Hearthstone Cards

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Huntsman's Rifle {0} Card Image Ice Block Ice Block Ice Block Talisman {0} Card Image Icestorm 1 Card Image Icestorm 2 Illusion Improved Arcane Bolt 2 Card Image Improved Arcane Bolt {0} Card Image Improved Fel Bolt 2 Card Image Improved Fel Bolt {0} Card Image Improved Fireball 2 Card Image Improved Fireball {0} Card Image Improved Frostbolt 1 Improved Frostbolt 2 Improved Hammer of Justice 2 Card Image Improved Hammer of Justice {0} Card Image Improved Lightning Bolt 2 Card Image Improved Lightning Bolt {0} Card Image Improved Shadow Bolt 2 Card Image Improved Shadow Bolt {0} Card Image Indomitable Will Infernal Combustion 2 Card Image Infernal Combustion 3 Card Image Infernal Combustion 4 Card Image Infernal Combustion 5 Card Image Infernal Combustion {0} Card Image Injured Arm Inspiring Defense Iridescent Necklace 2 Card Image Iridescent Necklace 3 Card Image Iridescent Necklace {0} Card Image