XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
@linkblade91 - I have to agree with others that Twilight Reaver is the best of the 3. Fits the class identity perfect while incorporating C'Thun. Feels balanced too.
@Dermostatic - Not a fan of the Hero Power. I would think Lifesteal would be better. Maybe 1 mana +2 Attack with Lifesteal? The Battlecry also just seems way too weak compared to all the other DK cards.
@shaveyou - I really like this, but question the 10 health at 5 mana. This could easily be a 6/10 on curve. I'm looking at Blood-Queen Lana'thel and both Bolvar's. Maybe 7 or 8 health?
@Wailor - I personally like Spirit of the Snake the most.
@DescentOfDragonsOp - You have some missing capital letters, and watermark can't be classic. I'm guessing this is meant to be DH's Legendary Weapon from K&C? This is way too busted. The battlecry and deathrattle combined have the potential to summon 28/28 worth of stats, WITH Rush. If this is supposed to be from K&C, it can't summon a Rush minion because Rush wasn't in the game yet at that time. Furthermore, this would be the only 5/3 weapon in the game. It definitely needs to be toned WAY down.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Here's my idea. Having played DH a bunch, I decided to go for one of their spells. Fiery Brandin WoW when applied to an enemy, causes the enemy to deal less damage to you, and increase the amount of Fire damage you deal to the target. I thought that sounded like a great tool for DH in HS to save a little damage when attacking a minion, while also getting some extra damage out of your hero power to give you the ability to take down some larger minions.
The debate of whether DH would have been in the League of E.V.I.L. or one of the heroes will have to wait for another day...
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Paladin really needed something like this, a new mechanic that helps give it a new identity other than Divine Shields and Buffs to help bring back a more control style paladin. I'm excited to give this a try!
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Maiev's effect specifically states "for 2 turns." So Maiev's effect applies a 2 turn Dormant state, not a Dormant state with special conditions (ie Warders)
Furthermore, when Magtheridon awakens from a Dormant applied by Maiev Shadowsong, he won't destroy all minions.
This is going to be what I call this card.
Eh... but never underestimate mana cheat.
It's the Mage version of Wandering Monster
Uh oh
Thank god Magnetic is rotating
Cool story
They make that joke in the video
I love the stealth support! Stealth had been feeling like an abandoned mechanic.
Divine shield and deathrattle is such a bad combination. It just leaves it open to silence effects for another turn. I
Congrats Hordaki! I knew that card would win as soon as I saw it! Amazing card!
@linkblade91 - I have to agree with others that Twilight Reaver is the best of the 3. Fits the class identity perfect while incorporating C'Thun. Feels balanced too.
@Dermostatic - Not a fan of the Hero Power. I would think Lifesteal would be better. Maybe 1 mana +2 Attack with Lifesteal? The Battlecry also just seems way too weak compared to all the other DK cards.
@shaveyou - I really like this, but question the 10 health at 5 mana. This could easily be a 6/10 on curve. I'm looking at Blood-Queen Lana'thel and both Bolvar's. Maybe 7 or 8 health?
@Wailor - I personally like Spirit of the Snake the most.
@DescentOfDragonsOp - You have some missing capital letters, and watermark can't be classic. I'm guessing this is meant to be DH's Legendary Weapon from K&C? This is way too busted. The battlecry and deathrattle combined have the potential to summon 28/28 worth of stats, WITH Rush. If this is supposed to be from K&C, it can't summon a Rush minion because Rush wasn't in the game yet at that time. Furthermore, this would be the only 5/3 weapon in the game. It definitely needs to be toned WAY down.
Here's my idea. Having played DH a bunch, I decided to go for one of their spells. Fiery Brand in WoW when applied to an enemy, causes the enemy to deal less damage to you, and increase the amount of Fire damage you deal to the target. I thought that sounded like a great tool for DH in HS to save a little damage when attacking a minion, while also getting some extra damage out of your hero power to give you the ability to take down some larger minions.
The debate of whether DH would have been in the League of E.V.I.L. or one of the heroes will have to wait for another day...
Excuses Excuses XD
Heist-o-tron? Is that you?
Paladin really needed something like this, a new mechanic that helps give it a new identity other than Divine Shields and Buffs to help bring back a more control style paladin. I'm excited to give this a try!
Hmm, another extremely interesting Hunter card! yay!!
Maiev's effect specifically states "for 2 turns." So Maiev's effect applies a 2 turn Dormant state, not a Dormant state with special conditions (ie Warders)
Furthermore, when Magtheridon awakens from a Dormant applied by Maiev Shadowsong, he won't destroy all minions.
Trollden videos incoming of this ignoring 7 minions to go face for lethal.
I don't think this will make it into wild secret mage, and this won't make secret mage viable in standard.
Very interesting effect that is going to find a lot of cool interactions.