Strong if it have reduced cost before playing, if not is just very slow to grow up in a threat
Wow a neutral tutor card. I think they are pushing freeze for every class on the next expansions
If you have two minons two play this on curve is very powerful. If not, maybe played at turn 6… just a little late
Wow, it's a crazy effect. The art seems to me like a doomsday project Dr. Boom's minion than an actual Alterac one
It reminds me of the kobold ghost 5/1. It's just a pack filler, there are more attractive deathrattles out there
Good anti aggro tool, can enable another honorable kills from some cards
The good thing is that it have a lot of life, so it's very possible to get the effect
This can kill most, if not all, 3 mana minions. It's a pack filler, but I have an interesting effect
Very interesting for a handbuff deck. It is a good tool from control de board
This card can be a powerful tool on libram paladin acting as a handbuff if you manage to cast a few times in a turn
I don't know but I see it viable with The Demon Seed and Neeru Fireblade if you manage to empty yuor deck first
Tutor a specific card: 2+ mana
AoE damage: 2 mana
And 1 mana more if gets a fel spell, balanced it seems, but it depends on the other fel spells
If honor kill get more than one proc, slowly this will became a soft taunt, well just if this is how the interaction works
With Wicked Shipment and Envoy Rustwix will be a prime and wet dream for a beatiful value combo
I want to Rokara and Cariel get both weapons destroyed id they clash, just for philosophycal purposes
Just nuts, even with the condition it's an amazing finisher, or in the worst case you can manage with some big minion of the oponent. 5 stars
Very good tempo tool for gaining 1 turn of board interactions, maybe the freeze warrior will be the new freeze mage
Maybe they might reveal some card that use your armor in order to do something more, let's wait and see
Very good battlecry, maybe they are going to push a very strong control warrior on this expansion
Vanilla stats with a very good deathrattle, nice packfiller
Strong if it have reduced cost before playing, if not is just very slow to grow up in a threat
Wow a neutral tutor card. I think they are pushing freeze for every class on the next expansions
If you have two minons two play this on curve is very powerful. If not, maybe played at turn 6… just a little late
Wow, it's a crazy effect. The art seems to me like a doomsday project Dr. Boom's minion than an actual Alterac one
It reminds me of the kobold ghost 5/1. It's just a pack filler, there are more attractive deathrattles out there
Good anti aggro tool, can enable another honorable kills from some cards
The good thing is that it have a lot of life, so it's very possible to get the effect
This can kill most, if not all, 3 mana minions. It's a pack filler, but I have an interesting effect
Very interesting for a handbuff deck. It is a good tool from control de board
This card can be a powerful tool on libram paladin acting as a handbuff if you manage to cast a few times in a turn
I don't know but I see it viable with The Demon Seed and Neeru Fireblade if you manage to empty yuor deck first
Tutor a specific card: 2+ mana
AoE damage: 2 mana
And 1 mana more if gets a fel spell, balanced it seems, but it depends on the other fel spells
If honor kill get more than one proc, slowly this will became a soft taunt, well just if this is how the interaction works
With Wicked Shipment and Envoy Rustwix will be a prime and wet dream for a beatiful value combo
I want to Rokara and Cariel get both weapons destroyed id they clash, just for philosophycal purposes
Just nuts, even with the condition it's an amazing finisher, or in the worst case you can manage with some big minion of the oponent. 5 stars
Very good tempo tool for gaining 1 turn of board interactions, maybe the freeze warrior will be the new freeze mage
Maybe they might reveal some card that use your armor in order to do something more, let's wait and see
Very good battlecry, maybe they are going to push a very strong control warrior on this expansion
Vanilla stats with a very good deathrattle, nice packfiller