I doubt the new Quest spells are any good, it will see play because I think there are some XP achievements related to this. Older Quests are stricytly better, but of course not playable in Standard.
Meme win-more card IMO, if you are ahead on a wide board you are winning already. I do not see the point of having additional 4/4 rats in your hand in that situation.
The card that enables a new Shadow Priest archetype. This will be the first thing I will try out on launch day. Love the fact that it will be a diamond card as well.
I doubt the new Quest spells are any good, it will see play because I think there are some XP achievements related to this. Older Quests are stricytly better, but of course not playable in Standard.
Decent card, I wished it had better stats though, but will see some play in Constructed.
Is Fire Mage going to be the new Mage archetype? I will definitely try this in Duels.
Nice addition for Control Warlock. A bit too highly costed though to consider it to be really good.
Good in certain conditions, probably worth experimenting in Warlock and Shadow Priest.
Magma Rager level card, really bad. Avoid.
Better Spellbreaker and Tradeable too, what else do you want?
Makes Oh My Yogg! slightly worse if active and opponent plays the coin or any other zero mana spell.
A faster Sunfury Protector, sign me up for this in Handlock.
Weird stats and great ability. Should fit in Beast Hunter perfectly.
Made for Handlock which does not even need this, will see no play at all is my prediction.
Might see some experimenting in Odd Paladin because it is also Tradeable.
Another good Arena card, similar to Defender of Argus. Nothing more, nothing less.
Great in Duels with Stormcatcher, not sure for Constructed though.
This will push Dragon Priest into a higher Tier, possibly even T1. This will definitely see a lot of experimenting on launch day (me included).
Meme win-more card IMO, if you are ahead on a wide board you are winning already. I do not see the point of having additional 4/4 rats in your hand in that situation.
Bad card in constructed, better in Duels with the Captured Flag treasure.
I wonder if it is good enough staple card for Token Druid in Wild. Doubtful.
A card that makes games faster and will be played in Shadow Priest I assume, love it!
The card that enables a new Shadow Priest archetype. This will be the first thing I will try out on launch day. Love the fact that it will be a diamond card as well.