Did my eyes deceive me, or [Hearthstone Card (Nitroboost Poison) Not Found] is the only Tauren rogue without stealth in all Warcraft lore. If you ignore those pesky grim totem ones, of course....
I'm sad that so many of these iconic games and characters were simply left out. All WoW players remember battling against Moonfang and Death Metal Knight, the world bosses. Or that undead lady selling orc meat and Inky Black Potions. Or the other ETC members. As much as I like Yrel and Lothraxion, I don't understand why would Blizzard put them into this expansion instead of any of the characters or games listed in this article. That brawler Shaman legendary, whose name I completely forgot, has no background or story whatsoever. Korgol Crushskull would have been a thematically fitting and already well-known character in her place.
This makes it seem like this expansion is made of design and art leftovers.
Maybe they aren hinting an Army of Ligth expansion on the next year?
Turalyon, Lothraxxion and Yrel are already present, and they all seemed out of place on their expansions.
On the other hand I think the Proffesor Thadeus Paleo as a servant of the old gods, will make his appereance at the mini set, I am waiting for Moonfang and his pups too.
Maybe they add the flying game (the one who gives the phoenix wings toy in wow) as some kind of spell or buff, the other mounts of the darkmoon race, and maybe the profession quests?
On a lore question, is Silas a servant too, or the old gods influence came from another sources?
5 stars for Warcraft 3 nostalgia, but the effect is good to enable some seriuos board clear
I don't know yet if it is for spell or demon synergy, is very slow for aggro zoo and not very weak for mid range or late game strategy
I am waiting some healing/damage support from shadow priest
The rank idea is very Warcraft 3. I like it very much
13/13 Rush Taunt, very strong in my opinion
Good spell generator
Work work
I am going to miss swap health/attack effects
On turn 6 with Animated Broomstick it´s like rush/windfury board clear
This is the cousin of that Un´goro raptor and I like it!
I like his effect, but his art is terrible....
Justice for Vol´jin!
Poor Mankrik, you can see sadness and worriness in his face
Razorfen dawn o crawl?
And some thousand needles too
Mankrik must be a legendary imho
I don't know if it's intended, but Kibler is slowly transforming into Uther
Did my eyes deceive me, or [Hearthstone Card (Nitroboost Poison) Not Found] is the only Tauren rogue without stealth in all Warcraft lore. If you ignore those pesky grim totem ones, of course....
Maybe they aren hinting an Army of Ligth expansion on the next year?
Turalyon, Lothraxxion and Yrel are already present, and they all seemed out of place on their expansions.
On the other hand I think the Proffesor Thadeus Paleo as a servant of the old gods, will make his appereance at the mini set, I am waiting for Moonfang and his pups too.
Maybe they add the flying game (the one who gives the phoenix wings toy in wow) as some kind of spell or buff, the other mounts of the darkmoon race, and maybe the profession quests?
On a lore question, is Silas a servant too, or the old gods influence came from another sources?
Very good stats and effect aaaaand cuteness
Very good deck thinnig tool with specific draws, good card
Corrupted 7/6 on 3 bodies for 3 mana, very strong card