Are you still wondering what to craft in Legends of Runeterra? We've got some fun and interesting decks from some of Runeterra's top streamers that you should check out!
Yasuo & Katarina Stun Control
We're breaking out the stun gun! This Noxus and Ionia theme deck makes use of plenty of Stun and Recall mechanics to get full value out of Yasuo's passive effect that deals damage to creatures that are hit by the effects. Thanks to CzechCloud for the deck!
Zed & Braum Ally Buff
Coming to us from ManuS, this deck makes heavy use of the buff mechanics, spreading extra attack and health to your cards everywhere. We've got some basic draw through an early death on Avarosan Sentry and Shadow Assassin, spell control through everyone's favourite Deny, and lifesaving measures thanks to Kinkou Lifeblade, which gains even more value if you give it some buffs!
Zed & Katarina Elusive Aggro
Gaara has achieved an over 70% winrate with his Aggro deck featuring Zed & Katarina. We've got the benefits of Elusive here which allow us to directly attack the enemy nexus and with everything so cheap to play, we can flood the board to quickly overwhelm opponents.
Elusive Burn Fiora
This is an aggro deck from Swim featuring Fiora that lets us buff up our elusive minions so we can directly attack the enemy nexus. If we end up in trouble we can fallback on Lifesteal thanks to the included Kinkou Lifeblade and Spirit's Refuge.
Elise's Sacrifice
We've got a second deck from Swim, this time bringing together the Shadow Isles and Demacia. Elise is our only champion present in the deck and is going to help us flood the board with Spiderling. Once we've got some spiders, the amazingly cheap Dawnspeakers is going to give us the sacrificial part of the deck, buffing up our spiders as we kill off our other units. Other cards in the deck also help us to generate Spiderlings so that we can get Elise evolved fast.
The deck crushes flood-style decks with small minions since Elise gives her Spider friends Challenger and Fearsome, the latter of which is going to prevent blocks from enemies with 2 or less attack - no free blocks for you!
Teemo Doom Dots of Doom
Captain Teemo on duty! Don't we all just want to have some 'shroom fun? This deck is all about the Poison Puffcap Trap and letting us get to the point where we can flood the enemy with them.
Is Yasuo hated in this format too? ^^
He definitely makes me mad at times! LOL
I'm having an absolute blast with the game, but I've avoided deck recipes like the plague. I want to really discover something new like when I was playing HS for the first time. I've basically crafted only one main deck for Ranked Play so far. Unless I'm crazy, "Rally" seems to be an absolutely broken keyword and that's what I've designed my deck around with Demacia/Iona regions. It's working great so far. I have such a bank of dust and gold in HS that I was sort of annoyed that I couldn't craft a Champion that I wanted. But that frustration also reminded me of playing HS for the first time and building out slowly. I'm not ready to start just dropping money on WildCards, and that feels right.
I wouldn't say broken, but it's a crazy strong mechanic which seems pretty underrated by the community in general (and has done for quite some time). The real power is in essentially removing the downsides of 'can't block' minions, in my opinion, as well as those whose effects trigger on attack.
Rally is very good, but I don't know if I'd call it broken. It's only useful if you've found a way to get ahead on board (or have lots of elusive), and it's priced fairly high and (as I recall) only ever available at slow speed. I would draw comparisons to Savage Roar, Leeroy Jenkins, and Zilliax in HS: they are great cards which will swing games if you already have a wide / 6 off lethal / big mech unit on board, respectively, but smart opponents will know to play around them and deny this to you.
*laughs in Relentless Pursuit*
Neoguli. Exactly. 3-mana ruin your opponents' day. I also don't find you have to be in a strictly win-more situation for Rally to work. You can't be losing badly, but it's a great card to stabilize or provide a huge advantage in an otherwise even game.