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  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    After a long break, I finally update the class for United in Stormwind and Fractured in Alterac Valley as well as their mini sets.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    With how much you can generate copies of this card, Bluefield Torch seems really insane, especially with the 0 mana deal 4 you printed earlier along with your Questline reward. You can easily shot down your enemy life faster than Ignite Mage. I think it should only deal 3 damage as Quick-Play.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Hello everyone. Inspired by one of my favorite storyline and encounter of the Book of Hero, I have made a new Duel hero, Twisted Cornelius, a Paladin / Warlock dual class hero!

    Hero Power:

    • Legion Recruit: A great Hero Power that benefit an aggressive playstyle. The Demon created by the Hero Power also benefit from Silver Hand Recruit synergy.
    • Twisted Arts: A flexible Hero Power that goes great with any deck, from control / combo deck to trade off their combo pieces / removal / board clear for more situationally suitable cards to aggressive deck to smooth out their curve. If the spell doesn't have a school, the Hero Power will draw a random spell with no school. The dual class nature of the Cornelius means that you will get access to Holy, Shadow and Fel spells
    • Twisted Memory: A Hero Power for the more control / combo / midrange oriented decks that allow you to tutor out your midrange threat or combo pieces while also contest the board with a 2/1 Rush minion.


    • Unholy Wrath: A Treasure that allow for great removal / burst and recovery for Aggressive deck using Silver Hand Recruit / Demon synergy. The name and effect is based on the Paladin card Holy Wrath
    • Blessing of Father: A Treasure that allow for great buff from the 2nd Hero Power while searchable by the 3rd Hero Power. Note that if it is discarded you do not have control over which friendly minion that will be buffed. The name and effect is based on the Paladin spell Blessing of Kings
    • Tamsin's Perfume: A great Treasure that allow for early / mid game tempo that will get better with more cards you collect during run. This card can be searched with the second and third Hero Power.
    • Zealous Inquisitor: A great tempo card that will swing the board in your favor and offer great Health recovery. The name, stats and effect is a combination of Lightforged Zealot and Felsoul Inquisitor.
    • Corrupted Ashbringer: A card that allow you to swing your tempo as well as discount the spells you hold in your hand that you drew due to your 2nd Hero Power.
    • Sister Rivalry: A spell that reward aggressive board flood playstyle using Silver Hand Recruit and Demons. The Disguised will get buffed twice, meaning that each of them will have +3/+2.

    How the two classes synergize with each other:

    • Paladin has a difficult time with board clear and board swarming. Warlock card pool would substantially help with that
    • Warlock has a hard time with health recovery, something Paladin excel at. They also has a hard time buffing up their minions out of removal and board clear range, something Paladin will help them with.
  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Welcome all readers and happy Valentine day. In the spirit of the holiday I present to you the expansion Love is in the Air!

    Set Introduction

    Love is in the Air is a 135 cards with the overall theme is Love! While the expansion is released on Valentine Day, it will not only focus on romantic love, but all kinds of Love! From love between parents and child, brothers and sisters, to friend and comrades and pets. Or even the unhealthy sides of love like obsession and dependency!

    Note: The expansion is created with the assumption that the Core set is the same but the previous year expansion has been rotated out.

    What would be a better way to introduce the audience to the set than with a free Legendary? And we got just the right one to kick off the new expansion:

    Calphrodite is a very powerful mid-range Legendary that will allow for some crazy swing turn in the mid game. Her transformation nature also represent the heavy card-generation expansion and the diversity of love that will be the main theme of the expansion. Her name is a reference to the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and Aphrodite's Roman counterpart Venus.

    Keywords and Mechanic

    There is only one new keyword this expansion but there is a returning keyword from our old friend the Boomsday Project:

    Magnetic need no introduction. It's one of the mechanic from the Boomsday Project. However, it is refitted here to be the way machine and our newly introduced Allie Race Mechagnome express their love, and is almost exclusively seen on Warrior cards.

    Devote is very simple: It is a reverse Acolyte of Pain effect: Instead of being triggered by you taking damage, the minion or even the hero themselves are so hurt by something else taking damage that they trigger an effect! Because what is love if not affection for something else and the emotion that arise when they are hurt? Do note that any Devote effect that deal direct damage will not trigger itself as to avoid infinite loop and thus unfun scenario or balance  breaking nightmares. Any Devote effect by minion will last until the minion or the other target is destroyed, but any Devote effect by spell will only last until the end of the caster's turn.

    While only two keywords to be noted, another significant mechanic of the expansion are Love Cards. They are 1 mana spell that create resources and they themselves can only be generated by certain cards. Fitting the diversity and spectrum of love, each class will have a different Love cards that they will generate that will hint at the Legendary cards that they will receive. If a card generate a Love card, they will generate the Love card of your respective class regardless of the original class they came from unless said otherwise.

    The Love cards are as follow, sorted alphabetically by the class they are from:

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    Demon Hunter:

    Demon Hunter in this expansion will focus on the Devote keyword itself, with the Legendaries both being minions which is a huge difference from the other classes (one Legendary minion and one Legendary spell) and both being Illidan followers, signaling the Love Between Comrades and with their leader Illidan. Another theme they will have is the merging of Demon and Murloc - the first were pretty prominent while the latter has some minions in their class like Furious Felfin in Hearthstone and other Murloc in World of Warcraft like Murgulis

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    Druid for this expansion will of course focus on their Love for Nature, with their Legendaries all both protectors of Nature. Their cards this expansion focus on swarming the board with Wisps to protect Nature and buffing up the Beasts that inhabit the natural world that they cherish. They are also the only class to have a Hero Card this expansion, as oppose to the other classes having one Legendary minion and one Legendary spell

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    Note: "Teach" with Cenarius means that whenever you play  that minion, you will cast that spell and that spell is targetable.



    The Legendary Hunter cards this expansion will focus on Sibling's Love, most specifically the extremely complicated relationship between Sylvanas and Alleria Windrunner. The rest of their cards will be Deathrattle themed to support Sylvanas and their Love cards while also have a small weapon theme as befitting of a class using a bow and arrow in a holiday famous for another bow user Cupid.

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    Mage Legendaries will focus on the Love Between Mother and Daughter, specifically the extremely complicated relationship between Jaina and her mother Katherine. The rest of their cards focus on fresh interaction between Spell and minions, whether from minions benefitting from Spell Damage while discouraging you from casting spells or from Elemental minions and spells.

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    Paladin Legendary and theme will focus on a darker side of love, Anger at losing someone. The class has many cards that will allow them to deal swift retribution to the enemy that killed their minions, whether it is buffs, card draws to replace them or board clear. The class will also have Silver Hand support to have fodder to activate these effects.

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    Priest's Legendary will focus on Fatherly Love, more specifically the relationship between Anduin and his father Varyan, with Anduin struggling to live up to Varian's legacy and duty to protect the people of Stormwind against his peaceful nature, as symbolize by his card set focus on "Can't attack" minions and Silence his own minion effects.

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    Rogue's Legendary and theme will focus on a darker side of love, specific the Love Between Criminals and Outlaws. They will have many cards that reference both Criminal Activities borne out of love or assist by love, like their Legendary outlaw couple Connie and Blyde, based on the outlaw couple Bonnie and Clyde. And for the adults out there, there will be reference to "adult business" in their set. Their set will focus on card generation and Coin generation.

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    Shaman main theme and Legendary will be Accepting in Lovewith the class accept and even empowered by the diversity in minion type they will receive. They also have an Elemental theme to their spells and minions.

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    Warlock, befitting their dark nature, will have another darker side of love: The Unhealthy Love. Many of their cards reference the dark dependency of love and their two Legendaries will reference the infamous Betrayal of Gul'dan to his tribe and mentor Ner'Zhul.

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    And last but certainly not least, Warrior will have their card set focus on Love of Machine, specifically the question of how does sentient robots (which exist in Warcraft universe) and people who replaced their body with machine parts express love. Well, the answer is obvious: By attaching themselves with Magnetic of course! Of course, they will also normal ways of expressing their affection, with Devote cards to be another way.

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    Legendary & Token

    Epic & Token

    Rare & Token

    Common & Token

    Thank you so much for your attention. Leave your feedback and balance suggestion if any.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    People seem to like my first idea a lot more. So I decided to focus on that. Change the name to Vilefin Trafficker to get the idea of Tradeable coming more across:

    Feedback to cards since my last post:

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    Demonxz95: Both of them are quite creative. I think the first Murloc should be a Mage card to fit in with the Freeze synergy and the potential power level.

    R: The from hand effect is fine. From deck is just too powerful of a comeback tool and if you do you should increase the cost to 5.

    Cheese: The new version with Tier 3 seem fine. Fit great in mid range playstyle.

    Aero Juwin:  The card seem fine but would be super annoying and doesn't fit with Murloc at all since they are supposed to have little guard against board clear.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Some ideas and feedback:

    • Vilefin Spawner's idea is you sacrifice tempo for some value. Not sure if the first or second version is worth it more.
    • Murgatha is a simple win condition for Murloc Shaman. Flood the board. Slam her down and prevent board clear.


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    Demonxz95: The effect doesn't fit the tribe, which feature heavy aggression and board flooding.

    Linkblade91: Really powerful and fitting card. The Legendary tag made it not overpower.

    Wailor: Holyfin Crusader is by far the best idea. I don't get the name for Pearl Seeker since you want the Murloc, not the clam.

    Cheese: Seem way overpower especially if you Golden it (which isn't hard to do since it is a Tier 2 minion and has small body, so you can just not play it for a while). This need to be Tier 3 at least.

    anchorm4n: All of these aren't very good. The Demon Hunter one is way overpower in the context that it can restore A LOT of health. The Shaman one is not fitting with the class and seems more like Priest. The Neutral one is too specific as a tech card.

    Akasaur: Very creative idea but seem a little too weak. I would add a Discover effect to have more chance to get rid of the card you don't want.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    The Wailing Cavern set is up! While there's only 3 cards, I tried my best to give the support for the Deathrattle Detective archetype while giving slower Detective archetype excellent stalling tools.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    The class's tier 2 Armor reward is up!

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    A couple of ideas for the week:

    • Thalnos seem overpower until you realize to take advantage of his effect you need a decent board, a small friendly AoE or your opponent has number of small minions and a number of burst to take advantage of it.
    • Explore the Barrens immediately damage the Frenzy minion you Discover when it is played and is a good standalone card.
  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    To celebrate the class getting featured on the Community Spotlight, here's a whole 6 new cosmetic for the class!

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    • Velen, Prophet of Peace is a stalling minions so your opponent has to remove him if they want to attack. Even against token decks you can use him to limit them to essentially 5 board slot.
    • Temple of Y'Shaarj is meant to synergize with Y'Shaarj himself to create more Corrupt card.


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    @Linkblade: The card seem too swingy whether or not you get a good batch of cards every turn.

    @Nirast: Both of them are way too specific while being not very powerful in the pay off.

    @Anchorm4n: There's no way Demon Hunter will run Rag over something like Priestess of Fury since it doesn't do anything if it got killed. The Frost Watch Post is great and fitting with Mage flavor. Because Frost Nova isn't in the core set you can print this and not having it be degenerate.

    @Karmin: Seem way too low impact for the cost and stat.

    @Wailor: The 5 mana version is much more balanced and ready to go.

    @CydonianKnight: What does duplicate card even mean? Do you need to already have the first copy in your hand?

    @Demonxz95: Sheep Cannon is literally just a weaker version of Kolkar Pack Runner. Mini Ragnaros is way too swingy for such a low mana cost.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    People seem to like the Mage Secret more. So I'll repost them with some wording change:

    Wormhole is nerfed to only has 2 Secrets and add the Arcane tag. Shattered Image got a slight rewording.


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    @Nirast: This one seem degenerate with Secret synergy as well as against non-hyper aggessive deck.

    @Wailor: Seem like something that would restore 1-8 Health on average. Most OTK deck will deal more than 30 damage.

    @KANSAS: I like the card a lot but the wording should be 3 or more of your minions since the wording right now don't take into account board clear that wipe out multiple minions.

    @cydonianknight: I like it. Great flavor and effect that isn't degenerate like the other ideas post on here.

    @Fedrion: Second and original Cauterize is the most balance of the bunch since you will have to think about when to play it.

    @Dermostat: Extremely OP given that at worst it is a 2 mana 4/4. Rogue isn't known for wide board either, so this also out of flavor for the class.

    @Lundy: Well, this will be a strong contender for the second round. How would the Devouring Hunger option resolve though?

    @Grumpymonk: Excellent effect but need a name change. Why would Trick of the Trade involve with playing cards and obtaining Treasure?

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Initial ideas. The first one and third one is an attempt to give Mage and Rogue some defensive Secret. Second one is for Secret Mage to cheat out more Secret from their deck. Fourth one is for Miracle Rogue that can draw and dump their hand in one turn.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    One thing of note: The art for Consecration came from the card Reckoning of the Light from the TCG. So it does have precedent from other cards in the Classic / Basic set of taking and recycling stuffs from the TCG.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Add image credit to user Akirie26. I am so sorry for not creditting you sooner.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    It's similar to Choose One or Discover effect from a random casting effect: You'll get a random card from the selection.

    And I can't find an upgradable 3 stages card that fit the mercenary that I want to put forth. So that is the best I can do.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Forge in the Barren set is finished! The set will offer support for mainly Deathrattle Detective, but will also have space for Menagerie, Reveal combo detective and token Detective that will be developed in later sets.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I mostly like your Core set beside Bullet Time (which can easily be solved if it is ever problematic by nerfing the Mana cost). Black Hole Eclipse absolutely need the Shadow tag.

    Question: Do you plan to put the Arcane tag on your "Time" spells? I think it's a major decision that will impact your set synergy with spell school going forward.

    Spells from other set that I think should have the new tribal tag on them:

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    • Arcane: Energy Blast, Mirror Match, Disturbed Flow, Astral Storm, Astral Discoveries, Rift Bomb, Guild Teleport, Cosmic Portal, Cosmic Breath, Volley of Comet, Mirrored Madness
    • Shadow: Rift Blaster, Dark Replication, Rift Potion, Rift Blaster, Unlock the Rift + The Rift, Sarax's Emergency Rift + Sealed Rift, Vortex Shift
    • Nature: Temporal Storm, Elemental Energy, Twilight Wormhole
    • Frost: Frozen Reflection

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    @Arkasaur: I like the second version much more. The first version ran into the problem of not doing enough on the for such a requirement unless it is Skull of Gul'dan level of busted.

    @ChickyChick: Your Black Lotus is so busted with the new Rogue Legendary since it can discount up to 6 mana for a card. The second card is just really confusing. The Fungal Alchemist is my favorite.

    @anchorm4n: I don't know why you don't make the card from Warlock. It has the deck destroying and Mana Crystal destroying mechanic. I think it also need to target destroy because it is 6 mana and a Legendary.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 265 98 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Initial Idea:

    • Rokkar leans into the spell school mechanic and allow Druid and Shaman to activate their newly Legendary Guff Runetotem and Bru'kan. Note that ALL  spells means that every spell you generate will become Nature spells.
    • Fungal Giant is the Giant mechanic + the theme of minion survive damage from the new set.
    • Scavenging Lasher took advantage of the new Poison archetype in Rogue.


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    @Ilphelkiir Spore Channeler seem way too good at 1 mana since it create insane swing turns for such cheap cost, especially since all of the Rogue Poison cost 2 or less. I think putting it at a 2 mana 3/2 / 2/3 is better compare to Radiant Elemental and Sorcerer Apprentice.

    @cydonianknight: First version of the mushroom is way more interesting and flavorful. The second one don't even make much sense why it kill another minion.

    @Demonxz95: Rosa seems way too expansive at 5 mana. Stealth Rogue isn't going to run her since it require them to not go face. I suggest knock her down to 4 mana. The Secret is the one that I would go for since it is very flavorful and interesting.

    @linkblade91: Bramble Behemoth suck so much compare to Sword Eater

    @anchorm4n: The card is way too specific and has the downside of completely being outclassed by Psychic Scream during the time of its printing.

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