Playing 8 mana fro recasting 4 spells is not a bad tempo play, as always, it depends on spells you are getting, but you can control it via deck bulding. It is very stron imho
Being an spell maybe it's easy to use the honorable kill mechanic, but maybe it will become a dead card in your hand if you can't find a good moment to use it
Very good on a token deck, if not killed rapidly can snowball very easily
Useful for getting the board from opponent, if you manage to clear on the first turn and leave some tokens can be used as a finisher too
Can stop aggro, but by itself it doesn't have a good statline
Wow, very powerful card, not just in big demons but as a standalone card
With this and Vanndar Stormpike a big demon deck can be a reality, and maybe will be good
Wow, very strong and it get synergy with both token and big demons deck
Transforming into a Pit Commander that summons a Mo'arg Forgefiend for 6 mana?
Yes please
Wow very powerful hero power, and the tokens are 5/4 if played on curve and attacke all turns. It has a great potential
Playing 8 mana fro recasting 4 spells is not a bad tempo play, as always, it depends on spells you are getting, but you can control it via deck bulding. It is very stron imho
Draw two 5 cost spells and leave a 7/7 (at least, but maybe better) body. Very powerful imho
Maybe there will be an achievement to get 2 box of Yogg-Saron with this one
Wow, very poweful for board control and messing with opponent revive pool.
If it gets casted by the Iceblood Tower is better
Wow very powerful for big spells deck, but I don't know if it is an antisinergy with Dawngrasp hero card.
I guess so, but only time will tell
Wow Juicy Psychmelon for mage, very strong with big spell synergy
I hope there is an achivement for building snowman's that references frozen in some way
Strong card, set your hero power to 0 and give it freeze is a very strong tempo move. Very good indeed
Being an spell maybe it's easy to use the honorable kill mechanic, but maybe it will become a dead card in your hand if you can't find a good moment to use it
Good standalone card fro big spell mage, or with any spell costs mage
Wow, an excellent card. Direct impact on board, handbuff and and a infinite weapon.
And the art is amazing!
Insane card with any buff, it can be a great menace in the early game, even with just a libram it gets a +2/+2
5 Stars