Huge buff and really annoying if your opponent manages to play this mount andyou have to deal with it, twice. Really fits well into the feelsbad about the Priest class.
Upgraded Eye Beam with worse mana cost. I guess it is useful combined with Jace Darkweaver, but it will not even give you the outcast value of this card.
More boring Handlock support which the archetype does not even need. There are plenty of better alternatives out there already, especially in Wild. The fact it has the Demon tribe tag means it will see some play when discovered or via some RNG effect.
Meh card, delayed draw with the smallest touch of mana reductions. I am not impressed.
Decent card and at least is a new alternative way to play Demon Hunter. Might improve when better Fel spells get introduced in the near future.
Only really viable during a Glide or Skull of Gul'dan turn, I do not see it happen though.
Auto include in the new Shadow Priest deck, love it!
Huge buff and really annoying if your opponent manages to play this mount andyou have to deal with it, twice. Really fits well into the feelsbad about the Priest class.
Solid card, one of the better mounts I reckon.
Just run Teacher's Pet instead. This card only sees played when summoned from some RNG effect.
Has potential in a Beast token Hunter deck. Never underestimate card draw engines and this even buffs too.
Solid weapon. If only it would reduce the mana cost of any card in your hand instead of a minion, right?
Requirements seem too random and unnecessary, just play spell Mage and skip this card altogether.
Perfect support card for the new Shaman Quest and is within the Wandmaker's cardpool. Decent ctutor card.
I like the potential and will be experimented with in Standard. Not good enough for unless a future spell only Warlock archetype emerges.
Only really viable with Plot Twist and still too slow IMO.
Nice additional card for Tamsin Roame to copy.
Probably worth it in Standard, not in Wild though because it worsens the Demon pool for Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
Slots into Demon Zoolock. We might see the return of this archetype in Standard enabled by this card.
Upgraded Eye Beam with worse mana cost. I guess it is useful combined with Jace Darkweaver, but it will not even give you the outcast value of this card.
Should only be viable in Token Druid, but that archetype wants to stay on board and not draw cards instead. Confusing card to say the least.
More boring Handlock support which the archetype does not even need. There are plenty of better alternatives out there already, especially in Wild. The fact it has the Demon tribe tag means it will see some play when discovered or via some RNG effect.
Support card for the Druid Quest, but new Quests are bad, so this card suffers from that.