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Joined 07/22/2019 Achieve Points 460 Posts 446

sense124's Comments

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Shame that the spell damage totem is being replaced, which makes Spirit Claws much worse, but ah well.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    With the Galakrond shaman cards and Spirit Claws unnerfed, all of my class wild cards unnerf wishlist has been fulfilled. If they unnerfed Undertaker and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, then I'll be the happiest man alive.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    So basically, nothing changes?

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Aggro paladin is the type of deck the demands to be answered constantly in order to win against them. Having access to their best and most reliable tool to immediately restart their board is very worrying. They also have Keeper of Uldaman and Sunkeeper Tarim, which are probably the best paladin cards period. Call to Arms is also really good in combination with Rally!, so who knows. A new kind of deck might just pop up from nowhere.

    Another thing to add, people will eventually become irritated at any tier 1 deck in like 2 weeks.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, I know. I don't think a deck that can only win by drawing exactly only Necrium Apothecary is ever going to take off unless they can draw it extremely consistently. Both highrolls that you mentioned are from Warlock, which had excellent tools to control the early board like Defile and Voidcaller which allows the deck to execute their gameplan much better. 

    In case of The Caverns Below, we'll just have to see whether or not it is actually broken. Two of the biggest payoffs of quest rogue are nerfed (Stonetusk Boar and Patches the Pirate), which can considerably hinder their ability to finish games quicker. Quest Rogue is extremely weak against aggro decks, and since they unnerfed it alongside Call to Arms, I'm at least hopeful that it wouldn't be broken. Which is why I would then turn your attention to Call to Arms instead. Being able to pull this card even just 1 turn earlier can be very backbreaking for decks to interact with.

    I don't disagree with the fact that quest rogue is a very limiting archetype, but control decks never existed in wild since last year or two. Only combo and aggro prevailed in the meta.

    Edit: Exactly after writing this comment, I immediately remembered that Safety Inspector is a card, which might tremendously help the Deathwing highroll deck


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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    1) Preparation was nerfed, so the quest reward can be played at a minimum of turn 3 or 4.
    2) Stonetusk Boar was nerfed to rush, cutting off one of its more powerful payoffs.
    3) They are severely weak against aggro decks (Call to Arms unnerf will decimate the deck for good measure).
    4) The deck was very powerful because Patches the Pirate had Charge. Hopefully that card won't get unnerfed though.

    And yes, I'm aware that the deck was still played even after the two nerfs. I still don't think it will be a problem since they have a clear weakness.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Also nobody talks about Call to Arms? It's the most worrying one IMO. Call to Arms while not as effective, still feels very powerful at 5. It has the potential to create a tier one deck at 4.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I honestly think they knew what they were doing when they unnerved The Caverns Below for the same reason they unnerfed Raza the Chained, which is they are prevailing archetypes that a lot of people loved playing. Alec did state that he doesn't like nerfing wild cards because he wants wild to be a place where people can just play cards the way they were. So even if somewhat worrying, balance is not their main focus.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Because it's wild.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I for one accepts quest rogue back to its full power. It's been a while since I see that deck in action and it should be fun (at least for the first week).

    Also, I love you Blizzard for unnerfing Necrium Apothecary.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    From the countdown landmarks to the deck-changing champion, I feel like LoR is getting inspiration from games other than hearthstone and magic...

  • sense124's Avatar
    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Wait, are these the 30ish buffs that blizzard is talking about? If so then I'm kinda disappointed that no wild specific cards are getting buffed. Was hoping for at least a bit of love for the format.

    I'm a dumbass. These are buffs, not unnerfs.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From FortyDust

    Why these things are not BM:

    • If your opponent has lethal on board, you are perfectly capable of ending the game yourself.
    • If your opponent emotes sarcastically or too much, there's a Squelch command.
    • You don't actually know if the opponent is roping to annoy you or to legitimately think. Either way, it's not that much time, so you can put Nozdormu in every deck or get over it.
    • If you are triggered by which cards your opponent hovers over (seriously?), it's definitely your problem, not theirs.

    The only real BM in Hearthstone is people who send a friend request just to swear at you for playing a certain card, deck, archetype or class.

    Saying that sarcastic emoting is not BM because you can just squelch is like saying flooding is not a natural disaster because it can be prevented. Bad manners are still bad manners, regardless of prevention.

    Also, you just defied your own logic there, since you can just deny friend requests.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Is it just me or Taliyah's skin is brighter and her eyebrows are less thicc?

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    R.I.P silly Jaraxxus interactions, sorry HysteriA.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Hearthstone Slay the Spire?  Sounds like a dream come true!

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    The entirety of Galakrond shaman I hope. Would love to play that deck in full power in wild.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    You really live up to your title.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I would love to see Galakrond Shaman in its full power against high meta decks like Highlander Priest and Darkglare Warlock. We've only seen unnerfed Galakrond Shaman for like a week, I think wild will be a much better environment for a deck like that.

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    Mavka 460 446 Posts Joined 07/22/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    It's honestly tiring to see people get so emotional so quickly. I kinda can't blame them though since Blizzard these days has cemented themselves as an asshole-ish company. I just wish people can have more patience instead of making a Reddit post about how "Blizzard will not respond and here's why".