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Wingdude22's Comments

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Mad respect to Brian. Nothing to add there. 

    The only thing that is annoying are those crybabies on reddit who think he ( and now Kripp aswell) didn’t  went far enough, since they still play HS ergo supporting China.... Like demanding them what to play isn’t also a cut in their personal freedom. Also as if any of these whiners would burn everything they own that China was involved with and live in the woods from mother nature.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Let’s see if Pavel can win again

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Best nerf. 

    A class that can heal their own minions is very hard to stop, especially when they get buffs early on. Iksar even mentioned how strong Priests already are, leaving them completely untouched would have resulted in a disaster. 

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    No , it’s already problematic, and splitting cards into several cards should always come with a downside ( as for example Whirlwind in Warrior) . A 3/5 on turn 2 is just very uninteractive imo

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Because Priests have Northshire Cleric, and a lot of classes can’t deal with a 3/5 on turn 2. 

    From there on you could generally watch the Priests steamroll the game, and losing the game so early on is no fun for anyone. Additionally, as Iksar mentioned in a tweet, people probably don’t realize how strong Priests are atm , leaving them untouched would result in an even more toxic meta

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I guess to please your desire, they would have to hire a comedian. 


    I don’t think they are interested in a second Ben Brode 

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Kovachut

    A cheaper Rumbletusk Shaker, whose token has only 1 health. Good in arena, but I don't think this would make the cut in quest paladin.

    I will try him , the other options seem even worse

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This heropower is obviously quite strong , but the major issue is giving up a card (quest) in your opening hand . Not sure if a normal Temporogue can afford this.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From ThatFinn

    Strong defensive card but how much better is it than rotten applebaum?

    Of course the Applebaum is better , especially in wild there should be better options.

    This card only goes into decks that require you to have reborn minions. So far this is only Making Mummies wich seems to fit way better to me than to make it an aggro deck ( Micro Mummy for example doesnt synergyse well with the quest). 

    In general i would say making Quest decks more lategame oriented has 2 major upsides:

    1) The questcopyheropower is way better on controlish cards Khartut Defender , than on Leeroy or whatever.

    2) To play 5 reborn minions isnt that easy , if people clump up their deck with only those they have a super bad deck, that gets outtempoed by any other agggro deck and farmed by every Control deck. Imo 7 to 10 should be enough. 

    PS: On a sidenote having the quest activated (on average) very late ( past turn 10) also makes Questing Explorer better since a 2/3 without any effect is extremely bad (past turn 10) . The body is actually not that relevant for a Control deck , since it doesnt win by tempo, but it can help making good trades in the early game.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    So, this is basically a Master Swordsmith that can't be killed in one hit, synergies with Making Mummies, and slots decently well into Mech Paladin. Seems pretty great, and will easily find at least one archetype to be good in.

    Funny thing is someone made a coment Swordsmith is most likely the better aggro card , since without the quest you can play a 1 drop and get the +1 effect from him . Also i am not sure if the heropower can make up for the loss of the army.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Depends all if the meta is slow enough to play the quest, and if there aren’t super strong counters to it . Like fast OTKs or Shaman...

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From madcatz1999
    Quote From Wingdude22

    Finley cant go into a Control deck since double Equality/Consecration are super vital, 

    Wild Pyromancer and Shrink Ray does the trick just as well, or even just Shrink Ray alone.

    I have like 11k wins with Control Paladin, i know they do the trick. 

    Against Token decks and Giants Mage you need all the removal 100% And Shrink ray alone is meh because of Conjurers...

    No way a Control Highlander Paladin would ever beat Giants Mage. Also i am not even sure a Control deck desperately wants another Heropower. At least i wouldnt give up good Control cards for a shot at a better Heropwer.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Trimutius

    I mean original finley was played in aggressive decks... I mean if you can find 30 aggressive cards this almost always improves your hero power for aggro... because the only upgraded hero powers that are bad for aggro are Warrior, Priest and Shaman (and even then shaman can generate you stuff to buff, so not that bad)

    I agree , the only thing he could work in would be aggro, but somehow i doubt Paladin can cluster up 29 additionally good aggro cards ( in standard that is). 

    Also this being a one of really makes me question his usage, to only get him 30% (maximum,if you full mulligan all other potentially good cards) of the time on curve, the deck should function without him.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Hot garbage . 

     This goes never into a Control deck. Since Paladin isnt really stacked with aoe (even in wild) , you need every Equallity /Consecration you can get. 

    Unlike Genn and Baku you have to draw Finley to activate the upgraded Heropower. Since he is only a 1 of, the chance s to dra whim on turn2 is what? 30%?? I guess even in an aggro deck hes not worth it. 

     In other words there is no existing deck he will be good in, so if a new one doesn't come about he will see little to no play, irregardless of power level; getting a strong hero power is a joke compared to Giants Mage, or any of the top tier decks atm.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Its okish. 

    If you get him early he can be good , but how good is a highlander Paladin?

    Finley cant go into a Control deck since double Equality/Consecration are super vital, and aggro maybe??? But i hardly doubt its worth to cut super good cards like Crystology, or whatever for a potential better Heropower.

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    FirstQuote From TartaMagica

    Solid body, big effect for a 3 mana minion and great in aggro or midrange shaman. I'd give it a solid 5 stars. You could compare it to SI:7 Agent, slightly better in my opinion.

    First I was thinking the same, but the flexibility of SI7 Agent together with coin on turn 2 and that he can be comboed with every card makes SI7 Agent slightly better 

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hmmmm So Reno’s Weapon is the Gatling Wand .  Seems Blizzard is thinking to make the game more Childfriendly better remove some edgy Art , but give Reno a Gatling gun !

    10 out of 10 ! 

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I also made it to Legend with a Control Paladin. 

    I went with one Prelate , one mechanoegg one mechanicalwhelpling, and the Undertaker, to bring them all back over and over again. Unfortunately since the mech buffs , all Warriors run Silence, wich makes it very hard to beat Control Warrior, unless you can bait out their silence before you play the Undertaker 

  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just a short question. Why do you dont run the Gargoyle? I found him way better in the current meta than Witchdocktor ( wich can be ok with Shirvallla tbh)

    Also just a short sidenote if you would just toss in one or two Dragon Whelpling , Kangors endless army would alredy be a good card in this deck.

    In reply to Control Paladin
  • Wingdude22's Avatar
    105 23 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Unfourtunately you dont win vs them. 

    At the moment i tryed to play with Imortal Prelate (cause thats also nice with Crystology), a coupple Mechs  and Undertaker, so generally the Undertaker has the Prelate and 2 Mechanoeggs  as deathrattle. This was an autowin vs Warrior but unfourtunately they all run silence sine the Mech buffs.

    Another way would be to wait (if possible) until they play Elysiana and then play Hakkar plus Liam later. But the Undertaker is generally speaking a better minion vs other classes.


    In reply to Control Paladin
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