XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Would a Golden Yorbvig, the Rainbow Cloakgive you a golden version of your deck? Because it totally should. That would be my first golden legendary instant-craft. Get to play all your decks as golden, the only caveat being your deck chosen at random? Sign me up! This card needs to exist!
Some ninja updates went out earlier today for competitions based on prior feedback.
Added gallery to the competition "main" page once the competition has ended and a winner has been chosen. The gallery shows all the non-disqualified submissions.
Added progress bars to the Voting and "My Votes" pages so you know how many submissions you have voted on so far.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
I think it's just Kaladin's habit. He needs a place to vent his frustration. He just so happens to be trying out Runeterra right now because he's probably tired of HS atm.
Maybe we need to make a thread just for Kaladin to vent into.
Ive Lost my faith in you people in standard a long time ago. Here goes battle ground. Looks like you don’t have a prayer of getting a dime from me again. These 40+ year old devs are making this game just like their lives, stale and boring. They are trying so hard to get every class to be so even, they are killing the fun out of it. I’d rather run around my house with scissors than sit on my couch. A risk? Sure. Fun? Always. Oh and ya, add dragon to queen toggwaggle or scrap her forever. Thanks
Keep us updated on how that running around your house with scissors works out for ya.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
I think 2 news articles per card competition would be fine to not over-saturate the Fan Creations news.
1 - article announcing the winner of the previous competition, and announcing the new competition. (Overkill idea: do a Q&A interview with the winner about their card)
2 - article announcing the finalists to showcase some more cards, and to remind people to go vote. (Maybe add the "description" that each card creator put, since you can't see that on the finalist voting page)
Those two articles, plus any Fan Creations spotlights you do I feel would not create an over-saturation of Fan Creation articles. Especially right now while people are waiting for the New Year announcement.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
The biggest letdown was not giving all the Explorer classes playable hero cards in Galakrond's Awakening. They gave away 5 hero cards to the E.V.I.L. classes, and left the Explorers hanging. They even made you think that was what they were going to do be showing The Amazing Reno as one of the first reveals.
The first free wing of the adventure should have given hero cards for all the explorers. Giving each class a hero card to play with going into the new year.
Instead, I'm left concerned about the effect Galakrond, and the lackey package is going to have on the meta come rotation.
The idea of discovering it's because I don't like the fact that almost everything is RNG, and having at least a little bit of control in the creation can avoid a lot of headaches.
I was thinking of the cost, and I feel that 6 is still a bit OP, but maybe adding the line "with half the stats" would balance it? Not really sure though.
What about "Discover two Warrior weapons that cost 5 or less"...?
That would remove the troublesome Gorehowl from being an option, and allow you to drop the cost restriction on the new card that is created. This would force the player through discover to think about the cost of the card they are discovering, instead of just automatically grab the highest stats. I think it would make it more along the lines of Deathstalker Rexxar's hero power when it comes to combining 2 cards into 1.
I just had another idea of a direction I could take the deathrattle on it:
Show Spoiler
The deathrattle options I am debating:
Add a copy of it to your hand that costs (1). - too overpowered
Add a 1/1 copy of it to your hand that costs (1). - more balanced, but I feel 1/1 copy ruins a lot of potential in the card. For example, if you use this card to kill a Taunt minion, all you get in return is a 1/1 Taunt. It's effect is only powerful on Battlecry and Deathrattle minions.
Add a copy of it to your hand that costs (2) less. - I'm thinking this might be a good middle ground between the 2. Not overly powerful (1) cost minions, but still a reduced cost minion that won't leave you with a potentially useless 1/1 token.
Any thoughts/opinions on these 3 deathrattle options?
I like the option you have currently - the 1/1 thing I think would end up useless. How much do you see people play Jepetto Joybuzz or Anka, the Buried? And on the rare occasions someone does play it, its in some Combo deck they designed to work around those cards - you'd not have that control over your opponent's deck.
That was my thoughts exactly. Plus the 1/1 that costs 1 isn't a very unique copy effect.
With this effect, Stealth starts to concern me. I like Stealth for the flavor, and to help protect the card for a turn for combo potential. But with Preparation, combos could be played the turn this is played already. Stealth could just create a case where Rogues are able to over-abuse 2-turns of deathrattle effects. I'm thinking of possibly a bump to 7-mana to keep the Stealth effect and to make doing combos on the turn it is played more difficult.
On a side note: I'm learning the joys of balancing a card with multiple effects. It's really interesting to think about how each effect can balance/counter balance another, and trying to find that sweet spot where a card is powerful, but not broken.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Hard to pass up that value. Chance to expand on some of my missing collection and get some moredust for next xpac. Damn you blizzard, looks like you got my money on this one..
I totally forgot I got a $20 Bnet card for Christmas. :)
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for all the feedback on Sneaky Mimic.
I just had another idea of a direction I could take the deathrattle on it:
The deathrattle options I am debating:
Add a copy of it to your hand that costs (1). - too overpowered
Add a 1/1 copy of it to your hand that costs (1). - more balanced, but I feel 1/1 copy ruins a lot of potential in the card. For example, if you use this card to kill a Taunt minion, all you get in return is a 1/1 Taunt. It's effect is only powerful on Battlecry and Deathrattle minions.
Add a copy of it to your hand that costs (2) less. - I'm thinking this might be a good middle ground between the 2. Not overly powerful (1) cost minions, but still a reduced cost minion that won't leave you with a potentially useless 1/1 token.
Any thoughts/opinions on these 3 deathrattle options?
Xarkkal, "Sneaky Mimic": You're right, 4 attack would be better. I like the Combo, please keep it. I'm not sure if it's not too powerful, though. Maybe tune it town to a 1 mana, 1/1 copy? 3/5 for now.
Thanks for the feedback! I've been thinking of a 1/1 copy also. I feel the main reason for that is Leeroy, which is upsetting. But with all the 0-mana draw that rogue currently has, a 1 mana copy doesn't seem as bad. But that is also comparing apples and oranges, card draw vs. deathrattle card generation.
I'm torn, because it probably should be a 1/1 copy. But with the power creep DoD introduced...
I apologize if this competition was too hard for a lot of people. In retrospect, this competition might've been too hard for it only being the second one on this site.
You can't get better at something without a little challenge! It was a pretty major step in difficulty compared to week 1, but it was still a lot of fun and there were a lot of great cards submitted!
Copy priest is back! This makes your opponent think carefully about the order of their actions, as you can always steal the last spell they played, even if it was 3 turns ago.
I put Murozond in the art because of what the card from DoD does. But if anyone has a better idea for the art feel free to tell me.
I really like this personally. Has the potential to be devastating, and extremely annoying. Which I know priest loves being annoying! Very interesting effect with some fun outcomes.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Anyone have any balancing thoughts on this?
I'm torn on doing Combo or Battlecry for the "Destroy a minion" part. I tried to make it around the same power level as Flik Skyshiv or Vilespine Slayer. Create another removal option for rogue that also creates value through it's deathrattle.
Also thinking the attack might need to go down to 4. With Stealth and 5 Attack, that almost guarantees it will remove a second minion. A small drop to 4 attack might be needed to tone down it's effect on the board a little bit. Thoughts?
Edit: I'm thinking if I keep it combo, it should stay at 5 attack. If I switch to battlecry, drop it to 4 attack.
Also... the more I think about this card, the more I really want to play with it. It has such a variety of applications, and rouge has some good deathrattle support cards that could create some really interesting turns. It might be too powerful at 6 mana... a bump to 7 might be needed.
Would a Golden Yorbvig, the Rainbow Cloak give you a golden version of your deck? Because it totally should. That would be my first golden legendary instant-craft. Get to play all your decks as golden, the only caveat being your deck chosen at random? Sign me up! This card needs to exist!
Both great additions
I think it's just Kaladin's habit. He needs a place to vent his frustration. He just so happens to be trying out Runeterra right now because he's probably tired of HS atm.
Maybe we need to make a thread just for Kaladin to vent into.
Keep us updated on how that running around your house with scissors works out for ya.
Runeterra doesn't have a salt thread apparently
I think 2 news articles per card competition would be fine to not over-saturate the Fan Creations news.
1 - article announcing the winner of the previous competition, and announcing the new competition. (Overkill idea: do a Q&A interview with the winner about their card)
2 - article announcing the finalists to showcase some more cards, and to remind people to go vote. (Maybe add the "description" that each card creator put, since you can't see that on the finalist voting page)
Those two articles, plus any Fan Creations spotlights you do I feel would not create an over-saturation of Fan Creation articles. Especially right now while people are waiting for the New Year announcement.
The biggest letdown was not giving all the Explorer classes playable hero cards in Galakrond's Awakening. They gave away 5 hero cards to the E.V.I.L. classes, and left the Explorers hanging. They even made you think that was what they were going to do be showing The Amazing Reno as one of the first reveals.
The first free wing of the adventure should have given hero cards for all the explorers. Giving each class a hero card to play with going into the new year.
Instead, I'm left concerned about the effect Galakrond, and the lackey package is going to have on the meta come rotation.
What about "Discover two Warrior weapons that cost 5 or less"...?
That would remove the troublesome Gorehowl from being an option, and allow you to drop the cost restriction on the new card that is created. This would force the player through discover to think about the cost of the card they are discovering, instead of just automatically grab the highest stats. I think it would make it more along the lines of Deathstalker Rexxar's hero power when it comes to combining 2 cards into 1.
That was my thoughts exactly. Plus the 1/1 that costs 1 isn't a very unique copy effect.
With this effect, Stealth starts to concern me. I like Stealth for the flavor, and to help protect the card for a turn for combo potential. But with Preparation, combos could be played the turn this is played already. Stealth could just create a case where Rogues are able to over-abuse 2-turns of deathrattle effects. I'm thinking of possibly a bump to 7-mana to keep the Stealth effect and to make doing combos on the turn it is played more difficult.
On a side note: I'm learning the joys of balancing a card with multiple effects. It's really interesting to think about how each effect can balance/counter balance another, and trying to find that sweet spot where a card is powerful, but not broken.
Hard to pass up that value. Chance to expand on some of my missing collection and get some moredust for next xpac. Damn you blizzard, looks like you got my money on this one..
I totally forgot I got a $20 Bnet card for Christmas. :)
Lilian Voss
Golden Raza the Chained
and Hemet Nesingwary
Damn good use of my Christmas present
Interesting idea, but I feel your opponent would just let their copy discard to keep you from getting anymore damage out of it.
It's Headcrack that depends on your opponent deciding if they want to try and race you at face damage.
I like the idea (though I personally would not use this card ever), and I like the artwork. I'd give it 3/5 as is.
Thank you for all the feedback on Sneaky Mimic.
I just had another idea of a direction I could take the deathrattle on it:
The deathrattle options I am debating:
Any thoughts/opinions on these 3 deathrattle options?
Thanks for the feedback! I've been thinking of a 1/1 copy also. I feel the main reason for that is Leeroy, which is upsetting. But with all the 0-mana draw that rogue currently has, a 1 mana copy doesn't seem as bad. But that is also comparing apples and oranges, card draw vs. deathrattle card generation.
I'm torn, because it probably should be a 1/1 copy. But with the power creep DoD introduced...
I agree that we don't need any balance changes right now, but I don't agree with their opinion that the meta "feels fun".
Hurry up Year of the Phoenix!
You can't get better at something without a little challenge! It was a pretty major step in difficulty compared to week 1, but it was still a lot of fun and there were a lot of great cards submitted!
I finally got to play him for the first time the other day! At least I got one game in with him haha
I think you guys should post a news article announcing the finalists and reminding people to vote on the finalists.
Just a thought. Might help boost the amount of votes during the finalist phase, and also good to show off all the finalists.
I really like this personally. Has the potential to be devastating, and extremely annoying. Which I know priest loves being annoying! Very interesting effect with some fun outcomes.
Anyone have any balancing thoughts on this?
I'm torn on doing Combo or Battlecry for the "Destroy a minion" part. I tried to make it around the same power level as Flik Skyshiv or Vilespine Slayer. Create another removal option for rogue that also creates value through it's deathrattle.
Also thinking the attack might need to go down to 4. With Stealth and 5 Attack, that almost guarantees it will remove a second minion. A small drop to 4 attack might be needed to tone down it's effect on the board a little bit. Thoughts?
Edit: I'm thinking if I keep it combo, it should stay at 5 attack. If I switch to battlecry, drop it to 4 attack.
Also... the more I think about this card, the more I really want to play with it. It has such a variety of applications, and rouge has some good deathrattle support cards that could create some really interesting turns. It might be too powerful at 6 mana... a bump to 7 might be needed.
This is right around the time I started playing Hearthstone. A trip down memory lane... what a crazy 4 years it has been, both in my life and in HS.
Looking forward to another New Year and to see what comes next!