New Neutral Minion - Tour Guide
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Tour Guide, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Tour Guide, has been revealed!
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looks immensly abuseable, just not sure how exactly. It's literally Fencing Coach except not garbage.
There are some Inspire style synergies out there that will be amazing with this.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I am currently playing fencing coach in my wild otk pally (I think its better then thaurasan), this card is just so much better
They finally made this kind of card save you mana.. huh think this is eanough for this to be played..
in warlock it's a 1/1 Kobold Librarian! and sure it's worse (As seen in the Crimson Sigil Runner nerf) but it's important in decks like zoo or quest warlock.
RIP Water Boy and Fencing Coach. Seems pretty good in anything Warlock and Hunter since they are the classes that want to hero power the most (Hunter mostly for the sidequest and 3/5).
Enables hero power combos of all flags and banners. Looking forward to trying this in quest shudderwock shaman and in OTK paladin.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Hero Powers are generally worth 0 mana, slap them onto a 1/1 and you have a decent 1 mana card. The only downside to this card is that you have to spend a card doing a thing you could already do without spending a card. Maybe if it said "Battlecry: Trigger your Hero Power" then it would be more playable. I don't think it is a bad card as it is, but not great. I really like these kinds of effects that mess with your hero power, but none of them have really been any good.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It can be an Elven Archer for Mage, a Lost in the Jungle for Paladin, and... that's actually it. It is a worse Kobold Librarian in Warlock, although it still isn't bad. It's actually a decent turn 1 play for Paladin too.
Hunters could also use it with Phase Stalker or Dragonbane. Has potential to be good.
Complete tempo card, may be good in zoolock? I think you still can do better than put this in the deck.
Its a card that allows you to hero power for nothing, trumping its cousin [Hearthstone Card (water boy) Not Found] by miles.
But in what deck would a hero power for nothing be useful? Maybe in hunter, with Phase Stalker being so handy. Maybe in zoo, where being able to get 1 more card without losing tempo is actually not too bad.
In most cases, this is just a filler with a small niche that can be useful, maybe, sometimes.
This concept has been in custom HS community for YEARS, and Blizzard has finally done it. This is slightly different to the copied card, but serves a similar purpose of being a Hero Power-related 1-drop. And that is a huge change in the conversation.
Shudderwock can now play this to use Heart of Vir'naal AND Shudderwock on the same turn. As a big fan of that legendary, this is my must craft once I get the Quest.
This also allows OTK Paladin (the Paladin DK OTK) to actually OTK without Emperor Thaurissan. Auctionmaster Beardo -> Tour Guide -> (HP -> 0-Cost Libram of Wisdom) x4
5/5 in Wild, 3/5 in Standard, as they have less room to abuse the discounted Hero Power.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
I guess this is decent - 1 Mana 1/1 + free Hero Power is good - at least for some classes :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
idk if there's a deck that want to slot this, it doesn't help with existing archetype, at least in standard.
So this is amazing in Hunter, because of the inspire "After you use your hero power" cards like Phase Stalker. Actually Tour Guide on turn 1 let's you turn 2 HP + Phase Stalker into a free secret. This seems strong to me. Also in mage it's a Elven Archer, in warlock a slightly worse Kobold Librarian, and in paladin it's basicly Lost in the Jungle. This card has a LOT of potential!
IN WILD: NOOOOOO! this card let's quest shaman double Shudderwocks battlecry! This is honestly extremely scary and will steal games.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
What was that 2-mana card that had the same effect? No one ever played it, but this might be better at 1 mana.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This can be actually a viable card in some standard decks, especially ones that want to hero power a lot in the early game. And has synergie with the new "croc" guy on 2 - drawing you a card in addition to using your hero power and droping 2/3 body on t2.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Shameless power creep is shameless (and yes, I will be posting this exact same text on similar power creeping cards).
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Powercreep of Fencing Coach. Right now I can't see where to play it. So...filer for me
Useful for getting body and hero power out on turn one if you can. Amazing with buffs I'm sure.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Adding it to the shadderwork deck day 1
A better waterboy. Will use it in my odd mage
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is miles better than Fenching Coach and Waterboy. Might see play in Exodia Paladin.
Hunters will run two for sure.
"Here is the original blueprint for the Academy grounds! Don't mind those so-called dark chambers… They'll be at the end of the tour."
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
OK, so:
- 1/1 with a totem in shaman, pretty decent
- worse N'Zoth's First Mate in rogue, not sure about this one
- worse Kobold Librarian for warlock, though that card is crazy
- Lost in the Jungle for paladin, pretty good
- instant Leper Gnome for hunter + obvious hero power synergy, pretty decent
- useless in DH, druid, priest, mage and warrior
Then there's the fact that this is auto-include in just about any odd deck.
Also makes exodia paladin and shudderwock shaman much easier.
Nice wild card. Not gonna see play in standard.
The effect is real nice as it doesn't restrict you to that turn but the card overall is nothing exciting
All hail the banshee queen.
The effect is good, but not every class can make use of it. Good in Paladin, Warlock, Shaman.
Rastakhan's Rumble had a very similar minion with Waterboy, a 2 mana 2/1 minion that made your hero power on that turn cost (0)
This minion says "next hero power" allowing you to choose when you want to use that free hero power.
Decks such as zoolock will be able to play this on curve and hero power, Tempo DH can play this with Battlefiend and attack for 3/3 worth of stats on the board.
despite it's weak stats it's flexible cost and battlecry will have it find home in tempo and aggressive decks once scholomance launches
Decent, but not worth a deck slot. Reasonable in arena I guess.
Ridiculously good card that already seems to be an auto-include in most odd decks for wild.
Poor Waterboy, I always wanted to be able to use you in some kind of clever way.
Really good with high value hero powers. Galakrond, Warlock, Shaman, Paladin make good use of this.
Maybe some kind of facehunter can take profit of this.
Basically is a 1 mana 1/1 minion with battlecry "deal 2 damage to the enemy Hero" and sinergizes with inspire cards.
By The Holy Light!
Decent, mainly for combo uses I’d imagine though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Waterless Waterboy. Better, but still far from good.
Odd Decks rejoice!
Your slavery to the Waterboy ends this day!
Not bad, free hero power on turn one
Just useless tech, might see play in the Arena.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Maybe it will see play on Odd Demon Hunter decks
Tour Guide is a better Fencing Coach in a Corrupt the Waters Shudderwock Combo Shaman.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
This only feels good on turn 1 as in subsequent turns the mana cheat doesn't have as much impact. Even when Tour Guide is played on turn 1, there are many better options for 1 drops like Blazing Battlemage. In wild, this is more useful for OTK Paladin and Shudderwock Shaman, so it's more of a wild card than a standard card in my opinion.
For glory, honor, and gold!
another Waterboy for 1 less. You'd think being a Tour Guide would be a more respectable job, guess not xD
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I like your review, the card now looks better to me than on the first glance. There is still a significant difference when you compare those cards. For example, instant leper gnome, but then you can't use hero power again on the same turn :)
This feels breakable, but probably not in Standard. I look forward to seeing someone pull off a ridiculous combo in a video and then spending way too long trying to replicate it.
Welcome to the site!
Warlock zoo should autoinclude it, will definetly see play
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
Doesn't look like much at first glance, but I bet it'll see a lot of play as it'll turn out to be very strong.