XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Really powerful, but I'm not convinced the "Prime" cards are going to see all that much play. Having to wait to draw the Prime version feels like it will be too slow. Especially if the meta is more aggressive.
Do they intend to continue supporting murloc DH though? I doubt they will print more since this one seems a stretch artwise
Actually Lil'idan is a real character in WoW. It's really not surprising. I doubt DH will get more murloc support, but the art is not a stretch, it comes directly from WoW.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
I think this is the only Dormant minion that is going to see any play. This is basically Reno the Relicologist that can go face. I'm honestly expecting this card to get nerfed.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
5 stars just because it's the Warglaives of Azzinoth. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't the weapon of DH's basic set. Maybe this will get moved into their classic set?
Might see play. More mana cheat...
Ramp Druid returns!
Druid is getting it's own "Mini Omega" cards lol
Except this one is pretty bad...
This helps make Glowfly Swarm look a little better.
2 mana draw 3 will definitely see play. Even if the deck is running minions. Just look at Book of Specters
Interesting card with potential to be a variety of decks.
Side note: A little disappointed by the golden animation. I feel they could have gone a little further with the art.
Not sure about this, Token Druid usually suffers from a small hand size, so I don't see how you can get much value from this.
Very strong card. Probably a good thing most of Druid's "Big Beast" support is rotating. Might have to mess around the with archetype in Wild!
Really powerful, but I'm not convinced the "Prime" cards are going to see all that much play. Having to wait to draw the Prime version feels like it will be too slow. Especially if the meta is more aggressive.
Will find a home in a OTK that will break the game. Maybe not right away, but eventually this will end up getting nerfed just like Aviana.
Strong 1-drop. I really think Outcast is going to be a lot easier to trigger than it should be.
In a deck that tries to cycle as fast as possible, this will see play. 2-mana draw 2 is pretty bonkers.
Garrosh cries in the corner wishing he had this card. Especially with Warpath rotating.
Doesn't this kind of go against DH's "class identity"? Will see play just because it's a value generator tool which DH is supposed to be lacking in.
Well... at least it's not at 4 mana like Voidcaller
Also... consistently inconsistent...
Voidcaller - "Put a random demon"
Fel Summoner - "Summon a random demon"
Actually Lil'idan is a real character in WoW. It's really not surprising. I doubt DH will get more murloc support, but the art is not a stretch, it comes directly from WoW.
One of the best top decks in the game. This is just insane card draw.
I think this is the only Dormant minion that is going to see any play. This is basically Reno the Relicologist that can go face. I'm honestly expecting this card to get nerfed.
Trollden video of all 6 damage going to face for lethal with a full board. I'm calling it now.
Really good, but at 8 mana... unsure if this will see play. Maybe as a 1-off in a deck?
5 stars just because it's the Warglaives of Azzinoth. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't the weapon of DH's basic set. Maybe this will get moved into their classic set?