TITANS Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Titans is Hearthstone's second expansion in the Year of the Wolf and is launching on August 1, 2023.

Bookmark this guide and return each day to see the new cards that have been revealed.

Hearthstone TITANS Quick Info

  • Titans launches on August 1, 2023.
  • New Keyword: Forge
    • Drag these cards over your deck to upgrade them into their "forged" form. This costs 2 mana.
  • New Keyword: Titan
    • Minions with the new Titan keyword have three special activated abilities that they use instead of their normal attack.
    • Each turn, including the turn you play them, you can choose to activate one of those abilities.
    • Once an ability is used, that ability can’t be chosen again.
    • Once all three abilities have been used, the Titan attacks normally instead of with its abilities.
  • The Magnetic keyword is returning!
  • Every class is getting a legendary Titan card.
  • Every class is getting a Keeper card.
  • Login now to obtain a free Prison of Yogg-Saron Location Card! Yogg is back and this time via a Neutral Location!
  • This set will contain 145 new cards and 133 tokens.

TITANS Community Compendium

See how the community initially rated the expansion! Check out the TITANS Community Compendium!

Revealed Cards for TITANS

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for TITANS.

Death Knight

The Primus Card Image
Helya Card Image
Chained Guardian Card Image
Distressed Kvaldir Card Image
Sinister Soulcage Card Image
Tomb Traitor Card Image
Down with the Ship Card Image
Frozen Over Card Image
Sickly Grimewalker Card Image
Eulogizer Card Image
Northern Navigation Card Image
Staff of the Primus Card Image
Runes of Darkness Card Image

Demon Hunter

Argus, the Emerald Star Card Image
Jotun, the Eternal Card Image
Mythical Terror Card Image
Runic Adornment Card Image
Momentum Card Image
Weight of the World Card Image
Saronite Shambler Card Image
Crystalline Statue Card Image
Mindbender Card Image
Eredar Deceptor Card Image
Disciple of Argus Card Image
Argunite Golem Card Image
Sigil of Time Card Image


Eonar, the Life-Binder Card Image
Freya, Keeper of Nature Card Image
Ancient of Growth Card Image
Disciple of Eonar Card Image
Contaminated Lasher Card Image
Conservator Nymph Card Image
Frost Lotus Seedling Card Image
Embrace of Nature Card Image
Forbidden Fruit Card Image
Cultivation Card Image
Aerosoilizer Card Image
Lifebinder's Gift Card Image
Forest Seedlings Card Image


Hodir, Father of Giants Card Image
Aggramar, the Avenger Card Image
Starstrung Bow Card Image
Absorbent Parasite Card Image
Twisted Frostwing Card Image
Bestial Madness Card Image
Observer of Myths Card Image
Always a Bigger Jormungar Card Image
Titanforged Traps Card Image
Fable Stablehand Card Image
Celestial Shot Card Image
Bait and Switch Card Image
Awakening Tremors Card Image


Norgannon Card Image
Sif Card Image
Elemental Inspiration Card Image
Wisdom of Norgannon Card Image
Inquisitive Creation Card Image
Unchained Gladiator Card Image
Meddlesome Servant Card Image
Void Scripture Card Image
Discovery of Magic Card Image
Tainted Remnant Card Image
Molten Rune Card Image
Chill-o-matic Card Image
Aqua Archivist Card Image


Amitus, the Peacekeeper Card Image
Tyr Card Image
Disciple of Amitus Card Image
Judge Unworthy Card Image
Tyr's Tears Card Image
Keeper's Strength Card Image
Stoneheart King Card Image
Alarmed Securitybot Card Image
X-21 Repairbot Card Image
Astral Serpent Card Image
Muscle-o-Tron Card Image
Noble Minibot Card Image
Inventor's Aura Card Image


Aman'Thul Card Image
Ra-den Card Image
Soulburner Varia Card Image
Shapeless Constellation Card Image
The Stars Align Card Image
False Disciple Card Image
Creation Protocol Card Image
Shadowtouched Kvaldir Card Image
Astral Automaton Card Image
Serenity Card Image
Grace of the Highfather Card Image
Student of the Stars Card Image
Twilight Torrent Card Image


V-07-TR-0N Prime Card Image
Mimiron, the Mastermind Card Image
Lab Constructor Card Image
Tar Slick Card Image
Kaja'mite Creation Card Image
Pit Stop Card Image
Gear Shift Card Image
Assembly Line Card Image
Tiny Worldbreaker Card Image
Coppertail Snoop Card Image
SP-3Y3-D3R Card Image
Tentacle Grip Card Image
From the Scrapheap Card Image


Golganneth, the Thunderer Card Image
Thorim, Stormlord Card Image
Champion of Storms Card Image
Flash of Lightning Card Image
Thorignir Drake Card Image
Tempest Hammer Card Image
Conductivity Card Image
Lightning Reflexes Card Image
Crash of Thunder Card Image
Infested Watcher Card Image
Turn the Tides Card Image
Disciple of Golganneth Card Image
Shock Hopper Card Image


Sargeras, the Destroyer Card Image
Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron Card Image
Imprisoned Horror Card Image
Chaotic Consumption Card Image
Forge of Wills Card Image
Disciple of Sargeras Card Image
Mortal Eradication Card Image
Encroaching Insanity Card Image
Curse of Flesh Card Image
Wing Welding Card Image
Tentacle Tender Card Image
Thornveil Tentacle Card Image
Monstrous Form Card Image


Odyn, Prime Designate Card Image
General Vezax Card Image
Khaz'goroth Card Image
Trial by Fire Card Image
Furious Furnace Card Image
Minotauren Card Image
Battleworn Faceless Card Image
Smelt Card Image
Stoneskin Armorer Card Image
Sanitize Card Image
Craftsman's Hammer Card Image
Steam Guardian Card Image
Bellowing Flames Card Image


Yogg-Saron, Unleashed Card Image
Kologarn Card Image
Prison of Yogg-Saron Card Image
Flame Behemoth Card Image
Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain Card Image
Ignis, the Eternal Flame Card Image
Algalon the Observer Card Image
Storm Giant Card Image
Son of Hodir Card Image
Eye of Chaos Card Image
Mecha-Leaper Card Image
Fate Splitter Card Image
Razorscale Card Image
Disguised K'thir Card Image
Angry Helhound Card Image
Runefueled Golem Card Image
Prison Breaker Card Image
Celestial Projectionist Card Image
Starlight Whelp Card Image
Containment Unit Card Image
Tram Operator Card Image
XB-488 Disposalbot Card Image
Time-Lost Protodrake Card Image
Saronite Tol'vir Card Image
Imposing Anubisath Card Image
Mechagnome Guide Card Image
Relentless Worg Card Image
Careless Mechanist Card Image
Sharp-Eyed Seeker Card Image
Ravenous Kraken Card Image
Melted Maker Card Image
Trogg Exile Card Image
Cyclopian Crusher Card Image
Watcher of the Sun Card Image
Invent-o-matic Card Image
Flame Revenant Card Image
Drone Deconstructor Card Image
Chaotic Tendril Card Image
Victorious Vrykul Card Image
Ancient Totem Card Image

New TITANS Gameboard

TITANS introduces a new board to sling your cards on. Which references do you see?

TITANS Announcement Video


  • Kaptaintrips's Avatar
    425 403 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year ago

    From into the Cards and into the Games...

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year ago

    And don't forget to vote for Sargeras for extra packs! (link to blizz's event page)
    Edit: Titan Selection Has Concluded


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