It doesn't seem bad for me. If I remember well a frozen minion that doesn't attacked get rid of freeze on next turn. So you are paying 6 mana for an 8 cost minion, now the pool of 8 mana Minions are usually strong, if you manage to get an taunt or another effect it will be a huge plus
2 mana and delayed 12/12 stats, with that amazing draw that warlock have this could be a very strong play. As we know by the soul fragments, adding cards to your deck is not necessary bad, especially if they have cast on draw
Very good combo if you manage to get a good deathrattle from Reconnaissance
Mini Tess Greymane with two copies, go for the casino burgle rogue
Happy to see burglar support, will try it in wild with Tess Greymane
Maybe in a combo with Sketchy Information?
I don't know how they interact, but if it works, with some powerful deathrattles like Mo'arg Forgefiend it could be nuts
I think the best scenario is coin + this on turn 2. The rest are unoptimal scenarios with a 1 cost card before playing it
Love the lore flavor on this one, bacause almost every Pandaren felt bad after Garrosh almost destroyed Pandaria
I used to love burgle rogue before and I will play it again, some people hate rng but I really like it. Praise Yogg
I think Bru'kan belongs to a freeze shaman deck which can stall a lot until you can use the hero card.
I really love the art and it seems he is a very strong dps shaman as an enhancement and elemental one
If you manage to summon 5 tokens and an Animated Broomstick your opponent will not have a very good time.
PD: Love the name word play
Very strong combo with Windchill and any other source of freezing. It's like a busted duels freeze mage, but for shaman
Very fun until someone dies from hypothermia lol
I really love the art of goblins vs gnomes again
It doesn't seem bad for me. If I remember well a frozen minion that doesn't attacked get rid of freeze on next turn. So you are paying 6 mana for an 8 cost minion, now the pool of 8 mana Minions are usually strong, if you manage to get an taunt or another effect it will be a huge plus
I get a lot of fun trying wild freeze mage in wild, but I like shaman more and will try it again. Hoping to see some rogues raging quit
Very strong for shaman who suffers a lot without draw. It seems that it will be meta for this expansion
Never tried the interaction with Living Dragonbreath, so I think I will try this time in wild, hope it get the stats lol
Pretty strong for delaying the opponent, if you combine this with a cultist it became a strong nuisance for enemy next turn
Draw for 1 mana and stop a minion, very strong. I think they want to make the meme something real this time
It seems that Cariel and Kurtrus are going for a 3rd round with Tamsin, but they have Bru'kan this time.
It seems like the Reing of Chaos is happening again in Alterac?
Tinfoil hat mode on
Disciplinarian Gandling is that you?
This is cutelock 2 electric boogaloo
2 mana and delayed 12/12 stats, with that amazing draw that warlock have this could be a very strong play. As we know by the soul fragments, adding cards to your deck is not necessary bad, especially if they have cast on draw