Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
It's actually the second announcement for the announcement. The first announcements announcement was announced 2 days ago. Did I forgot to mention that there was a Announcement?
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
I doubt that we will see starcraft/overwatch characters anytime soon. Mainly because both Diablo and HS are fantasy games while the other games follow the sci-fi genre.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Quote From Author
Also, making some changes to attacks would help. I cannot understand why anyone even bother with attackers when shooters simply do the same amount of damage, is usually an AoE effect, and cannot be stopped in any way.
Because most of their attacks are pretty fast and they deal double damage against casters, while also having more stats.
Oh, and I wouldn't underestimate crush. Rexxar (Beasts gain +4/+4), Crush (+8 attack) and Mukla (Battlecry: Summon a 12/24 with taunt) can be a devestating opener, since you can't remove anything but the blocker immediately.
So in the first turn crush can heavily damage your lowest health minion (Apex predator) for 23 damage (most of the damage it's your mage, which makes 46). Next turn Crush uses the same skill again, kills the before damaged merc and attacks another merc, while Mukla uses his taunt to preveant Crush from dying before that happens. Afer that crush should be super low already, so he tries to get off one big attack with his Terrify (Gain +5 attack for each of your beasts and attack a random enemy).
Ive lost quite a few games against this tactic, also because they play 1 tank, 1 dps and 4 mages (shadow package), which makes it really hard to predict their opener when you first play against this team.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Currently climbing at rank 6800, though I hope they nerf Xyrella/Samuro soon. It's not unbeatable, but certainly strong, frustrating and most importantly extremely popular.
Seriously though, this PVE mercenary content is way too easy to need a brain.
Maybe on normal, but the later heroic bounties and pvp can be pretty tough, even with a high level team (to the point where upgrades only give like +1 damage). Not the mention the upcoming legendary difficulty.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Edit: the original bug was actually in the patchnotes, which means that they should revert the xp-bar change.
"Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the middle of the screen to become unclickable."
I meant that the disabled xp bar was the workaround for the bug, so that the actual bug "does not exist" in the current build and as such isn't listed in the bug-fixes. If that makes any sense...It's a bit hard to explain my thought process here.
Also maybe I'm making this way to complicated and they simply forgot to either fix or list it. Either way I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
They kinda tried. Over the past week or so the twitter account made more than 10 posts about the merc release and the youtube channel uploaded 4 videos in the same timespane.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
That was actually disabled via a server update, because of a real bug that caused it to permanently stay on screen. There is a good chance that it's fixed and simply wasn't mentioned, because of the previously mentioned work-around.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Funfact: You can see the datamined Training Hall in the merc trailer.
Also crazy to think that mercenaries was originally supposed to come out during the darkmoon faire expansion. (Only known as new gamemode and confirmed to not be duels at that point)
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Trump actually belives that Sylvanas is the strongest out of the 3 pre-order mercs. The general thoughts on the bundles accoarding to the Discord channel are:
Sylvanas - strong for pvp
The Lich King - generally good unit that can fit into many comps
It's actually the second announcement for the announcement. The first announcements announcement was announced 2 days ago. Did I forgot to mention that there was a Announcement?
The correct answer to "Where Miniset?"
Most players don't even know that they made this change, so active trolling shouldn't be an issue.
Apparently Cassidy Cole is the name of a famous porn actress. Seems like McCree must have a really bad reputation if even that is an improvement.
the task quests were fixed in todays serverside hotfix
because of the hallows end tavern brawls.
I doubt that we will see starcraft/overwatch characters anytime soon. Mainly because both Diablo and HS are fantasy games while the other games follow the sci-fi genre.
Because most of their attacks are pretty fast and they deal double damage against casters, while also having more stats.
Oh, and I wouldn't underestimate crush. Rexxar (Beasts gain +4/+4), Crush (+8 attack) and Mukla (Battlecry: Summon a 12/24 with taunt) can be a devestating opener, since you can't remove anything but the blocker immediately.
So in the first turn crush can heavily damage your lowest health minion (Apex predator) for 23 damage (most of the damage it's your mage, which makes 46). Next turn Crush uses the same skill again, kills the before damaged merc and attacks another merc, while Mukla uses his taunt to preveant Crush from dying before that happens. Afer that crush should be super low already, so he tries to get off one big attack with his Terrify (Gain +5 attack for each of your beasts and attack a random enemy).
Ive lost quite a few games against this tactic, also because they play 1 tank, 1 dps and 4 mages (shadow package), which makes it really hard to predict their opener when you first play against this team.
Currently climbing at rank 6800, though I hope they nerf Xyrella/Samuro soon. It's not unbeatable, but certainly strong, frustrating and most importantly extremely popular.
yeah, it was mentioned during the announcement stream. I'm actually excited to find out how many coins you can get from those.
Maybe on normal, but the later heroic bounties and pvp can be pretty tough, even with a high level team (to the point where upgrades only give like +1 damage). Not the mention the upcoming legendary difficulty.
she will surely come in a future update
Edit: the original bug was actually in the patchnotes, which means that they should revert the xp-bar change.
"Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the middle of the screen to become unclickable."
I meant that the disabled xp bar was the workaround for the bug, so that the actual bug "does not exist" in the current build and as such isn't listed in the bug-fixes. If that makes any sense...It's a bit hard to explain my thought process here.
Also maybe I'm making this way to complicated and they simply forgot to either fix or list it. Either way I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
They kinda tried. Over the past week or so the twitter account made more than 10 posts about the merc release and the youtube channel uploaded 4 videos in the same timespane.
In this case I rather take these mostly light bugs, than another delay.
That was actually disabled via a server update, because of a real bug that caused it to permanently stay on screen. There is a good chance that it's fixed and simply wasn't mentioned, because of the previously mentioned work-around.
Funfact: You can see the datamined Training Hall in the merc trailer.
Also crazy to think that mercenaries was originally supposed to come out during the darkmoon faire expansion. (Only known as new gamemode and confirmed to not be duels at that point)
Ah, my 3. legendary and my first ever golden one.
As someone who has never played WoW, is there any connection between Darkbishop Benedictus and Archbishop Benedictus or is that just pure coincidence?
Trump actually belives that Sylvanas is the strongest out of the 3 pre-order mercs. The general thoughts on the bundles accoarding to the Discord channel are:
Sylvanas - strong for pvp
The Lich King - generally good unit that can fit into many comps
Diablo - niche usage for a fire/deamon comp