Now I want dual wield enhancement shaman lol, very useful card as removal x2 or some face damage
Is more useful on early turns, because on late game, transform a 10 mana minion for another one is not the best play
Lol, 5 stars for it's flavor text
Very interestng draw for demonlock or zoo, wtih some specific demons
Vanilla stats with stron effect, very strong
Very interesting stat line and good Free Admission target
Play it with only Zilliax in your hand for more unity, precision and perfection
More fuel for ETC OTK
Town Crier without body but with powerful buff
Good effect and stat line for it.
Ok card
Small body for N'zoth, the buff is ok, but not very strong
Good remove tool for control or big warrior
I think this card is designed for a big minion archetype, maybe where the lowest cost minion is it.
I don´t think it will see a lot of play
Maybe with some deck interaction it bwill be better on the future
Very strong and flexible for some emergency, use heal, if not can be a minon killer or face damage
Very good
Good enabler for Flesh Giant, followed by some kind of heal, of course
Very good stats for a windfury minon. Very strong if it can survive the summoning turn.
But it gets somewhat powerful when followeb by a broom, can clear 2 little enemy minons
Rush and divine shield is a strong combination, can clear one minion and survive until next turn
More useful in mage than hunter, and it can enable deck thining in an efficient way
Maybe a quest elemental shaman in wild will get some use of this card
Now I want dual wield enhancement shaman lol, very useful card as removal x2 or some face damage
Is more useful on early turns, because on late game, transform a 10 mana minion for another one is not the best play
Lol, 5 stars for it's flavor text
Very interestng draw for demonlock or zoo, wtih some specific demons
Vanilla stats with stron effect, very strong
Very interesting stat line and good Free Admission target
Play it with only Zilliax in your hand for more unity, precision and perfection
More fuel for ETC OTK
Town Crier without body but with powerful buff
Good effect and stat line for it.
Ok card
Small body for N'zoth, the buff is ok, but not very strong
Good remove tool for control or big warrior
I think this card is designed for a big minion archetype, maybe where the lowest cost minion is it.
I don´t think it will see a lot of play
Maybe with some deck interaction it bwill be better on the future
Very strong and flexible for some emergency, use heal, if not can be a minon killer or face damage
Very good
Good enabler for Flesh Giant, followed by some kind of heal, of course
Very good stats for a windfury minon. Very strong if it can survive the summoning turn.
But it gets somewhat powerful when followeb by a broom, can clear 2 little enemy minons
Rush and divine shield is a strong combination, can clear one minion and survive until next turn
More useful in mage than hunter, and it can enable deck thining in an efficient way
Maybe a quest elemental shaman in wild will get some use of this card