Rant/Buff/Nerf concerning Bombs (and Big Priest) - somehow constructive critique

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

TLDR: 1.) Advertising a change to bombs (summoning minions instead of doing direct damage) 2.) Not directly implied, but: Bombs should do 3dmg 3.) Nerfing Bomb Warrior this way could nerf Big Priest in Wild (simultaneously nerfing two 1-2 tier decks) 4.) I do realize that there exist counters, but having only consistent counters that need 20+ min to win the game might not be healthy for the game overall


So yes, I'm passively ranting against Bomb Warrior and Big Priest since like two months. Ans YES, THIS THREAD MIGHT AS WELL BE IN SOME OF THOSE THREATS - BUT I want to discuss a solution and not the problem... (This is more about wild than standard, but hey there are some interactions that still concern standard players)


But first look at some problems/interactions with:

  1. Concerning Big Priest: If you're still looking for reasons to nerf this, well... (No, the deck is NOT OP, but contrary to other decks you win against aggro and control decks still have to invest time AND thought into beating you)
  2. Concerning Bomb Warrior: Hell yeah, a new theme in standard! However, bombs interact with: Reno Decks (adding additional cards of the same kind), Spell card draw (denies Far Sight, gets drawn by Spirit of the Frog), Spells overall ([Hearthstone Card (Dragons Fury) Not Found], Grand Archivist)
  3. But since they cast on draw, they DO NOT interact with cards like Zul'jin, Wild Pyromancer, etc (which is consistent in itself, I give you that)


My proposal to change (nerf/buff) this mechanic:

All bomb generating cards create a proxy card (for your opponent) that reads 'When drawn, summon a 1/1 bomb that deals 5 damage to your hero'. (I still do advertise the 3dmg bombs...)


Why would this be preferable? (Pros:)

  • It creates a consistent and bearable counter against Big Priest in Wild (yes, I do realize BP might not be the best deck but it is frustrating to play against from rank 50 to legend 1000+)
  • You do get a possibility to counter the bombs (Silence/Evolve)
  • Interesting interaction with token decks


  • Dr Boom needs to be reinvented
  • (Open for suggestions)


  • Nuagoo's Avatar
    370 117 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    TLDR: 1.) Advertising a change to bombs (summoning minions instead of doing direct damage) 2.) Not directly implied, but: Bombs should do 3dmg 3.) Nerfing Bomb Warrior this way could nerf Big Priest in Wild (simultaneously nerfing two 1-2 tier decks) 4.) I do realize that there exist counters, but having only consistent counters that need 20+ min to win the game might not be healthy for the game overall


    So yes, I'm passively ranting against Bomb Warrior and Big Priest since like two months. Ans YES, THIS THREAD MIGHT AS WELL BE IN SOME OF THOSE THREATS - BUT I want to discuss a solution and not the problem... (This is more about wild than standard, but hey there are some interactions that still concern standard players)


    But first look at some problems/interactions with:

    1. Concerning Big Priest: If you're still looking for reasons to nerf this, well... (No, the deck is NOT OP, but contrary to other decks you win against aggro and control decks still have to invest time AND thought into beating you)
    2. Concerning Bomb Warrior: Hell yeah, a new theme in standard! However, bombs interact with: Reno Decks (adding additional cards of the same kind), Spell card draw (denies Far Sight, gets drawn by Spirit of the Frog), Spells overall ([Hearthstone Card (Dragons Fury) Not Found], Grand Archivist)
    3. But since they cast on draw, they DO NOT interact with cards like Zul'jin, Wild Pyromancer, etc (which is consistent in itself, I give you that)


    My proposal to change (nerf/buff) this mechanic:

    All bomb generating cards create a proxy card (for your opponent) that reads 'When drawn, summon a 1/1 bomb that deals 5 damage to your hero'. (I still do advertise the 3dmg bombs...)


    Why would this be preferable? (Pros:)

    • It creates a consistent and bearable counter against Big Priest in Wild (yes, I do realize BP might not be the best deck but it is frustrating to play against from rank 50 to legend 1000+)
    • You do get a possibility to counter the bombs (Silence/Evolve)
    • Interesting interaction with token decks


    • Dr Boom needs to be reinvented
    • (Open for suggestions)


  • Dakarian's Avatar
    140 97 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So instead of the bomb immediately going off it would make a minion on the opponent's side that, when it blows up, does 5 damage to the hero holding it.


    Ok firstly it took me writing about 3 pages of text before realizing WHY this would affect Big Priest.  The idea is that the bombs would mess with their res mechanics.  I can see that but.

    1. There's literally only one deck that can use that.  If big Priest is a problem (I'm not wild so I can't assume, but given that it's using Barnes I'm betting it is) then forcing everone to play ONE specific deck in WILD of all places to counter it seems..not a good solution.

    2. It's an unstable one.  You have to draw your bomb making card, use it, then the priest has to draw THEIR bomb card, then you have to kill the 1/1.  Then and ONLY then does Big Priest have a chance of having their res messed up.  

    That's not much of a solution.  


    The other thing you bring up are the interactions.  But your idea doesn't actually CHANGE any of them.  It's still an 'on drawn' card that does something, so Reno/Pyro/ext will still act the same way towards it. It WILL make a major change to mirror matches as the bombs are now mechs that can interact via Rush when you're in your Hero mode.  Which isn't exactly better or worse, just different in a matchup that doesn't sound like it needs anything different.

    So it's really only there to change/nerf Bomb Warrior.  Which first goes to the question of 'why does it need nerfing?'  You admit it's not top tier.  VS shows it's not overplayed.  It doesn't seem to have highly polarized counters.  Are we really proposing a very major mechanical change just to make them slightly less annoying?

    Sidenote Dr. Boom wont' need to be changed.  He doesn't interact with the explosions, just the 'on drawn' cards and your proposal doesn't change THAT part, just what they do when drawn.  

    second sidenote: 3 damage bombs would basically be 'delete the mechanic' at that point.  ARE we trying to get RID of the deck?

    Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions? 


  • Gerix55's Avatar
    120 29 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Well, i don't have problem with bomb warrior, if it's really need some answer i would just reduce it damage to 4 or 3: The only issue i see is the number of bomb generaring card compared to it's damage. 2 Wrenchcalibur, 2 Clockwork Goblin, 2 [Hearthstone Card (Seaforiu00000m bomber) Not Found] is excatly 30 dmg without [Hearthstone Card (Augumented elekk) Not Found], and even more with it, wich imo a bit high. But as i said i have little problem with it in wild: Oaken Summonsand [Hearthstone Card (Branching path) Not Found] my best friends, hehe.

    Big priest on the other hand..., a bit more problematic: you CAN nuke it with snowball aggro(murloc shaman, tokem druid) before turn 4/5, but there still i big chance for an Obsidian Statue to wreck the game. I think either they should remove the UNIQUE part of the ress effect from the spellstone, so you can tech with some card againts it(Imagine 3 treasure chest from a spellstone, lul), or change Barnes, and Shadow Essence functionality, so they summon that minion from the deck, not just a copy of it: So 1 Hex/Polymorph/devolve etc. would remove the card from their deck, not just removing the immediate threat to just face it 2 turns later. 

    That's from me, and this just suggestion, don't jump to my throat :d

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