Maybe they are hinting an Argus or Lightforged theme for the next expansion. But it seems that is the Darkmoon faerie, so neither is the case.
Lorewise the paladin legendary could be any named silver hand paladin except Turalyon because he was not in Azeroth at the expansion time.
Maybe Tirion, or Alexandros Mograine before the Ashbringer creation. Even Taelan, Tirion's son could be. But anyway let's see what happen on solo adventure
A demon hunter with this could make the first 3 turns a real nightmare, even more than before
They seem pushing druid to the token way, the good old Savage Roar combo on turn 5
Lorewise, I love ghost mechanic lol
I wish some Quest Beast Druid will make this work for getting the 2 effects
Mozaki, Master Duelist, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Ras Frostwhisper and Potion of Illusion will enable some Exodia combo, if piloted in a good way
With 10 mana, and some luck with spell power, this will enable some otks out of Lightning Bolts
It seems that team 5 is disposing slowly of silence effects because they are making some good deathrattles from the Year of the Phoenix and so on
Gurubashi Berserker, you can make some value trades a making him a giant later, healing every turn
Someone will use it as some kind of combo enabler, let's wait and see
If Guardian Animals summon 2 Twilight Runner you can easily draw 4 cards.
Very strong imho
Lightning Bloom x2 + Kael'thas Sunstrider + Survival of the Fittest + Innervate x2 + Survival of the Fittest
It have a high roll potential, and it can be safe 4 turn play, guarranteed spellburst on turn 5 and the combo card can be played on the same turn
Flamewaker cousisn maybe will be included in some wild decks for
It can be a great buff on any rush minion, just Blessing of Authority on a Silver Hand Recruit is a very good play
With some 5 mana beasts, included on this set, Guardian Animals could see slow, but having recruit and rush it's a big plus.
With those beasts can clear the bord, draw. It is a huge tempo swing
If you manage to discover it with Renew maybe the opponet will be delayed 4 turns, in order to taking the board from him
Good draw engine attached to a body.
Love the flavor text references.
With Guardian Animals this card have rush too.
Easy semi board clear. Good card imho
I feel bad for that poor murloc diying on a broom accident
Maybe they are hinting an Argus or Lightforged theme for the next expansion. But it seems that is the Darkmoon faerie, so neither is the case.
Lorewise the paladin legendary could be any named silver hand paladin except Turalyon because he was not in Azeroth at the expansion time.
Maybe Tirion, or Alexandros Mograine before the Ashbringer creation. Even Taelan, Tirion's son could be. But anyway let's see what happen on solo adventure