Insane highroll card. You want it to hit only 8+ costed spells, but how to reach that situation as soon as possible without also running cheap gain mana crystals spells though? I do not see the perfect unicorn build yet, but it must be out there.
Probably the worst new Quest and that says a lot, because I consider them all to be bad. Not that it is too difficult to complete the Quest requirements, but the reward is so meh.
Only decent because it has the Tradeable keyword, otherwise not so much.
Sweet mini Illidari Inquisitor like card for Druid, also supports the new Quest.
Has some meme value, but I do not see it being anywhere competitively viable. Kawaii though!
Insane highroll card. You want it to hit only 8+ costed spells, but how to reach that situation as soon as possible without also running cheap gain mana crystals spells though? I do not see the perfect unicorn build yet, but it must be out there.
A 2 mana mini Brann Bronzebeard exclusively for Shaman. I expect to see some broken combos coming in. Cool, very cool card.
Amazing combined with Stormcatcher in Duels. Not so good in constructed IMO.
Better than Party Up!, but I wish they would dial down the randomness. This is going to work wonders in Evolve Shaman.
Massively better than Lava Shock and Tradeable too, I will enjoy experimenting with this card in Wild especially.
Great support card for Deathrattle Rogue, especially in Wild. Unfortunately, the archetype is not really competitive but enjoyable for the memes.
I wonder what the unicorn build will be that makes the discovered build OP. I cannot wait to pilot that deck in Wild to legend.
Cards that help your opponent are generally not so good, this however is still no exception to that fact. Meh card.
Sorry, but the best thing of this card is the cool art with Scabbs. Might improve with future SI:7 cards though.
Meh card, conditional Stealth is not impressive at all.
Has potential if the SI:7 archetype takes off, but I do not see it just yet. Perhaps with some additional future support cards it might be good.
Another handbuff card and not a very good actually unless you keep it in your hand for way too long.
I will experiment with this in my Divine Shield Duels Paladin deck, might be nuts!
Spirit Lash for Paladin, what is not to like about this card and Tradeable too, profit!
Decent card in Standard, but has a lot of competition in Wild. I doubt this will make the final cut in Wild Handbuff Paladin.
As long as there are Librams in Standard there are better options to gain life. This will not see much play at all IMO.
Probably the worst new Quest and that says a lot, because I consider them all to be bad. Not that it is too difficult to complete the Quest requirements, but the reward is so meh.