hero Power (and hurt yourself, in a class with little healing). Still, I like the concept a lot. I made something similar for Shadow Priest in my custom expansion, where their Hero Power did damage but hurt the Priest too.

    Nirast - Frostbite is weird because the Warrior wants to utilize Frenzy/when damaged effects as soon as possible, while Freeze forces him to wait. Forged in Frost is worse than Upgrade!, frankly, because you can't attack right away and the +1 Attack isn't worth it (Durability is more valuable). Maybe make it +2/+2?

    Hordaki - I honestly don't think it would have seen use in Kobolds & Catacombs…but one expansion later, with Odd Paladin? Quite possible. I like it, but I wonder if it might be too good in the aforementioned archetype.

    R - Wouldn't it be "Magfinicent"? I think the I is in the wrong place. Anyway, I think giving your Murlocs Spell Damage is interesting but ultimately weird: it bucks against their minion-focused gameplay, and the Un'Goro set doesn't provide much in the way of support. Are you gonna Volcano your Murlocs? I guess the plan is to burst them down with minions before double-tapping with Lightning Bolt or Lava Burst, but Bloodlust could accomplish a similar thing with less cards. Felocity is a No from me: we've seen what the Mage is capable of when she can draw super efficiently.

    Demonxz95 - Already gave you my thoughts on the card :P The Taunt part is 50/50 good or bad depending on the situation, so ultimately it's the Armor you have to look at. Is this better than Shield Block? Currently it is not.

    Wailor - I like Purging Flames and your non-Secret Hibernate the most, but I think I have to give the edge to Purging Flames. It's a good, anti-buff removal spell; could probably deal 4 damage, though, to put it in line with Tidal Surge and the like. Hibernate is flavorful, which could be why you go with that one instead, but gameplay-wise I just don't see it. Your ideal home for such a spell would be a Taunt-focused Beast deck, one that isn't worried about being Frozen. But Beasts have a lot of Rush available, and you definitely don't want to lose an attack.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    "Champion skins can be purchased exclusively with Coins in the Store or through your Collection."

    I've been saving Essence just in case, but it seems that won't be happening :(

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From grumpymonk

    I think this could be read as giving all your minions the buffs, not just the ones that lose divine shield, which also stack. For instance, removing 2 divine shields results in giving all your minions +2/+4 for only 1 mana! I'm not sure if that that's what you intended. I've attached a wording change that shows what I think the card is supposed to do, but it seems kind of weak so maybe I read it wrong. Overall, I think the idea is great and very flavorful!

    Some other people have suggested that it could be too strong with Lothraxion the Redeemed, but I don't see how a +1/+2 board buff for 1 mana that takes away divine shield is too strong later in the game unless I read the card wrong. 

    Show Spoiler

    Your initial read is correct: it could buff minions that don't have Divine Shield, and it could stack if there are multiple Shields being stripped away. I plan to make it 2-mana, to remove its availability from Odd Paladin; would that be enough?

    I'm really hesitant to go too far with nerfing this, because it is conditional and you're losing something in the process.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Minionaut and the Dark Star card back are not free...hmm. If they were free I would pass on the pass, but I'll probably end up buying it. If only it was Shyv at the end instead of Zed.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    A space dragon deck with Dark Star Shyv, Aurelion Sol, the Dark Star card back and the board would look sick. Very tempted to buy.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Congratulations to JFK!

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Intended to pair well with Bolvar, Fireblood and Light's Sorrow. I might increase the cost so I can increase the buff to +2/+4 or something more substantial.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    @DestroyerR In fairness, you can test this out by playing Unseen Saboteur against someone with a Discover-spell in their hand. I assume it will work the way you want it to, but I guess my ultimate point is that you shouldn't have to assume what the card does in that situation. Unseen Saboteur specifies that randomness will come into play, and yours does not.