I think that an aggresive deathrattle priest will make a very good for Drek'Thar, but I just choose him because I like the art more than the other card
This is the card with the most hype for me right now, I got got a golden Neeru Fireblade but with this you want to get into fatigue, damaging the opponent, it's almost suicidal but is very interesting to play it
Very mediocre card if you can't get the horable kill reward
Very good combo if you can give it rush with any other card, like broom, and make all your minions divine shielded
Very good stats for a pack filler, if you manage to get the honor kill it's just a plus
Very good fo 1 mana minion if you manage to use the honorable kill, leaving a 3/2 or 3/1 in the table
An easy tool to get rid of those quest reward minions
I think this card it's on the wrong set, maybe in the year of the Mammoth?
Loving Defile before, and I am still loving it
Very powerful board Mutanus the Devourer if you manage to summon it without paying for his full mana cost. Strong synergy with Vanndar
Love Zilliax bives, I think that the Grimtotem Bounty Hunter makes sense now just one shooting Ivus
Very powerful late game minion, and if timed well can be used with only 2 mana cost with Vanndar Stormpike. Especially with warlock
Very good for all big decks, maybe an enabler on all classes. Very useful in wild
I think that an aggresive deathrattle priest will make a very good for Drek'Thar, but I just choose him because I like the art more than the other card
This is the card with the most hype for me right now, I got got a golden Neeru Fireblade but with this you want to get into fatigue, damaging the opponent, it's almost suicidal but is very interesting to play it
Wow, just... For The Meme! (Charges at anemy)
5 stars
I just want a 1 mana Alextrazsa with Lady Prestor, very powerful if Yogg bless you
Pushing the quest very hard, but for now it will be discounted just or 2 mana
In a deck with some realiable draw options it will become a swarm deck in a moment
Very strong for token decks, and maybe get rid of draw spell mechanic
Very good for any beast deck, not just the quest or The Rat King ones
Is a reverse for your enemy Soul Fragment, and if you manage to discover it is a great delayed damage