Gilded Jade is an event in Whiteout Survival running from 2025/1/22 0:00:00 to 2025/1/29 23:59:59 UTC celebrating the New Lunar Year. It comprises of several smaller events. Earn Frostjade from various sources to use it to win great prizes.

Attack of the Nian

"Woe to our City! The fearsome Nians always strike after New Year's. Beat back the monsters with Wu Ming to bring peace."

Event Rules

  1. Use Frostjade to attack the Flamehorn Nians during the event to obain Nian Hunter's Chests containing a selection of random rewards.
  2. Each Flamehorn Nian defeated confers 2 Treasure Points, a Flamehorn Slayer's Chest containing a selection of random rewards, and chance to draw out the most fearsome of them all: Nian King!
  3. The Nian King is a crafty but greedy lord who may flee when attacked, yet has been known to drop the bountiful Nian Nemesis Chest full of awesome rewards.
  4. Striking the Nian King may also yield the Nian King Treasure depending on the number of blows dealt.
  5. Should you inflict the coveted Lucky Strike, attacks will no longer cost you any Frostjade (up to a certain point).
  6. Auto-Attack will only activate when you stay on the event page.
  7. Each Attack landed earns 2 New Year Points.
  8. Any remaining Frostjade left over at the end of the event will be mailed in the form of 1K Secured Resource Supply Chest.
  9. Prize Rates:
    • Chance to draw Nian King per Flamehorn Nian defeated: 20%.
    • The Nian King may be struck between 3-15 times in a single appearance with a 10% chance for 10 or more attacks.
    • The grand prize reward rate at or above 10 attacks is based on the Prize Pool Rate.
    • The Prize Pool Rate is increased by Prize Pool Points.
    • Total chance to trigger the Nian King Prize Pool for 10 or more attacks: 0.06%.

As far as I know, there is no special trick to increase your chance to gain the treasure outside attacking the boss when the Treasure Points are high. But RNG can let you have it even at low Treasure Points. In the rules, they now specify the chances to claim it and they say you need at least 10 punches to the boss. In similar events in the past I asked multiple people who got the treasure who were from my state and most of them said they did the minimum 3 attacks or sub-10 attacks, so either the 10-punch rule is a new addition, or they were lying, or the rule doesn't actually work lol.

In any case, the chance is so low since the treasure is shared between multiple (or all?) servers so don't get your hopes up. And if you do get it, congrats!

Attack Rewards Preview

By attacking and defeating Flamehorn Nian and Nian King you can earn following rewards. These are the "chests" mentioned in the event rules.

Daily Chest Rewards

When attacking Nian, you gain New Year Points. When you reach 300 points each day you can claim the Daily Chest Rewards.

  • 1 attack is 2 points.
  • 1 attack costs 20 Frostjade.
  • 300 points =  3,000 Frostjade.

It is advised to save at least 3,000 Frostjade for the last day of the event to be able to claim the last Daily Chest Rewards.

Leaderboard Rewards

Dancing Lion City Skin

You can unlock Dancing Lion City Skin permanently or for 30 days by placing high on the leaderboard.

Lucky Spring

Participate in Attack of the Nian, attack the Nian for Gilded Points to level up and unlock rewards.

  • 1 attack is 2 Gilded Points.
  • 1 attack costs 20 Frostjade.

Purchase the [Ripple Romance] and [Gilded Blessings] for extra rewards. The packs are only available during the event.

  • $4.99 Ripple Romance
  • $9.99 Gilded Blessings

Unclaimed rewards will be mailed at the end of the event.

Kasia's Wish House

  1. During the event, you can obtain Wish Vouchers by completing commissions or purchasing Packs.
  2. Spend Wish Vouchers to earn generous rewards in Kasia's Wish House.
  3. Kasia's Wish House and the commissins open for 5 days, but you can still redeem rewards in Kasia's Shop on the 6th day.

Wish and Rewards

  1. As soon as you've made enough wishes, you can collect the matching bonus rewards on the progress bar.
  2. Each regular wish builds up Wish Points. Chiefs can spend Wish Points for a Sincere Wish which will always land on a Mythic corner prize.
  3. Redeem the Dream Marks collected from wishes at Kasia's Shop for big rewards.

Kasia's Shop

The shop offers seem to be the same in older and newer states. Young states who did not yet unlock Fire Crystal Age or Legendary Hero Gear will not be offered Fire Crystals and Mithril.

What Is the Best Item to Buy in Kaisa's Shop?

That really depends on what you need / want at the moment.

Fire Crystals and Design Plans are always a bottleneck for F2P, so you cannot go wrong with those. Though Mithril seems quite interesting as well, basically one Mithril for 30 Fire Crystals for example seems like a great deal. Speedups might be a consideration on a farm account or on main in a younger state if a player wishes to push for Furnace Lv. 30 ASAP.


As you can see in the previous paragraph, chances for the Dream Marks are so incredibly low, that this is one of the worst events of its kind to get any event currency to buy upgrade items in the shop. You can guarantee to get some Dream Marks by buying packs and hitting the 100 Wish threshold to transform the Wish into a Sincere Wish, but that is quite expensive.

Without buying packs, if you complete all the Commission tasks, you can get up to 26 Wishes, meaning you can only reach the first Progress Reward of 3x 1K Gems.

Reward Reissuance

  1. When the event ends, unclaimed Commission or Milestone Rewards will be sent to your mail. Be sure to claim them!
  2. Every 100 unused Wish Points automatically grant one Sincere Wish with rewards sent to your mail. Any unused Wish Points below 100 will be reset.
  3. Wish Vouchers and Dream Marks won't be reset and can still be used in the next event.

(These are chance-based rewards. Purchasing or participating does not guarantee you'll receive a specific item.)

Wishful Packs

All pack purchases, including the Free Pack, refresh daily.

Conversion rate for the currency on the picture is roughly 25 CZK = 1 USD.

Lucky Pouch

  1. When used, the Lucky Pouch can be shared in chat channels for other Chiefs to claim.
  2. The Lucky Pouch remains valid for 24 hours, after which it expires and cannot be claimed.
  3. You can claim up to 10 Lucky Pouches shared by others each day.
  4. If you successfully share a pouch, you'll receive a pouch reward for yourself that does not count towards your daily claim limit.
  5. When sharing a Lucky Pouch, you can choose whether to share it to the World Channel. Bonus Lucky Pouches won't use up your items but only have a 50% chance of sharing successfully.
  6. World Channel Lucky Pouches require a Lv. 10 Furnace to claim and cannot be send or claimed in the Cross-State World Channel.
  7. When you successfully claim a Lucky Pouch, you will receive a reward of 500 to 5,000 Gems.

The 24 hour limit is rather funny since the pouches are claimed within 1 or 2 seconds of them being shared in the chat. People are just that fast.

King of Spring

"Become the messenger of Spring Festival and celebrate the holiday with all survivors."

Event Rules

  1. The event is divided into 7 stages. Each stage will last for 1 day.
  2. Chiefs may obtain points in every stage by meeting the designated requirements and claim rewards when enough points are collected.
  3. At the end of every stage, Stage Ranking Rewards will be issued based on the stage ranking.
  4. When the event is over, Total Ranking Rewards will be issued based on the total ranking.

Stage 1: Power Boost

Raise 1 Power through Construction.1
Raise 1 Power through Research.1
Raise 1 Power by training/promoting troops.1
Use Epic Recruitment 1 time(s).11,000
Use Advanced Recruitment 1 time(s).3,300
Use 1 Rare Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.500
Use 1 Epic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.2,200
Use 1 Mythic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.6,000

Personal Rewards

Stage 2: Beast Slay

Call rally and hunt down 1 Polar Terror(s).30,000
Kill a Lv.1-30 Beast.9,900

Personal Rewards

Stage 3: Hero Development

Use Epic Recruitment 1 time(s).11,000
Use Advanced Recruitment 1 time(s).3,300
Use 1 Rare Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.500
Use 1 Epic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.2,200
Use 1 Mythic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.6,000
Use 1m of Speedups for Construction.60
Use 1m of Speedups for Research.60
Use 1m of Speedups for Training (Training, Promotion).60

Personal Rewards

Stage 4: Train Troops

Train 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s)*.5
Train 1 Lv. 2 Troop(s)*.7
Train 1 Lv. 3 Troop(s)*.10
Train 1 Lv. 4 Troop(s)*.16
Train 1 Lv. 5 Troop(s)*.23
Train 1 Lv. 6 Troop(s)*.36
Train 1 Lv. 7 Troop(s)*.50
Train 1 Lv. 8 Troop(s)*.68
Train 1 Lv. 9 Troop(s)*.90
Train 1 Lv. 10 Troop(s)*.118
Train 1 Lv. 11 Troop(s)*.140

*Points earned from promotion are the difference in points between training troops of the corresponding levels.

Personal Rewards

Stage 5: Hero Gear

Use 1 Hero Gear Essence Stone(s).25,000
Use 1 Widget(s) of any Hero Exclusive Gear.50,000
Use 1 Gem(s).10

Personal Rewards

Stage 6: Gather Resources

Gather 1,000 Meat in the Wilderness.10
Gather 1,000 Wood in the Wilderness.10
Gather 200 Coal in the Wilderness.10
Gather 50 Iron in the Wilderness.10
Raise 1 Power through Construction.1
Raise 1 Power through Research.1
Raise 1 Power by training/promoting troops.1

Personal Rewards

Stage 7: Chief Gear

Raise max Chief Gear score by 1 (excluding Charm).50
Use 1m of Speedups for Construction.60
Use 1m of Speedups for Research.60
Use 1m of Speedups for Training (Training, Promotion).60

Personal Rewards

Stage Ranking Rewards

All stages except for Stage 4 have the same Ranking rewards.

Stage 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Rewards

Stage 4 Rewards

Total Ranking Rewards

Symphony of the New Year

  1. Complete designated missions during the event to earn rewards.
  2. Complete all missions on a vertical/horizontal axis to earn stage chest.
  3. Complete all missions to obtain the [Verdant Reliquary].
  4. Unclaimed rewards will be mailed at the end of the event.

Fight in 20 Arena Challenge(s)

15x 10K Iron (Secured)

Raise 300,000 Power through Troop Training

55x 10K Coal (Secured)

Make 60 Alliance Contribution(s)

270x 10K Meat (Secured)

300x Frostjade

10x Skin Token

8x Fire Crystal

Recruit 30 Hero(es)

55x 10K Coal (Secured)

Login for 1 Day(s)

270x 10K Meat (Secured)

Claim 60 Alliance Gifts

270x 10K Wood (Secured)

300x Frostjade

10x Skin Token

8x Fire Crystal

Spend 1,000 Chief Stamina

270x 10K Meat (Secured)

Raise 8,000 Power through Construction

270x 10K Wood (Secured)

Claim 15 Online Reward(s)

15x 10K Iron (Secured)

300x Frostjade

10x Skin Token

8x Fire Crystal

Carry out 15 Intel Mission(s)

270x 10K Wood (Secured)

Gather 10,000,000 resources

15x 10K Iron (Secured)

Use 2,000m of Any Speedup

55x 10K Coal (Secured)

300x Frostjade

10x Skin Token

8x Fire Crystal

Provide [Alliance Help] 140 Time(s)

15x 10K Iron (Secured)

Call rally and hunt down 5 Polar Terror(s)

55x 10K Coal (Secured)

Purchase 1 pack(s) with price not lower than $4.99

270x 10K Meat (Secured)

300x Frostjade

10x Skin Token

8x Fire Crystal

600x Frostjade

20x Skin Token

15x Fire Crystal

2x Mythic Exploration Manual

600x Frostjade

20x Skin Token

15x Fire Crystal

2x Mythic Exploration Manual

300x Frostjade

20x Skin Token

15x Fire Crystal

4x Mythic Expedition Manual

2,000x Frostjade

50x Fire Crystal

2x Mythic General Hero Shard

100x Skin Token

Top-up Benefits

Panda Fury March Skin

Reaching the last reward tier will unlock the Panda Fury March Skin.

Jade Quest

Rare treasures filled with New Year's cheer are scattered all over the Tundra. You may stumble upon Frostjade while slaying beasts, gathering resources, spending Gems, or using Speedups.

  • 1000 Gems = 10 Frostjade

Calculation for Expected Frostjade Gain During the Event

  • Up to 3,000 Frostjade earned via gathering resources.
  • Up to 7,000 Frostjade earned via slaying beasts.
  • Up to 11,900 Frostjade earned via King of Springs Personal Stage Rewards (7 x 1,700)*.
  • Up to 2,400 Frostjade earned via Symphony of the New Year rewards (plus extra 2,600 if you buy the pack and finish the puzzle).

Total expected Frostjade gain is at least 24,300 if you complete all the "free" event requirements which should be enough to unlock all Lucky Spring's reward levels and to be able to punch Nians 150 times a day for the cost of 3,000 Frostjade to claim the Daily Chest Reward seven times.

  • Make sure to save at least 3,000 Frostjade for the last day of the event to be able to claim the final Daily Chest Reward.