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Joined 03/25/2019 Achieve Points 295 Posts 61

Teuton's Comments

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks, got both the parrot after checking off the achievements, and another murk-eye , even though I had that one already. Free 400 dust! 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I have a complete classic collection, with the exception of Captain's Parrot. Does anyone know if it is going to be available through packs? Or will I get it automatically because I have all pirates? 

    I also have some 20 classic packs or so from tavern brawls. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    What happened to the new cards being added to Darkmoon Fair packs? I still have 20 or so unopened...

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I didn't have time to update and play yesterday, today it seems the game is stuck on the loading screen after the update (in case anybody asks, I have a Pixel2XL, Android 11 and 4 GB RAM). Just sits there with the logo, some mild flashing, for minutes on end (or until I forget to tap and the phone goes to sleep after a while). 

    On my PC I also experience the phantom minion glitch, it is quite confusing, and I think it prevented me from playing a seventh minion because of board space, even though the minion wasn't doing anything otherwise. 

    Quite disappointing. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I am currently at level 34. I had some bad luck with the dailies recently and so I didn't play much to not accidentally complete them because I wanted to reroll. 

    On a slightly different note, I tracked my progression per game to verify the 400XP/h that Blizzard stated. That seems to be roughly true, actually I'm even a little above that (490xp an hour on average, with 15% bonus from the tavern pass, 460 would be 400 + 15%).

    Another observation I made was that wins consistently give more xp than losses. Granted, my sample size is still small. It is quite tedious to note game times and xp gained, subtract quest and achievement xp and such, but I see a clear trend. With the 15% bonus I consistently get about 9xp/min (or 540xp/h) for every win (n=8), for a loss it is only about 6xp/min (360xp/h, n=5). 

    I would be curious if anybody else has made similar observations, in my perception the official statement was that there should be no difference between win or loss as far as xp is concerned (supposedly leading to an increase in bots and roping). 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I think you still got 10 gold for three wins in casual under the old system, not sure how that works now. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Nice post. That's about what I calculated too, though I'm not sure how the XP per game is calculated. Also, it might be that the XP from achievements does not get the Tavern pass bonus. At least for me, the quests in the log show a green, increased XP reward, while the chests in the achievements do not. 

    Also, I think they could add some card backs or hero skins as reward beyond level 50, lets say 75, 100, 125, 150. Don't even have to be new ones, they could just make that a way to earn cosmetics that you might have missed before. And wouldn't cost Blizzard anything. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you, I should have asked differently. 


    What I would like to know is how much XP do you get per time or per game, per mode? What is the most efficient way to earn XP the fastest? Does the XP bonus with the tavern pass apply to quests and achievements? Does it apply retroactively, meaning I get the bonus XP for the amount I collected up to that point? Or do I get punished for buying it late in the expansion? 


    There are still a lot of open questions to me. 


    But I saw you expanded the post, that definitely helps a lot, though I am still not totally clear on all the details. I wish Blizzard would be more transparent. Thanks for putting in all the work though! Much appreciated! 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    So how exactly do you earn XP? I haven't had time to download the update. The Tavern Pass only makes sense if it significantly helps leveling faster. Does the XP bonus also apply to daily and weekly quests? 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I agree with almost everything said here, I'd just like to add that sometimes combinations of lackeys can be useful, such as kobold and goblin to get 2+2 damage from an empty board, faceless plus witchy can help mitigate a bad roll such as doomsayer. And of course lackeys are great combo activators in general, not just for edwin.. 

    In reply to Lackey Strategy
  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I welcome the approach to introduce new types of packs, similar to what they did with the Dragon Master Bundle. That being said, I am not too happy about the implementation of the Mage bundle now. 

    There are Mage cards from the Year of the Dragon, and granted, a lot of them do actually see play, but unless you don't own any of them, you are likely to open at least some duplicates, with no guarantee for a legendary, and, I assume, the usual probability of around 5% to get an epic. 

    On the face of it, it is way too expensive. Sure, some new players might impulse buy, but they are likely to regret it once they realize what a bad deal this is. Especially considering that, as a new player, an investment in classic cards is probably a better choice, but those cards are not in the bundle. 

    For collectors it is also a questionable choice, paying up to $20 to be guaranteed that last missing legendary is not very appealing, and if you are fishing for a specific epic, you have to beat the 5% chance to get an epic at all, and then the one in six to get the one you want. And the dust you get is going to be barely enough to craft another epic. I would not recommend. 

    The idea itself I like, to make more cards more specifically available, but I don't know who Blizzard thinks the target audience is, and I doubt that this will become a rousing success. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I have very mixed feelings on this one. 


    Things I dislike are the same as stated already here, it is a terrible deal. Just too expensive, for the odds of getting something you actually can play. 


    But on the upside, I do like that they are experimenting with new pack types, bundling expansions with that deal the other day, and now bundling class cards. 


    The pricing is really weird to me though. Who are they targeting? If it is new players, I don't think that is a good strategy. Sure, some people might impulse buy, but probably not be too thrilled with the outcome, thus unlikely to buy something else. Imagine paying ten bucks for 25 cards, and ending up with a bunch of "meh" commons, five rares and two epics, not necessarily playable. 

    Also, for new players it might be better (or at least advisable) to also invest in classic cards, which makes this deal even worse for them.

    For collectors it is also not that valuable, considering that you have to invest at worst a minimum of $20 to be guaranteed that last legendary you're missing, and getting exactly a missing epic is even more of a gamble. 

    I hope they are changing their pricing, for a somewhat reasonable price ($1 to $1.20 per pack) they might be able to target a broader customer base than just the newbie impulse buyers, who are likely to sooner or later regret their purchase. 


  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Hi everyone!

    I recently came up with an idea for a Rogue deck that revolves around getting 0-mana copies of kronx and then decimating my enemies. 

    It works pretty well all in all, but it is kind of streaky, sometimes the key cards are just burried in the bottom. 

    I was hoping that maybe some of you have some suggestions how to make it a little more consistent. 


  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Flik is awesome, for all the reasons named above. Worst case it is Assassinate on a 4/4 stick, but with Shadowstep it becomes a real annoyance.  It can target "Can't be targeted" minions, which is great against Embiggen Druids or Scion of Ruin


    I play it in my (mediocre) Copy Rogue (

    ), and I'm having a ton of fun with it. Really can screw up the opponent's game plan. A bunch of 0mana Fliks through Galakrond or Togwaggle can drain resources fast (if you get to that point). 

    In reply to What does Flik do ?
  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I used to go by "suicidor", back in my Counter Strike days, because I always was the one who would sprint ahead, and once I died my team would know where the enemies were. Now I find that nickname a little too "on the nose", so I had to come up with something else.

    Teuton now is my go-to name for any social networks. It has a slightly germanic ring to it, so it throws some people off when I go trolling the trolls on some right wing forums. Also it has a little rebel vibe to it, from the historic Teutons fighting the Romans back in the day. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I f***ing hate Leeroy. Played about ten games, lost six of them, all to Leeroy, and all before turn 8. That is all. 

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I am having fun with my


    It is mediocre, probably wins around 50%, but it's a little tempo, a little combo, a little value just like I like it, and I didn't net deck :)

  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I have a question about the pity timer. I do have almost all legendaries in the Year-of-the-Dragon sets, minus Murazond (the Priest dragon from DoD). 

    I also have a few golden legendaries. I might be tempted by the bundle, I assume I would get Murazond as free legendary (since he is the only one missing). If I get another legendary due to the pity timer, will it check all sets for the ones missing, meaning if I have all DoD legendaries, but miss one from SoU, am I bound to get that one? 

    Or is the set of any given legendary predetermined? Let's say I disenchant Barista Lynchen (RoS) and Hack the System (SoU), but keep all DoD legendaries, could I end up with a copy of that last set? 


  • Teuton's Avatar
    295 61 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Favorite moment 2019: Finally beating Kobolds & Catacombs on Heroic with all classes

    What I look forward to in 2020: Leeroy Jenkins finally being Hall-of-Famed (dreaming)