New Shaman Minion - Weaponized Wasp
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Shaman Minion, Weaponized Wasp, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Shaman Minion, Weaponized Wasp, has been revealed!
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Pretty strong in Standard, could maybe work in more aggressive wild decks too but doesn't hit my fancy
Great aggro. Three smacks to the face. Good mid-range. And I cost one less than the wasp thing that lifesteals for three. This is much better because you can take out a minion
Wow that's good, about as strong as a card can be without being "meta defining."
worst community ever
Hard to play on curve, but really strong card.
By The Holy Light!
The requirement is super easy to achieve. Also makes EVIL Totem much better. Sure seems like aggro shaman could be a thing next expansion.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Love this card, works great with the new Corrupt the Waters and EVIL Totem plus I really like how it doesn't say Deal 3 damage to a minion. I want more spells and battlecrys than can hit face again!
Look at the amount of burn Shaman is piling up with the Quest: Lifedrinker, Wasp, Kobold Lackey, Fire Elemental, etc.
I consider this a t4 play and an insane one by the way. easily 4/5
Solid body, big effect for a 3 mana minion and great in aggro or midrange shaman. I'd give it a solid 5 stars. You could compare it to SI:7 Agent, slightly better in my opinion.
I love Weasel Tunneler and there is nothin you can do about it.
I think the archetype for this card largely depends on the lackey production (something Thrall is supposed to be bad at?). A true aggro deck isn't running EVIL Totem. Ever. Sludge Slurper on T1 to get a lackey leaves you overloaded so T2 can't be a 2 drop. If you drop the lackey it's unlikely to live. Anything else you play there (assuming it's not a lackey) means you have to wait until T4 to play this. Seems much more likely to be part of a quest and/or wock and/or control build. It's an incredible value but not in an aggro way.
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"
Better or worse than Lifedrinker?
Fits nicely into the Token-Shudderwock deck they're trying to push. Basically a gimmicky SI:7 for Shaman. +1 damage but you're basically required to play it at turn 4 (unless luck is on your side and a lackey from Sludge Slurper sticks for a turn)
If Lackey Shaman works then it'll see play.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
But is he really a protestant? (JK)
The above comment assumes a Hearthstone Wild perspective.
Spot on
How many releases is it going to take before this gets the Murkspark Eel treatment
Markspark Eel wasn't the problem, genn was. Without genn murkspark eel is trash.
While I don't disagree with the general sentiment, I think it depends on how you're using the word aggro. At the moment most of the successful aggressive decks have a fairly weak curve, with only murloc shaman and zoolock containing enough 1 and 2 drops to reliably curve out. Rogue, token druid, miracle shaman and even mech hunter run few-to-no 1 drops and oftentimes don't make a play until turn three. With that in mind, I can conceive of a scenario where a more mid-range, but still aggressively oriented lackey-shaman deck emerges similar to the way most rogue decks operate, especially if the set contains more synergy cards.
That said, the current crop of shaman lackey generators doesn't inspire much confidence. Maybe the last set in the rotation will have a good one. Having a card that generates two lackeys like EVIL Miscreant/Genius makes a world of difference.
Getting a lackey on board with Shaman is *much* harder than activating combo with Rogue. Even if you play Sludge Slurper->Lackey->Wasp as a curve, you offset a lot of the tempo gained with the lackey by overloading and of course you need the lackey to survive for this to even work. If Shaman had great Lackey generators than maybe I'd agree with you, but at present, no.
Good card when you control a lackey, basic 3/3 beast when you don't. I can see people complaining about this.
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First I was thinking the same, but the flexibility of SI7 Agent together with coin on turn 2 and that he can be comboed with every card makes SI7 Agent slightly better
This seems pretty good so far and maybe we will see more Lackey producing cards from Shaman that could make that card even stronger!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
So Shaman is getting good cards this expansion, isn't it? Great card.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
I think I'll stick to my [Hearthstone Card (Sunreaver Warmage) Not Found] (and keep on losing with Shaman).
That said the card is not bad!
This is a very strong card. Murkspark Eel was amazing back in the day, and this is as good as that with an easier condition to trigger that 3 damage. Even if the effect isn't triggered, it's still a solid tempo play at 3-mana 3/3.
Wait what? Murkspark Eel is far easier to trigger because you build your entire deck around it so it's literally always active. Whereas Weaponized Wasp requires you to have a lackey, of which we've only seen 6 generators that shaman can use so far. It also most likely can't be played on curve often, unlike the eel.
The card is good, but Eel is far stronger.
Yeah, you're right when you put it that way. I was thinking it was harder simply becauseyou had to build a deck around the Eel so there were more constrictions, whereas there are a lot of lackey-generating cards you can play to activate the Wasp.