XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
It's hard to say what impact this will have. I'm not sold on Dormant ever working, but this one just might. It's hard to just write off a 4 mana 12/12.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
If it's played on 1, it's a free [Hearthstone Card (Waraxe) Not Found] on 3, which isn't terrible. Like most of the Dormant minions, unless you play it on curve, it's pretty terrible.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Great if you discard, terrible if you play it. There is nowhere near enough Discard support in Standard for this to see play. Trash until more discard support is printed for standard.
Any buffs and this could be super powerful, I like the potential this card has.
Great hit for Evolve effects, too slow for constructed without any cheating. Might see play with Strength in Numbers
Good for control to get some extra "oomph" out of your board clears. Hagatha's Scheme could do some insane damage paired with this.
Another card that I'm so happy magnetic won't be around to abuse. Wild can handle it.
Good tech card that will appear in the meta if it's needed. Control decks will love this.
Get ready to see this a lot
It's hard to say what impact this will have. I'm not sold on Dormant ever working, but this one just might. It's hard to just write off a 4 mana 12/12.
The flavor is spot on for the lore. But the card is pretty terrible sadly. A sad waste for such an iconic character.
Someone will find a way to break the game with this card.
If it's played on 1, it's a free [Hearthstone Card (Waraxe) Not Found] on 3, which isn't terrible. Like most of the Dormant minions, unless you play it on curve, it's pretty terrible.
Maybe in a control warrior list to help against aggro? But unlikely.
This is nothing like Raging Worgen. It has no +attack when damaged, it has no windfury. The only similarities are that it's a 3/3/3.
With this logic, you could have said this is like Hench-Clan Thug, but worse.
The best part of this card is the exclamation mark.
Piss off you opponent by blocking their OTK. I like it.
Great for control to remove those pesky 1-mana 1/3's. I question why this costs 1 mana when Holy Smite now does the exact same thing only better.
My comment on this card has been completed.
Great if you discard, terrible if you play it. There is nowhere near enough Discard support in Standard for this to see play. Trash until more discard support is printed for standard.
Handbuff Warlock has never taken off, and this card will not change that.
Major combo potential. Interesting addition.
Dirty. Warlock will take all the healing it can get. This will see play, and be super annoying to play against.