I don't get people saying that demon hunter won't be playable in wild because of all the cards released in hearthstone's history. It's not like every card in wild is being played. Wild is pretty much just standard with harder to change meta. If the new cards can compare with the wild meta, then it will be viable.
Also, if this was fake it would ruin everyone's hype and make the next expansion less appealing, and you know that blizzard creates hype so that they can get closer to your wallet. If only polygon didn't fuck it up.
More to your point, the hero power synergizes very well with Hench-Clan Thug. Also, the demon hunters themselves have a wide arrange of very powerful tempo odd-costed cards.
This has the potential break wild harder than kaelthas
Also, I can't be the only one who keeps saying Teron "Gorefield".
Teron Gorefiend supreme value
Was just about to post this too. Kael'thas super is nutty.
It prioritizes enemies. It can only target your minions if your opponent has no minions and the casted spell can only target minions.
More of a fun side of demon hunter I'd say rather than the competitive one.
More legendaries mean a more expensive game. Buuut, the rarity drop protection was so good that I don't really care that much about this.
I mean, there was a recently revealed 2 mana secret for rogue. If they would print a 0 mana secret, then it wouldn't really be a secret.
Fair enough.
Hot damn, time to slay me some demons then.
Finally, a new card for my deathrattle hunter deck. This card is insane with Necromechanic, Play Dead, and Terrorscale Stalker.
Wait, so all the demon hunter initiate cards are free?
No need to kill the mood, dood.
Yup, as we know it.
Holy shit, I just noticed that this is Swarm of Locusts with one less mana.
In my opinion, odd demon hunter could be pretty strong, assuming that the upgraded hero power gives +2 Attack.
I don't get people saying that demon hunter won't be playable in wild because of all the cards released in hearthstone's history. It's not like every card in wild is being played. Wild is pretty much just standard with harder to change meta. If the new cards can compare with the wild meta, then it will be viable.
Also, if this was fake it would ruin everyone's hype and make the next expansion less appealing, and you know that blizzard creates hype so that they can get closer to your wallet. If only polygon didn't fuck it up.
More to your point, the hero power synergizes very well with Hench-Clan Thug. Also, the demon hunters themselves have a wide arrange of very powerful tempo odd-costed cards.
I assume you guys are forgetting Elemental Evocation? This card when played at turn 1 is just insane.