If you manage to survive with 4 minions that doesn't do nothing, on turn 7 you can summon 25/25 on 5 bodies, so it's very risky. I think is more oriented to control decks
Let's see how watch posts behave, because they don't have immediate impact and are just reactive, you depend on your opponent, so if he manage to play around the posts you are dead
You are right, the last ability of Maiev is Spirit of Vengeance (if my memory doesn't fail me) and it's de embodiment of Maiev's rage and revenge feelings on Illidan because Naisha death.
At least on a lore focus this card musn't be a demon hunter one, maybe a rogue. This card can fill a plot hole on prior to burning crusade era, Maiev just walks on her cell in the Black Temple or is she doing something else, or being tortured by Illidan? This can explain why demon hunter have access to vengeful spirits, but there is no lore behind this card.
Very powerful with strong deathrattles like Scrapyard Colossus or Smug Senior because it just summon another copy, yes without taunt, but with the deatrattle.
I see finisher potential
SSS or this?
Why not both?
Very strong board damage. Very nice art. 5 stars
Very powerful finisher tool in Odd Paladin with Leeroy
All hail High Overlord Saurfang, the Old Soldier. The true Horde Incarnate.
Lok'tar Ogar!!
Pd: I wish Saurfang to be neutral but anyway I am very happy he arrives to hearthstone. I was waiting for him long time ago
If you manage to survive with 4 minions that doesn't do nothing, on turn 7 you can summon 25/25 on 5 bodies, so it's very risky. I think is more oriented to control decks
Very reactive to be good, but can have some play
Let's see how watch posts behave, because they don't have immediate impact and are just reactive, you depend on your opponent, so if he manage to play around the posts you are dead
I hope for strong deathrattles to be revealed. I hope this archetype is better than freeze shaman lol
Very strong with rush minions and charge ones in wild
Yes Naisha is that hunter that died inside the tomb of Sargeras while Illidan shots to Icecrown.
Indeed, those were good times
Good board buff, another way to activate it is using the augmerchants, or making it a loser (if you know what I mean)
You are right, the last ability of Maiev is Spirit of Vengeance (if my memory doesn't fail me) and it's de embodiment of Maiev's rage and revenge feelings on Illidan because Naisha death.
At least on a lore focus this card musn't be a demon hunter one, maybe a rogue. This card can fill a plot hole on prior to burning crusade era, Maiev just walks on her cell in the Black Temple or is she doing something else, or being tortured by Illidan? This can explain why demon hunter have access to vengeful spirits, but there is no lore behind this card.
Aside from Animated Broomstick, Pen Flinger can activates it too, very good board buff
On a lore side, the Spirit of Vengeance is a Maiev ability, so why this is a demon hunter card?
On play note: It's a very good tutor, that can enable somo soft mana curve, or play with the actual match conditions. It's a very good card.
It's very powerful in mid-late game if you manage to fill your board with this card is 7 free damage, very dangerous in wild.
Hope it will see play, very interesting concept
If your mind have to be quick (Because Saurfang tell it in the expansion teaser video) is very easy if everything else is frozen.
Good sinergy with the ranked spell, can be a good board clear
Very powerful with strong deathrattles like Scrapyard Colossus or Smug Senior because it just summon another copy, yes without taunt, but with the deatrattle.
I guess it works that way, very strong imho
Very strong for clown druid, maybe a wall archetype again will make some apparition on the set
With treant summoning spells this card will be a very strong addition