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TheOdinson's Comments

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    If this wasn't a Mech or some other minion type it would probably be way worse, but as it goes, a 1/2 mech with an ability like this has a lot of potential because of buffs and magnetic. I think this will end up being a surprisingly frightening minion in Priest for obviously reasons, and potentially Paladin because of all the buff access.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This card is just stupid right? Antique Healbot was one of the most played healing cards of all time, and it could only heal your face, and was a 5 mana 3/3, this is a 4/6, that can heal a minion, and has a very very relevant minion type. Like WTF is going on with how good this is. Obviously its not an aggro card, but basically in any other paladin deck you can think of, midrange, control, combo, you probably just play this. Its just that good. I think this card is 5 stars across the board.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    The real issue with this card is how many deathrattles is the right number to play with this. We've got the think about the fact that Sylvanas Windrunner won't likely be around when this drops, and while we are gaining Waxadred what are the other deathrattles we might want to draw off this? That's a big factor, this draws it, so yes, you can play a way to shuffle extra Waxadreds into your deck to draw later off this later, that means potentially weakening your decks overall consistency and tempo for medium payoff. This probably plays a bigger role in wild at the end of the day than standard unless we get a couple interesting/dynamic deathrattles.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    The rate without a dragon is actually bad, we don't see that all that often, but it also does something many warlock cards don't go, and that is go face. Warlock gets very few damage spells that do that, and the upside on this is so high I see it being a huge deal in Dragon Warlock, and the face aspect alone could allow it to crop up in combo oriented warlock decks in wild.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This is the card that makes Dragon Warlock viable. Abyssal Enforcer was a huge deal when it was around and getting a 2 mana discount while only losing 1/1 on the statline is very good, on top of actually being a Dragon itself. 

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From TheOdinson

    So you're going to build your whole deck around being super greedy and then if you don't draw your one legendary minion by turn 4-6 you just lose the game? Sounds like a real winner of a deck idea. Then you can also just lose to the normal control decks who are happy to have you ramp them to 10 mana as well and still be able to handle your 8/8 because they have solid board clears and single target removal, plus strong late game cards. I mean maybe, just maybe you can outpace someone, but again, hinging everything on drawing 1 specific card for your whole deck to be good is a garbage idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people will build that deck and play it, but its not going to win that many games unless it just gets slotted into Holy Wrath paladin as random way to power your mana and help you more easily cycle your deck so you can just win the game faster.

    With Call To Adventure, yes, that seems like a strategy you can reliably pull off. Even if you're going first, by turn 3 you've seen 9 cards out of 30 if you full mulligan for Nozdormu or Call to Adventure, giving you better than 2:3 odds of finding at least one on time.

    As for the argument that such a deck would lose to other control decks, that doesn't follow because 1) this deck would be built to be greedy whereas most control decks do have to factor in a lack of mana early game and 2) you're not required to play Nozdormu. If, for whatever reason, you think your opponent can make better use of ten mana than you, you can just... not play Nozdormu. It's not like a control deck is going to aggro you down if you play it slow.


    And for the record, I'm not saying this deck is guaranteed to be a hit. From my perspective it's lacking either a finisher or something like a hero card which grants infinite value. But the idea that this card couldn't work because paladin lacks control tools is absurd.

    Paladin lacks card draw and single target removal. Yes, its true there is a combo deck designed around drawing your entire deck but most of the card draw comes from low cost neutral minions and [Hearthstone Card (Prismatic Lense) Not Found] which doesn't seem at all good in a deck like this, considering you don't want to make your spells super expensive and unable to combo. Plus you can't play Wild Pyromancer this deck, because it doesn't work with Call to Adventure, so you don't have those extra ways to activate your Equality and Shrink Ray. You also can't play Doomsayer for aggro because of its cost. I don't know how you deal with aggro decks when you aren't playing a minion until turn 4 and you really aren't interacting with the board much either in Paladin. So this deck might somehow be good against combo or control decks by playing super greedy, but I'm still just not seeing it with all these other factors in play. I get you can kind of draw it reliably because of Call but that creates such specific deckbuilding requirements IDK if its actually good.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
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    Quote From TheOdinson
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From TheOdinson

    This is one of the hardest cards to judge. Going straight to 10 mana is crazy, and based on how you build your deck and your opponent build their there is a lot going on. Paladin isn't great at broad control or removal, its usually a grinding class that has to carefully manage its resources and IDK how this fits into that plan. Its going to be interesting, that is for sure, but I can't truly judge the card until the whole set is out and even then how the meta shakes up.

    What do you mean Paladin isn't great at board control or removal? Equality? Shrink Ray? Time Out? Paladin has some of the best control tools in the game at the moment. Whether or not this type of deck works won't be due to a lack of removal options if you ask me.

    All those tools are double sided. They don't just wipe your opponents board if you lose control. Also Time Out is a stall card, and its value is only really seen in combo decks. Its not some sort of weird OP card in a random tempo deck or something. Equality and Shrink Ray both don't actually clear the board, you need a second card to do that with them, and going 2 for 1 on your removal isn't that impressive. Its true that generally speaking those cards always let you fully clear, but you can only do it a limited number of times, while a class like priest has multiple AoEs of different power level and cost that do the job in 1 card. S


    Symmetrical effects are rarely truly symmetrical. Nozdormu ramps both players to ten, but one player (presumably) has a deck built to capitalise on loads of mana whereas the other schmuck is stuck with a regular ol' mana curve.

    What do you think happens when you drop a 4 mana 8/8 and give your opponent 10 mana? They are forced to extend onto the board, allowing you to gain a ton of value from board clears and further abuse the difference in value between the two decks. 


    Maybe Nozdormu might be busted enough to go in any old tempo deck, but the card is clearly most suited toward a very greedy control deck that likes spending lots of mana.

    So you're going to build your whole deck around being super greedy and then if you don't draw your one legendary minion by turn 4-6 you just lose the game? Sounds like a real winner of a deck idea. Then you can also just lose to the normal control decks who are happy to have you ramp them to 10 mana as well and still be able to handle your 8/8 because they have solid board clears and single target removal, plus strong late game cards. I mean maybe, just maybe you can outpace someone, but again, hinging everything on drawing 1 specific card for your whole deck to be good is a garbage idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people will build that deck and play it, but its not going to win that many games unless it just gets slotted into Holy Wrath paladin as random way to power your mana and help you more easily cycle your deck so you can just win the game faster.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This seems totally bonkers in any number of warrior decks. Its good for buffing taunts, its good for buffing charge or rush minions in aggro decks. The hero power is a great finisher, and even just chaining some invokes together in a turn can lead to a big damage push. One of the most dynamic and interesting cards in the set. This seems like it will show up everywhere.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This is super easy to complete but also not that rewarding. Even if you're playing Unleash the Vaults do you want a conditional spell that could be an awful topdeck? I also wonder how this works alongside Swarm of Locusts, because the current idea is that it procs it and you get nothing which is terrible, like completeing a quest with a full hand and not getting your reward.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This is a cool card. Claw isn't super powerful on its own, but 3 of them is something, even in a deck that isn't focused on slamming a bunch of attacks with Gonk. It can just be good in a control style deck as it gives you cheap armor and flexible attack. I think this is generally just better than it looks.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From TheOdinson

    This is one of the hardest cards to judge. Going straight to 10 mana is crazy, and based on how you build your deck and your opponent build their there is a lot going on. Paladin isn't great at broad control or removal, its usually a grinding class that has to carefully manage its resources and IDK how this fits into that plan. Its going to be interesting, that is for sure, but I can't truly judge the card until the whole set is out and even then how the meta shakes up.

    What do you mean Paladin isn't great at board control or removal? Equality? Shrink Ray? Time Out? Paladin has some of the best control tools in the game at the moment. Whether or not this type of deck works won't be due to a lack of removal options if you ask me.

    All those tools are double sided. They don't just wipe your opponents board if you lose control. Also Time Out is a stall card, and its value is only really seen in combo decks. Its not some sort of weird OP card in a random tempo deck or something. Equality and Shrink Ray both don't actually clear the board, you need a second card to do that with them, and going 2 for 1 on your removal isn't that impressive. Its true that generally speaking those cards always let you fully clear, but you can only do it a limited number of times, while a class like priest has multiple AoEs of different power level and cost that do the job in 1 card. S

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This seems insane, obviously the deck its in might not work but its still insane. Obviously the secondary effect doesn't do anything if you're on 10 mana, it won't let you draw 2 cards, but the base effect is just so powerful its nice to see Wild Growth getting a conditional return.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This effect is super interesting, but 1 mana 1/3s aren't popular in control decks, even with an interesting ability like this. Some form of tempo/aggro hunter could love this, but its going to be a hard card to fit into Dragon Hunter I think.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Great stats for a taunt minions, in a class that wants it, plus value, plus a relevant minion type. Seems very good.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Giant untargetable taunt with a relevant minion type? This seems awesome in every way. It might be too slow to be good in standard if aggro is everywhere but otherwise it seems great.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Free secrets are interesting, but there will be times when this is just a 2 mana 2/3. I mean its a beast and its got fine stats, so its probably fine. 

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    1 mana for a random lackey in Rogue is probably fine. The other side is pretty bad, but not 100% worthless. I still like this better than the other Rogue Invoke spell hahaha.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Fun, thematic, weirdly distributed stats, makes evolves worse! I'm in!

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Its a bummer this is a 9 mana 4/12 with a weird value related effect. And most of the dragons want to Battlecry, and not just be summoned, making this effect even less good. IDK, its fine, but nothing I'm impressed by.

  • TheOdinson's Avatar
    515 153 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Invoking is going to be required, and some of the neutral options are worse than this, but this is pretty bad. Its very expensive while also being conditional. Not unplayable, but not anything you are happy about.

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