People here not mentioning about this card in zoolock? The synergy with Darkglare and Diseased Vulture is insane and it's also just a really good reload for that deck. Maybe this can replace the Hand of Gul'dan combo.
This card is straight-up broken in demon hunter. You can fetch Skull of Gul'dan and then pretty much guaranteed to have that 9 mana discount. Enjoy getting bursted by 2 mana Glaivebound Adept and Soulshard Lapidary.
You CAN play against AI with Demon Hunter in solo adventures like Galakrond's Awakening. And you don't even need a Fireside Gathering for that. Just play in the normal client. I recommend Finley and Dr. Boom, they're fairly balanced.
I've been leveling my DH playing through Nax. Is that proof enough, or should I get you a screenshot?
I think LoR needs its own salt thread. The game pretty much has as much bs moments as hs imo.
Whew, didn't expect to make it into an article. Thanks for adding me!
Here's my odd rogue list, sorry for being so slow I was quite busy yesterday.
Pro tip when climbing wild: You'll encounter some reno priests and reno warlocks. Don't lose hope.
For those who cared about wild, Odd Rogue is absolutely insane. I grinded from bronze 20 to legend today. Cutting Class, Vulpera Toxinblade, Secret Passage, Tour Guide, and Jandice Barov are all incredibly insane additions that shot this deck right back up to tier 1.
Just put this, Wandmaker and Tip the Scales in your murloc deck and you're good to go.
People here not mentioning about this card in zoolock? The synergy with Darkglare and Diseased Vulture is insane and it's also just a really good reload for that deck. Maybe this can replace the Hand of Gul'dan combo.
I was watching the reveal video and I thought it also works on the face. I had a split second heart attack because of it.
This card is straight-up broken in demon hunter. You can fetch Skull of Gul'dan and then pretty much guaranteed to have that 9 mana discount. Enjoy getting bursted by 2 mana Glaivebound Adept and Soulshard Lapidary.
And then getting three copies of 1 mana Backstab :)
I really want this for my big shaman. Imagining multiple copies of this on my board is pleasing my mind.
This and Sethekk Veilweaver is a matchmade in heaven
This + Holy Wrath into a Shirvallah, the Tiger = EZ Wild Legend
I agree. Eye Beam was more problematic because it allows you to secure the board and allowing the Battlefiend to stay.
Finley is too easy imo. Try Chenvaala instead.
Are all of the cards revealed? It doesn't feel like it.
All these insane mage spells make me change my mind about Apexis Blast.
Giving paladin demons would be awkward.
Another day, another great demon hunter card.
It also buffs Underlight Angling Rod, which is a paladin card.
You pretty much either win the game or force your opponent to play a board clear, which would be hard since they have divine shield.