Demon Hunter will summon a lot of tokens, but as 1/1 they will die very easy. Could be that team 5 will have some buffs on Demon Hunter tokens on the next expansion?
The soulshard mechanich is pretty strong, it reminds me of Duskbreaker, but Shardshatter Mystic is better because the soulshards exists only in your deck
It has a great potential with a lot of small spells, a soft taunt if played for taking advantage on the next turn, because it can be a very powerful one.
I guess that they will add somo neutral spell damage minions in order for this study to work. I feel just mage synergy because Ras Frostwhisper but not Shaman at all.
Anyway, the minion interactions and restrictions is something new I want Team 5 explore further
Insane tutor for Outcast cards, Skull of Gul'dan on turn 7 with guaranteed effect. Very powerful imho
Demon Hunter will summon a lot of tokens, but as 1/1 they will die very easy. Could be that team 5 will have some buffs on Demon Hunter tokens on the next expansion?
Only time will tell
Love Marrowgar flavor text.
Very solid weapon and strong for the Soul Fragmen archetype
It seems that Odd Soul Fragment Demon Hunter will start to rise in wild, at least on paper.
It's a very powerful card for this mechanic, 5/5 and deal 5 damage, very good card
It have a token synergy with Nethrandamus, Coordinated Strike and Command the Illidari. Seems that team 5 is pushing token DH, maybe it get better on the last expansion of the Phoenyx's Year
The soulshard mechanich is pretty strong, it reminds me of Duskbreaker, but Shardshatter Mystic is better because the soulshards exists only in your deck
Maybe one day we get a way to activate secrets in our turn, something like Explosive Trap and turn it into a effective board clear
I guess someone will make an otk combo out of this card, it enables very powerful turns based on battlecries or minion effects
It has a great potential with a lot of small spells, a soft taunt if played for taking advantage on the next turn, because it can be a very powerful one.
At least is a good card on late game, you can play a 8 mana minion and this cards, and get a lot of stats
Speaker Gidra + 5 mana spell is just a beast.
One comment on the art, because the belt(?) has stong lines that the skirt doesn't, it seem like she has 4 legs for a moment.
Team 5 is killing slowly face damage spells, but it's ok for delaying a high threat minion
I guess this might be work on buff decks, or some spells without a specific target, mainly board clear ones
I know he is a Botani, but I get more Groot flavor. Now it is Kun the Forgotten King v2.0. Can enable some powerful combos just by himself.
More board clear for control decks, it seems like 2 card Brawl combo.
Conditional Gruul but it landed too far. Even if you silence it, is still a 10/10
Maybe it works on a semi big beast deck (some 5 mana, the others will be 7+), but it seems slow too, it will fit in a mid range/control archetype
I will wait for this weapon in action, I don't know if I understood well, but it's like a pseudo rush with windfury if your minions already attacked?
Only time will tell.
I guess that they will add somo neutral spell damage minions in order for this study to work. I feel just mage synergy because Ras Frostwhisper but not Shaman at all.
Anyway, the minion interactions and restrictions is something new I want Team 5 explore further
Love the art, she is very stunning, something near to Whitemane